Showing posts with label Statement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Statement. Show all posts


My teacher

 Who was Your teacher 👍 👍 

There was recently a Netherlands festival where I got a like from a men. 

I said, Yeah. And I got a smile to him. But (haha) I don't know that he thought. 

There was questions in my mind about liquid drum and bass. And a truth is that I was inspired Chilloutbear YouTube platform, for example. But Sidney SN mixes have own fundamentals. 

Especially that I wanted were mixes with especially liquid drum and bass tracks that I listened on YouTube platforms as was Chilloutbear. A senses of Sidney SN is something that I want in the World or that I feel in the world. There could be Australia or Netherlands that inspired me or they are my teacher, for example. 

Or there was someone who brought my person to deep drum and bass. But Sidney SN using deep drum and bass for liquid drum and bass especially. Somedays I mixing deep drum and bass mixes but it are an experiments especially. 

But also, there could be Universe that he though. But I don't know who brought Universe to a life. I think the person who brought Universe to my life is my person, because I think existence of everything it's something to unbelievable. But someday life is as the movie Clash of the Titans, I think. There are a God's who manipulate with a reality when you get a reality for that don't know so clear why to a times when you aware the truth. 

I think especially my teacher is especially environment around. There was many situations in my life that are the reason when I said to myself this is not right, this I don't want. And I think these situations when I said No that I see, these situations are the teacher. 

But also good environments are the teacher.

Maybe the men thought something total different but it was interesting because that he thought. 

And there is something another about my mixing. From a start I mixing by the same principles. In 2005 when during autumn I started with tryings for a MP3 mixing I had the same imaginations about mixing. Only in these times there not existed modern liquid drum and bass and I tried making something that melodic and with stories with techno and non-techno tracks mixing together. 

Probably I can't say everything about that I think, because this is something that makes my mixing. And probably this is the reason for your likes or applaus that there exist. On other side everyone know that I like remixing tracks as a mixing that I can bring there another liquid drum and bass mix. 


When my mind fails

Potsdam, Germany
 I think often there are a words about support Sidney SN by United Kingdom drum and bass artists, but no words about C Recordings, for example. C Recordings it's a best German drum and bass records.

I think eyes can be opened the same way to C Recordings as is that to many United Kingdom drum and bass records or UK people. But a truth is, when Soulvent Records started liking my Instagram, it was something what I didn't expected. Or another examples as is an interest by Shogun Audio. I think, Soulvent Records or Shogun Audio is an edge of drum and bass records. 

What was been pretty unexpected for me, was something what I started watching in reality. When Sidney SN name was applauded in Prague clubs is a one example, because during 2022 or 2023 I didn't believed for many times about Sidney SN know people from whole Europe. And not only people from drum and bass but also people from different scenes as are Netherlands techno events, progressive scene or Western Europe public itself. And almost for every time these reactions on my person was positive. 

When I found about me know whole Western Europe, this was something what took off my mind because I didn't expected something as this popularity across Western Europe. Often I had a questions to me as is possible the popularity. I though people from drum and bass are not popular at public itself, but me is popular at public itself as is Germany public itself. And even these reactions on my person was positive especially for every time. Or a meetings in France or the events in Netherlands, the same. 

And what I see as a positive is a situation or things around me what is especially the reason why about me know whole Western Europe; It's something what said me many good things about Western Europe society.


Foolish memes of an nice body

 A one from a foolish memes is, A man need be a nice body man for an insight, career, art or a sport.

I know personally this thing. It's pretty weird when this someone speak about a person. 

I know about many people, artists who have nothing this all. Especially what a man need for insight is a mind and a potential for be the one or need a nice body and mind because when a man is a owner of the killer combination whole world can know about a weird around you. 

So if someone said, Need a perfect, nice body for a nice life, I said No. A truth is, I have an experiences from Czechia when a nice visage together with a mind is total killer for many people. And this although I think a healthy life and mind is something naturally for a humans, a natural way for an intelligent beings. Because a my killer combination I also leaved a one high school because of it. And I had many different experiences because it and with my thanks to all these supporters I have also now an amazing support by many people by Western Europe because it. 

A my star from a time when I started with modern liquid drum and bass: is Veela.

Veela I know for many years, and also she was been the one of the person who brought me more to liquid drum and bass. 

Veela takes a campaigns about a body. In my opinion, if someone said how bad is their life only because their body, take a thoughts again. 


