
Christmas 2024

MEIR, Antwerp
 I just had a Christmas event without an event because the event was the Christmas days itself in Western Europe. 

During a week I visited Christmas Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Luxembourg city and Strasbourg. So I saw all the Western Europe countries during a Christmas days 2024. 

It’s pretty difficult to say the best Christmas city from the Western Europe cities which I visited. I think that a first place could Luxembourg city take. But how I said it’s difficult to say what was the best Christmas city which I visited during Christmas 2024. 

Ville Haute - Luxembourg 
In the Luxembourg city Christmas night Christmas decorations and lights were an heartbreaking. Especially streets around Ville Haute had an incredible vibes of all the Christmas lights. I had pretty beautiful feeling in my body when I saw how Ville Haute look during a Christmas. I visited a mensa friend in Luxembourg during a spring 2019 and the friend explained me everything about Luxembourg - history, culture - and I saw every the very well know places in Luxembourg from Vianden to Breidweiler. And now when I saw Luxembourg city in a Christmas night and I had the feeling for why Luxembourg is a nation which a man need to love. This is a very cultural nation of a luxury heritage. Luxembourg city is very beautiful city of a heritage and a modern world together. Luxembourg city belong among the best cities in Europe, for me. 

And with my person loved Rotterdam, Rotterdam is a different vibes than is Luxembourg city, Rotterdam is more modern city. In Rotterdam were beautiful decorations on Erasmusbrug or also around Rotterdam center. Erasmusbrug, Wilheminakade and Maasshaven is very majestic and iconic place. I think ‘majestic’ is the right word for an incredible atmosphere when a man is on Erasmusbrug and during a night this feeling is maybe more deep and the man see the world of a big majestic buildings around. Maybe if I visited no place as is Ossuaire de Douaumont in France for example, I could feel that Erasmusbrug and view from the big bridge to Wilheminakade that this is a most majestic place in Western Europe; because the builds are pretty high-tech strong modern architecture for an often strong weather itself of North see. I think Rotterdam is builded on a place where is still North see. I think Nieuwe Maas itself is a North see in a corridor and not a common river. And majestic is also because during strong winter weather, a strong wind and winter times on Erasmusbrug seems to be as climbing on a mountain. For everytime I can enjoy the majestic atmosphere of a human world. And now during Christmas I had again the feeling about that Rotterdam is a majestic place. 

Strasbourg - Grande Île
Exist some public stats that Netherlands people says that they more like Rotterdam more than Amsterdam. As a one the best place in Netherlands they see Utrecht. Probably I also like Rotterdam more like Amsterdam. But I don’t say that Amsterdam is not a beautiful city. During a my Christmas trip I saw many beautiful Christmas vibes in Amsterdam. Although in Amsterdam is also many modern high-tech buildings, Amsterdam is a historic city more like Rotterdam, for example. And I enjoyed the Christmas atmosphere on the historic places in Amsterdam. Especially center of Amsterdam lived Christmas atmosphere, many people who wanted to see the atmosphere. Amsterdam is also a city to a love. 

Erasmusbrug, Rotterdam
Antwerp was also with an incredible Christmas atmosphere. I see Antwerp as a most beautiful city in Belgium and Christmas atmosphere this also said. A people in Christmas Antwerp was everywhere and together with a glamor shopping they did a right Western Europe. I could to say that also Antwerp could be on the first place of a Western Europe Christmas cites but I can’t to say this because another Western Europe cities looked similarly beautiful. The shopping during Christmas days in Antwerp is an amazing atmosphere. Especially the shops in Antwerpen center. A people there make a great atmosphere. 

In Eindhoven atmosphere a Christmas shopping was also amazing. And also people in the Christmas streets were peaceful. Although seems to be that Eindhoven is not a bigger Christmas place, the atmosphere of a trading in Eindhoven was amazing. 

And Strasbourg. I think that Strasbourg could be also on a first place among the best of Western Europe Christmas city. In Strasbourg is possible everywhere to see a heritage atmosphere and with a Christmas decorations Strasbourg also seems to be an incredible Western Europe city of many beautiful streets. I like the city and I think Strasbourg is a very good France city for a life. A Strasbourg buildings and streets and the heritage is amazing. And also because Strasbourg is near of Germany, a man can feel a piece from Germany in Strasbourg. Strasbourg was also beautiful.

