Showing posts with label Mixes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mixes. Show all posts


New Sidney SN Session: Roots Of Everything

 Probably 10 hours ago I released a new Sidney SN story on Check it there. 

I just especially searched for a new sweet tracks for a sweet full liquid tune into my headphones. Result is Roots Of Everything

I think someday music can say it all. And liquid drum and bass is for me still something where I can found sweet what I want in my headphones. 

 “As melting wonder in the world”


01: flowanastasia & Nymfo – River Flows (Deviant Audio)

02: Keeno ft. Vio.let – Frenzy (Keeno Music)

03: Nymfo & Waeys – OSD (Love For Low Frequencies)

04: Leniz & Perspective Shift - Hazy (Ft. Matt Freeman) (Differential Recordings)

05: Flava D – Mesmerise (Hospital Records)

06: Edlan & Dustkey - Melting Hearts (feat. Ella Noël) (Liquicity Records)

07: HumaNature, Alpha Rhythm, Natus - Lost River (Fokuz Recordings)

08: SOLAH - Everything Is Possible (Hospital Records)

09: Miss Redflower – Conundrum (Hospital Records)

10: Riya, Loz Contreras, Aperio – Keep You With Me (Galacy)

11: Alix Perez - I'm Free (Shogun Audio)

12: Edlan - Go Back Home (Instrumental (Liquicity Records)

13: Phloem – Low Tide (Galacy)

14: Monty & Alix Perez – Cursive (1985 Music)

15: Low:r – Bubbles (Galacy)

and 16: Landmarks by Edlan (Liquicity Records)


Back To Skyward


 Sidney SN is there with a new Drum And Bass mix. 

Back To Skyward is not only a full liquid drum and bass, but the mix is a more colorful. 

As Back To Skyward specialty is the vibes of the tracks what I mixed together.

Back To Skyward is little an energetic drum and bass mix by a my energy I don’t want prisoned in my mind.

When I listened When We Were Cool by Boxplot, I wanted to mixing a set with a similarly vibes across whole a drum and bass mix. And a result of the my trying is the Back To Skyward. 

Wen We Were Cool sound as an America vibes (often what in Europe we listening in American movies) as is Boxplot an American men itself.

The mix was been little difficult to mixing for me, but a result is there as Back To Sky. In the mix are often changing a melodies when in Back To Sky I mixing liquid drum and bass tracks with a deep drum and bass tracks and with more vocal and instrumental and energetic tracks as is When We Were Cool, Release Yourself, Human Again or RIENK in New Horizon.

I tried also to in Back To Sky could be a tracks with similarly men vocals as is vocal by James Burki in When We Were Cool and Sam M in Release Yourself or vocal in New Horizon completed what I wanted for a Back To Skyward.

As an American movie, life itself is like a movie someday. And in Back To Skyward mix is also a story of a real life's. Human Again by Boxplot is a life story itself.

Listening and download: Back To Skyward


IYRE – Drifting Sideways (Soulvent Records)

Silence Grow – The Bells (Offworld Recordings)

Ekko and Sidetrack feat. Sam M – Release Yourself (Viper Recordings)

Kuttin Edge – Say Again (Bop Remix) (Locked Concept)

Kyrist – Underfall (Sofa Sound)

Boxplot feat. Sam M – When We Were Cool (Pilot.)

Arpx feat. Alibi – One Weeks Before (SUNANDBASS Records)

Scuro and Katon – Pursuit (Ascension Audio)

Boxplot – Human Again (Liquicity Records)

CELO – Summer Blues (Interstellar Audio)

Solsan – Moon Child (Drum Army)

NCT feat. RIENK – New Horizon (Liquicity Records)


Little provocative mini mix

 The Miseducation of Cameron Post

 Someday I have a question, Why there are people who rejecting LGBTQ+?

There is many people who are LGBTQ+ because LGBTQ+ is a naturally identity for them. And when the someone is LGBTQ+, LGBTQ+ is a natural identity especially and not only an ideology. 

Someone can't rejecting when someone another is LGBTQ+ because LGBTQ+ is a total naturally identity for these someones. 

Be LGBTQ+ is a basic human right and freedom itself by the declaration of basic humans rights and freedoms itself. Everyone by our civilization need respecting the choice for a natural identity what someone need still hiding because some people don't want respecting the basic human right and freedom.

Because Sidney SN support LGBTQ+, Sidney SN releasing a LGBTQ+ drum and bass mini mix. 

Listening or download, link Transgender (Sidney SN LGBTQ Mini Mix)


01. Unglued - Total XTC (Fixate Remix)

02. Chamba - Her Story (Pinks Remix)

03. London Electricity - Cum Dancing (Mozey Remix)

04. Flava D - Cats

05. Buunshin & Posij - i just 1 2

06. crystal castles - transgender [sped up/nightcore remix]

07. latesleeper - She Grew Wings

08. Chamba - Her Story (Pinks Remix) 

In the Sidney SN LGBTQ Mini Mix are mixing United Kingdom drum and bass tracks especially. And another special in the mix is speed up/nightcore remix of a Transgender by crystal castles. 