Sidney SN now on BASS BLOG

 Sidney SN is now on drum and bass mix platform. 

I have there the profile although I don't expecting so much plays as well as on Sidney SN SoundCloud. 


Something about Sidney SN

'Dad, he looks as an Australian.'

  Sidney SN is a liquid drum and bass lover.

Sidney SN brought myself into a world during 2016. A first Sidney release has been Memories On A Future. A first Sidney SN release was been For A Better World 2017.  

For A Better World is a Sidney SN agenda.  

Sidney SN has been inspired especially by YouTube platforms as was Chilloutbear YouTube platform. On Chilloutbear YouTube platform were released tracks by many liquid drum and bass producers who now are very well know. But Sidney SN also has been inspired by Liquiddnbftw, for example. And Sidney SN is inspired also vibes of countries as is Australia, Netherlands or North America, especially California, for example. Or for Sidney SN is inspiration a vibes of a systems as is existence itself. 

In a start, Sidney SN wanted a full liquid drum and bass mixes by the tracks Sidney SN knew at liquid drum and bass platforms as was Chilloutbear. After a time Sidney SN started with an own ways for mixing liquid drum and bass. And because a Sidney SN mixing, Sidney SN is now very well known person with a support by a best drum and bass recordings and people. 

Although Sidney SN is now very well know person, in a start Sidney SN mixed liquid drum and bass as a secondary product of a his active life. Probably Sidney SN approach to a life is also the reason why now is a Sidney SN very well know person. 

Sidney is an English translation of a Sidney SN real name. And SN makes a connection to a Sidney SN real surname. And in way, in Sidney SN is also a vibes of the countries as is Australia which inspired Sidney SN for all time of his existence. In a start, there was a desire for Sydney and Sidney emerged also because the Australian capital city. 

Although Sidney SN is especially a liquid drum and bass lover, during 2019 Sidney SN brought into his mixing also a deep drum and bass. For example, Sidney SN likes artists as is Sustance and his deep drum and bass tracks, Gerra & Stone, Kyrist, Alix Perez, Data 3, Nymfo, Monty, Skeptical, Halogenix, etc. 

A main person who brought Sidney SN to deep drum and bass was United Kingdom deep drum and bass Kyrist. Although Sidney SN had a doubts, in a time he listened a set by Kyrist and this mix influenced Sidney SN. But a deep drum and bass mixes are secondary for Sidney SN mixing and Sidney SN like just a mixing deep drum and bass with a liquid drum and bass and a way of a Sidney SN mixing can change a sound of deep drum and bass due a liquid drum and bass vibes. 

In a way, Sidney SN is strictly liquid drum and bass and nothing will be change because liquid drum and bass is the Sidney SN essence.

What is Liquid Drum And Bass

 Liquid Drum And Bass is a one drum and bass music genre from a lot drum and bass music genres. 

Drum and bass have the roots in a 80’s black culture of North America. In a past of 90's drum and bass was been called Jungle music and expanded from USA to Europe.

Drum and bass is very colorful music genre where is possible to find almost every effects and sounds from another different music genres.

Liquid drum and bass was in a roots as an Intelligent drum and bass. There were specific persons in the 90's roots of Liquid drum and bass as is LTJ Bukem. In the times, Liquid drum and bass not was been called as a Liquid drum and bass, but Liquid drum and bass was called as an Intelligent Jungle or Intelligence Drum And Bass. 

Liquid Drum And Bass is a specific drum and bass music genre where are an instruments itself, vocalist's or many sweet or sadness melodies and means. Because Liquid drum and bass is often with an instruments itself, Liquid drum and bass don't must be a full electronic music genre. Because there is many instruments, symphonies and vocalist's in Liquid drum and bass, this music genre can be called as an Intelligent drum and bass. 

Although Liquid drum and bass exist from 90's, there has been time after 2010 when Liquid drum and bass got listeners more than before, because Liquid drum and bass platforms on YouTube spread the music genre, I think. There was person as is Netsky itself, who did the change in Liquid drum and bass to more listeners after 2010. Especially YouTube platforms as were Chilloutbear or Liquiddnbftw has been the significant YouTube channels for Liquid drum and bass after 2010. In a times on YouTube emerged also Liquicity Records. 

