Showing posts with label Track. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Track. Show all posts


Universe Talks

 From 2008 I have a questions about how Universe work, because nothing can be without a space, but in a start of every existence probably was been something without a space or I don’t know where I am and we life in a reality which is an impossible from a start of all existence. 

But also this track is a demo-version of I could be also a producer. 


LENS - Give Me A Reason (Sidney SN Re:boot) As an Thanks to Ukraine

 It's totally sad for me what there is from a start of 2023. There are a situations when me had and I have a problems because a red idiots want deficit for a war against Western Europe, Netherlands was changed because a Putin in their sea area, there was already more words by Putin about a occupations of Berlin area and etc etc in 2023.

Maybe whole Europe or Western Europe can be glad for a Ukrainian warriors, soldiers because the warriors already saving whole Western Europe.

As a thank you to Ukraine for a saving our homes a Sidney SN releasing a new Sidney SN track or rework.

And Sidney SN releasing Give Me A Reason there is not only because Ukraine saving us, but a Sidney SN releasing Give Me A Reason for a support of Ukraine.

And thanks you for a support Sidney SN.

Shutdown all a red stupid behavior! And enjoy all possible things in the world, 

The bootleg takes off a sixth hours in a FL Studio; Someday is pretty possible a pretty fast change to what doesn’t want in a reality. 

And also, due to my experiences with a many people, especially Czech people, who said that Putin war against Ukraine is a Ukrainian issue especially and Czechia as other countries shouldn’t pretty much supporting Ukraine as these European countries (so much?) supporting Ukraine, when someone speaking with this way about a war, this is a answer when I said no to wannabe a truth of a weird people. And also I can to say that there was an attack in Netherlands water and this attack to seems been more worst for Netherlands people that COVID pandemic. I said for more times that in summer 2022 when I visited Netherlands for first time after pandemic no one there was nervous and in a bad situation as there was in Czechia after pandemic to a common situation in Czechia and in Netherlands after and before the pandemic. And in 2023 Netherlands people was nervous by Putin tryings in Netherlands water as nothing that in 2022. That this said Putin war is not against Ukraine. And there was a tryings about European air protection for more times by Putin. There were tryings for attacks against Berlin. And also, a pandemic was good fundamental for a Czech meadows for these attacks because someone had a predictions about a reactions and behavior during the pandemic. And Putin also said that he wants back what wannabe was been stolen during an end of 80’s. Including Berlin area. That a war is a Ukrainian issue is a total nonsense. No, this is an)other war against Western (Europe) and a new war against EU. A war started after a pandemic. Perhaps a plans don’t work as there was planned and we are still or yet alive.

A Re:boot by Sidney SN of Give Me Reason by LENS sounds as with a volume+ or on an edge of a volume+ than sounds an original by LENS. The volume+ in the version for a SoundCloud take a sense.


Fred V - Atmosphere (feat. Lottie Jones) Sidney SN Bootleg

 An little excited for the remix or bootleg because there is really an beautiful vocal by Lottie Jones from original track Atmosphere by Fred V. 

I like art of Fred V, and also love the Lottie Jones vocal in the bootleg. 

In the track is also a vibes from Sonder by Rameses B, and of course many Sidney SN vibes. 

The track is a full atmospheric liquid drum and bass track. 

Enjoy the track! 

lyrics in Czech; 

 Cítím, že jsem v pokušení Jako bych se pod mraky ztratila Myslím, že jsem připravena Vše, co chci je, aby si mě našel Vzal mě odsud pryč Ukázal mě celou svou oblohu Stále volám tvoje jméno Jsem připravena odletět Rovnou do tvé atmosféry Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvé atmosféře Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Rovnou do tvé atmosféry Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvé atmosféře Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvé atmosféře Sním si o tvém nebi Sním si o tvém nebi