I mixed into mix UK drum and bass tracks especially because UK drum and bass is very positive to LGBTQ+ people. In UK are the drum and bass recordings where is possible to find the support for LGBTQ+ as their basic value.

In the Sidney SN special mini mix is track Cats by Flava D. The Flava D track is about rejecting of a drugs because better are the cats. In Transgender mix I get different sense for Cat track. This is not only about an animal cat’s in the Sidney SN mix, but Cats are transgenders itself. This means it's better being a trans person than be under drugs. Or this means when someone by a trans person could have a problems because their identity, drugs are not solution for when someone rejecting naturally identity of a humans for be the Cat. And also because fundamental is a fact, transwomens, for example, they are Cats. 

The same Sidney SN changed little means of Her Story by Chamba (Pinks Remix). In Sidney SN mini mix Here Story is about dream of be full women or girl for trans people. 

Another fact about LGBTQ+, in summer 2023 Sidney SN visited Burn Out Festival at Rechenzetrum, Potsdam. In this Germany cosmopolitan centrum was being more people who were total LGBTQ+. And the LGBTQ+ people in Rechenzetrum were nice and good color people who did a smile on my face by their color identity.


november GHOSTS 2023

 How somedays things go, the mix is another spontaneity Sidney SN mix what emerged during a night.

november GHOSTS 2023 (Sidney SN liquid DNB set) 11/14/2023

"When exist trying's for bring down better walls And reality is pretty out of vibes Living in the times where is possible be more lost than feel what we want Remember on this time when we bringing better to life"


001. Bcee - Projections feat. Logistic & Becca Jane Grey {Spearhead Records)

002. Hiraeth - Deep Blue {Liquicity Records}

003. Silence Groove - Dust Bowl {Offworldrecordings)

004. Dan Guidance & Fishy - Leave The Body {Offworldrecordings}

005. Leniz - I'll Will Be There (Phloem Remix) {Differential}

006. Echomatics - Rowans Breeze {C Recordings}

007. In:Most - Silhouette feat. Visionobi {Soulvent Records}

008. Low:r - Room 2 {Soulvent Records}

009. Mystific - Piece Of My Life {Liquicity Records}

010. Visionobi - More To Life feat. Etherwood {Soulvent Records}

011. Polaris - Lesson Learned {Hospital Records; for Forza Horizon}

012. Monika & Akuratyde - When It Falls {Vision Record}



A Zen for a Sidney SN fans; Lullaby Coast's

 There was a time during autumn 2014 and the time I need in a mix. 

Lullaby Coasts is a special mix, because in the mix is from start to end a vibes from Zen of California Coast video, where is recording spring at a Californian coast. The video is possible found on YouTube. 

Summer 2023 was been for me a summer of freedom vibes, when I searched again more for a senses of life, how Universe work on a places in Central Europe that I like them for many years because these places get me answers on a my questions.

I like when a music, environments and people have a intelligent shadow. 

I thank to a Consciousness for my experiences with Universe what inspired me for this total inter-dimension mix.

And I released Lullaby Coast's 09/11 with a sense about a war tensions there, Lullaby Coasts (Little Zen Liquid Drum And Bass Mix by Sidney SN).


the Sun Of a Zuid

sunday 06/11/2023

the Sun Of a Zuid (juny 2023)


 When I wrote that A places do a music, this is already a truth someday. 

A beautiful when inspiration for your music are a beautiful places as is South Holland.  

There is a new Sidney SN soul-full liquid drum and bass mix with a vibes of a south.


Vandera – IO  [Fokuz Recordings]
Changing Faces - In The Woods  [Hospital Records]
Echomatics – Rowans Breeze  [C Recordings]
Black Barrel - Exactly This  [Dispatch Recordings]
Ed Rush, Optical - Naked Lunch [V Recordings]
imo:Lu - Circle [Hospital Records]
Unglued - Deep Dark Dirty  [Hospital Records]
Lens – Marufo  [Hospital Records]
In:Most - Took My By [Soulvent Records]
and end with a intro of DJ Limited - Elephant VIP  [Playaz]

Enjoy a summer times!

re-upload for listening and download: the Sun Of a Zuid

And also there exist a special mix; Summer In Den Haag.


Future Memories

 Because Liquicity Winter Festival in Maassilo was been pretty edge of a liquid drum and bass event for me, I need get into mix a vibes from these days during end of 2022 and NYE trip across all Western Europe countries. 

For the mix, I was inspired especially music on a second stage in Maassilo. 