Liquicity Records is a specifically, because Liquicity Records realized Liquid drum and bass events out of platform as is YouTube. Liquicity events are now the biggest Liquid drum and bass events in Europe. But not in United Kingdom. 

In United Kingdom exists Hospital Record, for example. Hospital Record exits from 90's. And Hospital Records belong to the most significant record company in UK or in the world.

In UK are another or other records who take their sense for Liquid drum and bass. Soulvent Record, for example, is a records which have sense in Liquid drum and bass from start of this record. Or Spearhead Records is also very significant UK records for Liquid drum and bass. 

In Germany is possible to find C Recordings. The label is also record which take Liquid drum and bass as own sense. 

Liquicity Records have a roots in Netherlands. In Netherlands is possible to find also other Liquid drum and bass records as is a High Tea.

In history of Liquid drum and bass are also significant another records; V Recordings, for example. Or at Metalheadz is possible to find many Liquid drum and bass senses. 

In Netherlands is significant also Fokuz Recordings. To Fokuz Recordings belong also Celsius Recordings. In Germany is now also Yummy Recordings, for example. In UK a man can find also Goldfat Recordings or Offworldrecordings, for example. 

Among very significant persons of Liquid drum and bass belong LTJ Bukem, London Electricity, Pola & Bryson, Maduk, Nymfo, Riya, Hybrid Minds, Charlotte Haining, Ruth Royal, Changing Faces, DJ Marky, Aperio, Seba, Commix, Keeno, Fred V, Polaris, Makoto, Nu:Logic, Nutone, Technimatics, Bcee, Etherwood, Humanature, LSB, Leniz, for example. There is many a good Liquid drum and bass producers now who is a significant person for Liquid drum and bass. 

I think that Liquid drum and bass can be a music genre which exists on an own without a connection to other drum and bass music genres. Even I think that in a start there were the thoughts for making something different than is current drum and bass scene. From many Liquid drum and bass producers there was a doubting about current drum and bass scene, many people wanted making something total different or they had no one interest about a current drum and bass scene and just they made something that they want to see in the world. 

When I think about liquid drum and bass there are tracks why I love the drum and bass, for example:

Nymfo & Riya - Something Tells Me

London Elektricity - Dub My Dreams

Bcee, Charlotte Haining & LSB - Endlessly Unlimited

LSB & Charlotte Haining - Day Dreamer

Pola & Bryson, Charlotte Haining - Find Your Way

Technimatic & Riya - When the Dawn Breaks

SOLAH - Elevate

Koherent - Mirrors 

Flava D - What I've Always Waited For 

In:Most & Ruth Royall - Back to The Sun

DJ Marky & SOLAH - Poetry 

Polaris, Ritual & Vio.let - Lullaby

imo:lu - Circle

Winslow - Lost In Black Lodge

Keeno - Nocturne 

Emba - Mirrors

IYRE - Drifting Sideways

Boxplot - We Lost It All

Visionobi - Weather The Storm 

Fred V - Skyscraping

Aperio - All Night All Summer

Metrik - Life/Thrills 


A music history of Sidney SN

 During 2001 I found Love Parade CD compilation in Carrefour in Pilsen, Czechia. Although – among other music genres - in my 90´s childhood I listened electronic music as was Scooter for example (I had every Scooter release), during my 15 old Love Parade compilation was something totally different that I listened before.

Love Parade compilation 2001 brought me to techno culture. 

In early 2000 I visited some techno events in Czechia. But there was something wrong as a common drug reality why I leaved the Czech techno events during 2004. 

I think because drug as is Czech methamphetamine was also the reason for why I rejected Czech techno events.

After 2005 there was boom in a speed techno as is a hard techno or schranz, or in Czechia was boom in free tekno as a total free drug reality. People on speed wanted speed in techno or they wanted free for drug using on free tekno events, I think.

The times during and after 2005 was for me difficult time. Because I didn’t like disco (this is not as EDM reality as is at Tomorrowland) events in Czechia similarly as the drug reality on techno or I don’t like free tekno and everything that is a free tekno non-culture. In these times I searched for a new music genre which will be possible for me. I listened progressive tech-house or German minimal techno, for example. And I also liked Inigo Kennedy tracks, for example. In Inigo Kennedy tracks I saw a vibes of a mystery of existence itself. 

Probably as an answer to speed techno there was a boom in minimal techno, during 2006. I found something from me in a minimal techno. And in the same time I also found progressive tech-house. Progressive tech-house also was something that saving my reality before 2010.

