
Somewhere in Western Europe

 I think everyday can be the last day because a man don't know future, but I think this is something by a present about the Western Europe continent. Maybe a maps speak something different than how I see who are Western Europe countries but a maps don’t know a political language. 

Belgium - A heart of European Union. By lifestyles Belgium is Western Europe. In Belgium you can feel how looks Western Europe. And place where was born people as is in techno culture revolutionarist Charlotte de Witte. I think Charlotte de Witte is pretty presentation of Belgium itself. But also place where we can found people as is Amelie Lens. And Belgium has a good economy. After richest country in the world that is Luxembourg and after Netherlands is Belgium the most rich country in Western Europe. Belgium has better economy than Germany, France or United Kingdom. 

Netherlands - Amazing culture. Feel that somewhere exist little America 2 with Western Europe and Europe together. Beautiful and more profound architecture and economy, pretty profound water streams using, interesting solutions for local energy supply of homes, cities and industry. Pretty high-tech civilization. Good and maybe most faster public transport infrastructure in Europe for cars, buses, train and the best place for bikers (In Netherlands is more bikes than citizens). Somedays I have feeling that cars in Netherlands are the most clean (clean as clean not as clean energy, although this second is also to see with power stations around homes) or preserved cars that I don’t see in Central Europe. And nice and pretty directly people of many colors. Beautiful cities, events and places across whole country. Good infrastructure. Nice seas. I think when modern liquid drum and bass have rich fundamentals in Netherlands, this is something by Netherlands vibes itself. That Netherlanders are most active people in Europe, it's something that is possible to find in the reality. I think environment it's everything. And I think because Netherlands is Netherlands Netherlands people have more active life's. Netherlands is good environment. During sun summer times for example, often Netherlands looks as a 'Hawaii'. Especially South Holland, Rotterdam area itself or Amsterdam area also looks like that. And in Netherlands is common a hollyday vibes as a evergreen, I think. People are more peaceful people because their environment that speak about common soul of Netherlands. Netherlands people are pretty profound esthetic people and their environment looks wealthy like that. Environment in cities or green areas around villages, including not so more agglomerative not just a factory agriculture is often pretty idealistic and clean how look Netherlands environment. Netherlands people are an first European country where is adopted English language. More like 90 percent Netherlands people speak for English that this look as when also English in the Netherlands is a native language. And Netherlands is second richest country in Western Europe. 

France - Very colorful country. In France are areas or provinces that are total different. There are places that looks as is common architecture for Central Europe (around Nancy for example), or places that are as San Tropez or Monaco or cities that looks as a Germany cities or cities where architecture looks similarly to Eastern Germany (Strasbourg, for example). And there are places where is more dangerous reality or peaceble places. There are Alps or there are places as are summer holiday destinations. Many beautiful places, architectures and culture. 

Luxembourg - I think that Luxembourg city is UNESCO, that a man can see across whole Luxembourg. The same, when Luxembourg is the richest country in the world, this can be to see in Luxembourg. Beautiful country of a great heritage and modern world together. 

Germany - That Germany is the one of the most powerful economy in the world, this can be to see across the big country. Beautiful cities where you can see somewhere history of Germany or modern high-tech civilization. Cities are colorful and people there are more colorful, especially locality as is Berlin area. Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt or Western Germany as is area around Düsseldorf or Dortmund are different cities. In Berlin area are very colorful people that probably you can't to see everywhere in Europe. Munich is more modern city and without Munchen Hauptbanhof, Munich is pretty clean city. Frankfurt is as a city between Eastern Europe and Western Europe and Frankfurt is city with difficult architecture. Frankfurt Airport itself that looks. When a man arrived to Cologne the man can see that here is Western Europe. And Dortmund or Düsseldorf is Western Europe. I think more clean green environment around Cologne say that I am on different place than is a Central Europe. And around Dortmund or Düsseldorf the architecture or green environment itself is like the Netherlands more than an Eastern Europe. 


New Sidney SN Session: Roots Of Everything

 Probably 10 hours ago I released a new Sidney SN story on bassblog.pro/sidneysn1404/. Check it there. 

I just especially searched for a new sweet tracks for a sweet full liquid tune into my headphones. Result is Roots Of Everything

I think someday music can say it all. And liquid drum and bass is for me still something where I can found sweet what I want in my headphones. 

 “As melting wonder in the world”


01: flowanastasia & Nymfo – River Flows (Deviant Audio)

02: Keeno ft. Vio.let – Frenzy (Keeno Music)

03: Nymfo & Waeys – OSD (Love For Low Frequencies)

04: Leniz & Perspective Shift - Hazy (Ft. Matt Freeman) (Differential Recordings)

05: Flava D – Mesmerise (Hospital Records)

06: Edlan & Dustkey - Melting Hearts (feat. Ella Noël) (Liquicity Records)

07: HumaNature, Alpha Rhythm, Natus - Lost River (Fokuz Recordings)

08: SOLAH - Everything Is Possible (Hospital Records)

09: Miss Redflower – Conundrum (Hospital Records)

10: Riya, Loz Contreras, Aperio – Keep You With Me (Galacy)

11: Alix Perez - I'm Free (Shogun Audio)

12: Edlan - Go Back Home (Instrumental (Liquicity Records)

13: Phloem – Low Tide (Galacy)

14: Monty & Alix Perez – Cursive (1985 Music)

15: Low:r – Bubbles (Galacy)

and 16: Landmarks by Edlan (Liquicity Records)


Too many

 I have a questions to me about what I did when there was been many a positive vibes to me from a my Czech fans. 

