
Too many

 I have a questions to me about what I did when there was been many a positive vibes to me from a my Czech fans. 

When I faced the violence against my person in a very well know situation, I don't believe why there was it. 

Maybe someone tryings about doubting my person what there was been but I don't know how could be possible to someone could speak untruth about the reasons what there was against my person. Probably everyone knows.

I don't believe my person was being as an influencer for people around how it was that I faced the violence against my person. And what is very sad for me is a truth, drum and bass as a culture take a non-violence as a political goal (the same as is common be against racism or be for LGBTQ, for example). There could be a doubts about if is someone drum and bass when take a physical violence as the solution against drum and bass artists. I really doubt about who is someone or about a values what someone tryings get to drum and bass.

I don't want more speaking here about this violence and differences among drum and bass in Central Europe and in Western Europe, but I want to say I think I probably took good way when I said stop to myself what I found to Sidney SN by Czech Sidney SN fans. For example, I don't see before that someone applauded name of drum and bass artists on a stages. 

I liked what there was on a stages, but I though if are sustainable for myself this very good situations by Sidney SN fans and I said to myself I probably must say stop. I little apologize for this a Sidney SN behavior but I see now as an unsustainable to I could visit any Prague events. For example, when I visited USK Prague Women during their match in European Women’s Basketball League I said to myself better would be a way to Western Europe than what I see everywhere around. And an events I understand as more worst reality for me than was there a reality when I went from the train to the stadium. I have no interest about a Czech events. There was been also a situation in the train from Munich to Prague when a United Kingdom boy said, ‘Czech are a human flash!’. Maybe I can visit a match by USK (although I have little a fear about I don’t want be again a nervousness for that you’re nervous because me and a match don’t work better) but for me I see as an unsustainable an events reality in Prague. In a way, due a red plans this UK boy has been a total right about a reality in Czechia in these times. And not only because of it, but in the context of this his thought.