Drum and bass events I visiting from 2001 and first drum and bass CD which I listened during autumn 2001 was Ed Rush. Jungle was as a second stage on a Czech techno events during early 2001 and the second stages brought me to drum and bass. But I didn’t like a Czech mainstream jungle or drum and bass events and drum and bass not was been something as a first that I wanted for many years.

But truth is, during autumn 2006 I found a drum and bass German website where was a dark drum and bass (as is current neurofunk) and also there was uploaded a liquid, funky drum and bass mixes. This German website was first contact for me with something where in drum and bass were more interested instruments and funky things. This funky or liquid drum and bass which I found on the German drum and bass website was for me something total different than I knew at Czech events (a times without online there was especially.).

During times when I searched for something more liquid drum and bass before 2010, I found Artificial Intelligence, for example. The UK project was something that I liked pretty much in my headphones: Good liquid drum and bass and MC together.

After 2010 there was an online boom on YouTube, for example, where was possible to find a new era of liquid drum and bass. In the times before 2015 emerged many liquid drum and bass producers as is Netsky or producers as is Edlan, Changing Faces, Hybrid Minds, Aidans, Maduk, Feint, Etherwood, ... vocalists as is Laura Brehm, Veela, Riya). And this an online era of YouTube liquid drum and bass platforms (Chilloutbear, Liquiddnbftw, for example) was something why Sidney SN exist.

Although I have a experience with a dj mixing by autumn 2006, when I mixed a techno tracks on Winamp, for example, it took eight years to a times when I started mixing that I want because liquid drum and bass ideas has been total different and not a drug reality. I think when in a 90s was liquid drum and bass as an Intelligent jungle, this says something about liquid drum and bass with that I agree.

Sidney SN exist because I found electronic music genre which take intelligence vibes more than a music genre for a drug or alcohol raving especially.

During 2019 I was confronted with another drum and bass music genre, with deep drum and bass. On YouTube I listened a mix from Kyrist. Although I had a doubts about if I like whole the mix, Kyrist there mixed Interval by Spirit with Colours by Revoux feat. Charli Brix, and this was something so nice for me that I was introduced to deep drum and bass. 

I think, a deep drum and bass can be an intelligent drum and bass, because deep drum and bass producers often have an intelligent vibes in their drum and bass or a knowledge from them.

Although I like something from deep drum and bass or I like someone's from deep drum and bass producers, liquid drum and bass is it that I don't want to leave and liquid drum and bass is a main thing for me because I don't want more darkness in life although not every time is a time for a sweet vibes. But a sweet vibes is a good resist against a dark reality. And how I do, a darkness is not reason for a darkness because in liquid drum and bass is many sweetest or darkness or sadness vibes with a more positive melodies or sadness melodies as is a vocal itself. Also because sadness and darkness in a liquid drum and bass I like or I love this music genre. But I don't say that a deep drum and bass must be a dark, because deep drum and bass by someone's can be good energetic and positive set for a drum and bass events itself. 

To progressive tech-house, EDM, melodic techno or dark techno: I like progressive for many years. Miss Monique livestream, for example, from 2014, when her livestream was uploaded on Radio Intense. Or EDX, his music is a thrills for me that I want feel in a life. For example, in 2022 I visited an event in Roxy Prague where played Miss Monique and EDX and for me this event was the most beautiful event in Roxy Prague because the EDX energy. I also support positive vibes of EDM as is at Tomorrowland. I like also Fejka music or Anjunadeep or Anjunabeats or Nora En Pure. And although I am critically to some techno people or producers and scenes I like techno, and not only someone as is Anfisa Letyago, Monika Kruse, Sven Vath, Charlotte de Witte and another more melodic techno but although I don't like so much dark techno by Paula Temple, for example, I like a approaches to techno.

And from a You Get Me (2017) movie where is a song by Timecope1983 I also like or love many tracks from New Retro Wave. The vibes of many new retro songs are a beautiful journey, dreaming and sweet. And I like an ideology of new retro which is also spread through a new retro pictures and videos at a songs. 

I also like a 90’s black people American hip hop for example. Or I like a tracks by Dua Lipa, for example. 

I think that my approaches to a music are a ‘conservative’ and I don’t like a lot as I like a lot. But a main for the article are the roots for a tech and drum and bass music because I have an interest about it.