01. Feint - Silent Light (Gyrofield Remix) * Liquicity Records

02. Nymfo - Sleepwalking * Spearhead Records

03. Winslow - Lost In Black Lodge * Soulvent Records

04. DRS - Want You Back ft. Mindstate & Emilié Rachel * Shogun Audio

05. latesleeper - Rubber Ducky * Critical Music

06. Pyxis ft. Beatmool - Realest One * Ledge Sound

07. Kyrist - Lab Rat * Kynetic Sound

08. Rafau Etamski - Serotonin Pack * Blu Saphir Music Group

09. Lens - Marufo * Drum&Bass Arena

10. Waeys & flowanastasia - Set The Vibes * Critical Music

11. Housty - Stella (High Contrast Remix)

12. Humanature & Alpha Rhythm - Bloom * Liquiddnbftw

13. Nymfo - Sensetive * Overview Music

14. Hugh Hardie - Blush ft. Zara Kershaw * Soulvent Records

15. Magenta - Last Night (Next:Gen Audio) 



An Endless Liquid Worlds (Sidney SN liquid DNB Mix) october 2022

 Although there is an autumn, a man don't must be worry because after a two years of an COVID pandemics, in Europe, we have a nice autumn session of an events. 

For a smiles and tears #SidneySN 🌸


1. High Pass - Another Horizon [Liquiddnbftw]

2. Whiney - No Good (In:Most Remix) [Soulvent Records]

3. LSB - Bell Tune [Footnotes]

4. Hugh Hardie - Coulda Woulda [Hospital Records]

5. Invold - Be Funky [C Recordings]

6. Pola & Bryson - Tell You What I Did [Shogun Audio]

7. Vektah - Program & Controll [Soulvent Records]

8. Humanature & Alpha Rhythm - Bloom [Liquiddnbftw]

9. 1991 - Feels [UKF]

10. Hiraeth - Deep Blue [Liquicity Records]

11. Friction - Remember [Elevate Records]



Sidney SN BassBlog Guest Mix

 Sidney SN BassBlog Guest Mix (Take The Vibes) is little like a my vibes for spring 2022. And also this mix is a Sidney SN promo mix for 2022. 

Really around January, February 2022 I had thoughts about a sense of my mixing. 

I released Lost in Liquid Vibes; And this mix could be an last Sidney SN mix for a long time. But with spring I had a time of a new energy, so I released Let it Breathe also. 

After released Let it Breathe, contacted me BassBlog because the BassBlog Guest Mix.


Fred V - Atmosphere (feat. Lottie Jones) Sidney SN Bootleg

 An little excited for the remix or bootleg because there is really an beautiful vocal by Lottie Jones from original track Atmosphere by Fred V. 

I like art of Fred V, and also love the Lottie Jones vocal in the bootleg. 

In the track is also a vibes from Sonder by Rameses B, and of course many Sidney SN vibes. 

The track is a full atmospheric liquid drum and bass track. 

Enjoy the track! 

lyrics in Czech; 

 Cítím, že jsem v pokušení Jako bych se pod mraky ztratila Myslím, že jsem připravena Vše, co chci je, aby si mě našel Vzal mě odsud pryč Ukázal mě celou svou oblohu Stále volám tvoje jméno Jsem připravena odletět Rovnou do tvé atmosféry Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvé atmosféře Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Rovnou do tvé atmosféry Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvé atmosféře Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvé atmosféře Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi



Lost in Liquid Vibes

  I have a time when I doubt about Sidney SN mixes released because there is more things that make a doubts about a sense of Sidney SN mixing.

I am pretty glad for the feedback to Sidney SN in a reality. These situations has been for a tears because you likes me or love me, but also there are problems with someone’s from Central Europe especially that I doubt about a my mixing:

I don’t want to introducing a people to a culture what is no a culture because behavior there. Liquid drum and bass is often as an intelligent music genre but in a Central Europe reality this music genre is as an open doors to neurofunk events and drug reality what there is in Central Europe. I don’t want be a person who by the liquid drum and bass introduce a people to a non-reality how often looks Central Europe drum and bass scene.



Private Mix: Roots of Liquid (Sidney SN Liquid DNB Mix) summer 2021

 Roots of Liquid (Sidney SN Liquid DNB Mix) is as special thanks for previously mix; Liquid Flawor Madness. 

The mix is little as a private mix, because a liquid community is still something what is as community more than a mainstream music genre.

The vibes of the mix raised as something what there was been in reality with a Sidney SN, because an impossible situation in Prague on a Street. 

Sidney SN thanks to everyone who support him in the weird situation. 

There is positive feedback to my person because the situation which Sidney SN don't expected. 



Liquid Flawor Madness

 We have a time, when there is an end of COVID pandemic, and Sidney SN released a new liquid drum and bass mix. 

Liquid Flawor Madness is a full liquid drum and bass madness. 

In a way, the mix was been created for many months. I had two basic tracks what I wanted get into a mix. One of the tracks is Endless Haze by Koherent and second is Everything Will Be by Nymfo. After a months when there not existed tracks for a madness how I wanted, there was released another tracks as Radioparts by Artsea or Took My By by In:Most and No Compromise by Hugh Hardie and other tracks what I used into Liquid Flawor Madness. 

I am little glad, that the mix is released during end of COVID pandemic.