When I faced the violence against my person in a very well know situation, I don't believe why there was it. 

Maybe someone tryings about doubting my person what there was been but I don't know how could be possible to someone could speak untruth about the reasons what there was against my person. Probably everyone knows.

I don't believe my person was being as an influencer for people around how it was that I faced the violence against my person. And what is very sad for me is a truth, drum and bass as a culture take a non-violence as a political goal (the same as is common be against racism or be for LGBTQ, for example). There could be a doubts about if is someone drum and bass when take a physical violence as the solution against drum and bass artists. I really doubt about who is someone or about a values what someone tryings get to drum and bass.

I don't want more speaking here about this violence and differences among drum and bass in Central Europe and in Western Europe, but I want to say I think I probably took good way when I said stop to myself what I found to Sidney SN by Czech Sidney SN fans. For example, I don't see before that someone applauded name of drum and bass artists on a stages. 

I liked what there was on a stages, but I though if are sustainable for myself this very good situations by Sidney SN fans and I said to myself I probably must say stop. I little apologize for this a Sidney SN behavior but I see now as an unsustainable to I could visit any Prague events. For example, when I visited USK Prague Women during their match in European Women’s Basketball League I said to myself better would be a way to Western Europe than what I see everywhere around. And an events I understand as more worst reality for me than was there a reality when I went from the train to the stadium. I have no interest about a Czech events. There was been also a situation in the train from Munich to Prague when a United Kingdom boy said, ‘Czech are a human flash!’. Maybe I can visit a match by USK (although I have little a fear about I don’t want be again a nervousness for that you’re nervous because me and a match don’t work better) but for me I see as an unsustainable an events reality in Prague. In a way, due a red plans this UK boy has been a total right about a reality in Czechia in these times. And not only because of it, but in the context of this his thought. 


Back To Skyward


 Sidney SN is there with a new Drum And Bass mix. 

Back To Skyward is not only a full liquid drum and bass, but the mix is a more colorful. 

As Back To Skyward specialty is the vibes of the tracks what I mixed together.

Back To Skyward is little an energetic drum and bass mix by a my energy I don’t want prisoned in my mind.

When I listened When We Were Cool by Boxplot, I wanted to mixing a set with a similarly vibes across whole a drum and bass mix. And a result of the my trying is the Back To Skyward. 

Wen We Were Cool sound as an America vibes (often what in Europe we listening in American movies) as is Boxplot an American men itself.

The mix was been little difficult to mixing for me, but a result is there as Back To Sky. In the mix are often changing a melodies when in Back To Sky I mixing liquid drum and bass tracks with a deep drum and bass tracks and with more vocal and instrumental and energetic tracks as is When We Were Cool, Release Yourself, Human Again or RIENK in New Horizon.

I tried also to in Back To Sky could be a tracks with similarly men vocals as is vocal by James Burki in When We Were Cool and Sam M in Release Yourself or vocal in New Horizon completed what I wanted for a Back To Skyward.

As an American movie, life itself is like a movie someday. And in Back To Skyward mix is also a story of a real life's. Human Again by Boxplot is a life story itself.

Listening and download: Back To Skyward


IYRE – Drifting Sideways (Soulvent Records)

Silence Grow – The Bells (Offworld Recordings)

Ekko and Sidetrack feat. Sam M – Release Yourself (Viper Recordings)

Kuttin Edge – Say Again (Bop Remix) (Locked Concept)

Kyrist – Underfall (Sofa Sound)

Boxplot feat. Sam M – When We Were Cool (Pilot.)

Arpx feat. Alibi – One Weeks Before (SUNANDBASS Records)

Scuro and Katon – Pursuit (Ascension Audio)

Boxplot – Human Again (Liquicity Records)

CELO – Summer Blues (Interstellar Audio)

Solsan – Moon Child (Drum Army)

NCT feat. RIENK – New Horizon (Liquicity Records)


When my mind fails

Potsdam, Germany
 I think often there are a words about support Sidney SN by United Kingdom drum and bass artists, but no words about C Recordings, for example. C Recordings it's a best German drum and bass records.

I think eyes can be opened the same way to C Recordings as is that to many United Kingdom drum and bass records or UK people. But a truth is, when Soulvent Records started liking my Instagram, it was something what I didn't expected. Or another examples as is an interest by Shogun Audio. I think, Soulvent Records or Shogun Audio is an edge of drum and bass records. 

What was been pretty unexpected for me, was something what I started watching in reality. When Sidney SN name was applauded in Prague clubs is a one example, because during 2022 or 2023 I didn't believed for many times about Sidney SN know people from whole Europe. And not only people from drum and bass but also people from different scenes as are Netherlands techno events, progressive scene or Western Europe public itself. And almost for every time these reactions on my person was positive. 

When I found about me know whole Western Europe, this was something what took off my mind because I didn't expected something as this popularity across Western Europe. Often I had a questions to me as is possible the popularity. I though people from drum and bass are not popular at public itself, but me is popular at public itself as is Germany public itself. And even these reactions on my person was positive especially for every time. Or a meetings in France or the events in Netherlands, the same. 

And what I see as a positive is a situation or things around me what is especially the reason why about me know whole Western Europe; It's something what said me many good things about Western Europe society.