Sidney SN brought myself into a world during 2016. A first Sidney release has been Memories On A Future. A first Sidney SN release was been For A Better World 2017.
For A Better World is a Sidney SN agenda.
Sidney SN has been inspired especially by YouTube platforms as was Chilloutbear YouTube platform. On Chilloutbear YouTube platform were released tracks by many liquid drum and bass producers who now are very well know. But Sidney SN also has been inspired by Liquiddnbftw, for example. And Sidney SN is inspired also vibes of countries as is Australia, Netherlands or North America, especially California, for example. Or for Sidney SN is inspiration a vibes of a systems as is existence itself.
In a start, Sidney SN wanted a full liquid drum and bass mixes by the tracks Sidney SN knew at liquid drum and bass platforms as was Chilloutbear. After a time Sidney SN started with an own ways for mixing liquid drum and bass. And because a Sidney SN mixing, Sidney SN is now very well known person with a support by a best drum and bass recordings and people.
Although Sidney SN is now very well know person, in a start Sidney SN mixed liquid drum and bass as a secondary product of a his active life. Probably Sidney SN approach to a life is also the reason why now is a Sidney SN very well know person.
Sidney is an English translation of a Sidney SN real name. And SN makes a connection to a Sidney SN real surname. And in way, in Sidney SN is also a vibes of the countries as is Australia which inspired Sidney SN for all time of his existence. In a start, there was a desire for Sydney and Sidney emerged also because the Australian capital city.
Although Sidney SN is especially a liquid drum and bass lover, during 2019 Sidney SN brought into his mixing also a deep drum and bass. For example, Sidney SN likes artists as is Sustance and his deep drum and bass tracks, Gerra & Stone, Kyrist, Alix Perez, Data 3, Nymfo, Monty, Skeptical, Halogenix, etc.
A main person who brought Sidney SN to deep drum and bass was United Kingdom deep drum and bass Kyrist. Although Sidney SN had a doubts, in a time he listened a set by Kyrist and this mix influenced Sidney SN. But a deep drum and bass mixes are secondary for Sidney SN mixing and Sidney SN like just a mixing deep drum and bass with a liquid drum and bass and a way of a Sidney SN mixing can change a sound of deep drum and bass due a liquid drum and bass vibes.
In a way, Sidney SN is strictly liquid drum and bass and nothing will be change because liquid drum and bass is the Sidney SN essence.