And yeah, no one border control on a Western Europe borders. Only a ID control there was on borders with Czechia and Germany. A ways on roads and with trains were good without a delays everywhere. 


A fear for the fear

 Hello with another words for a main theme in the world

 I think that every the Central Europe smile - which still exist on a more heads by the Central Europe country that a war on Ukraine is a war on Ukraine and no matter on the all because Ukraine is the problem - can be take out because after Ukraine the smile will be the first what will be erased from a map because no one country around the Central Europe country will be lost as this nation. 

Yeah, it’s for a pleasure that in Central Europe itself I see more thinking about it all for what there were the words about a red plans with the Central Europe country but I think this is not a end for everything because I think the Central Europe country issues are pretty big that a solution could be a shutdown of all generations for a one generation (the screenshot is from Magalopolis movie [2024]) which don’t will be in a contact with all the bad things in the reality. This is difficult to say but a truth is also that there exist too many bad things that a generation which don’t will be in the contact with the all bad things the generation could be the solution for erasing of all the bad things.

Now to my thought about I now thinking. Maybe is not so good idea take too the fear by a potential for a war in Europe. A truth is that, COVID pandemic itself maybe was made for an economical shutdown in Europe and for the war itself. And not only in Europe. There were a tryings for an investigation for a virus release but the tryings failed. 

And now there is spread a fear due a war what can be the economical deficit, recession or inflation as a pandemic. Probably I have now fear about a deficits in Europe more than the fear from a war in Europe. And the war can be more simple with the deficits itself. 

There are an indices that during end of a pandemic and a months after the pandemic in a Central Europe country were a tryings for more shutdown economy as a war strategy for a more deep deficit because someone need weakly people especially or someone used a frequent foolish ideas of a minds for a war purposes. And I think in another way by fear and not by a forcing for a more deep deficit, that a tryings for a deficit by a fear because a words about the war also belong to a war strategy. 

I just think the last thing what Europe needs is a deficit by a fear itself. A Central Europe country need started with it all but I think Western Europe need work for a civilization what there already exists without a potentials for a deficit by a fear from a words. 

How I said I have a fear that a fear can be strategical and is better when there don’t will be too a fear what could stop what a people building because I think that a infrastructure in a deficit is among the last thing what Europe needs and the same people without moneys is also the last what Europe needs.


I just like it

A sense for the cultivation and esthetic

 I have here a many examples why I like Netherlands and also this is the reason. 

Kralingen Oost
Among others the all good things in Netherlands, when I see a ducks in a Rotterdam streets at a streams that the ducks have no fear from people around them and exist there a harmony with the animals and almost no one trash around in a profound green environments or the swans in a nests without a fear to moving people or to people who watching them and people are in a harmony with the swans, and the clean streams, this also demonstrate that Netherlands people are very cultural and social beings. 

I think that Netherlands social behavior is on a very good level because Netherlands people have also very good social relationship to a green environment. And the Netherlands profound green environments also demonstrate how Netherlands people are an intelligent and an peaceful civilization and I think that the cultural and social behavior to the green environments itself make Netherlands people more happy because the profound green environments is not a grey reality itself. 

For me, area in Kralingen in Rotterdam is a good example for it. Or there are a full green places as is Zuiderpark area. And in Zuiderpark area - during a summer time - are common almost daily or daily barbecue parties or a sessions and this is a place where many people make a connection and Rotterdam community make there a connection. During a summer times in Zuiderpark is many and many human smiles of an all human skin colors. Or in another side of Rotterdam is possible find a Essenburgpark, what is a special reservation for a green things in Rotterdam.  

Netherlands building and economy is on a high level and also a cultural and social behavior to a green environments is a high as the life of the ducks itself or the swans itself demonstrate in Rotterdam. 

This everything demonstrate that Netherlands social behavior is on a high level. When there are a words that Czech people are probably an toxic or an aggressive people how is that in no one country from Germany to proper Western Europe, I think this demonstrate also that in Czechia is an difficult to find a care about environment like is (even) common in Netherlands big cities as is Rotterdam.


The Proximity 2024

 I think an often on the website I am forced to talk about an issues because I can’t help to me that there are a things about it I have an interest or a problematic people forced me to talk about. 

But I think that not everything everywhere was a problematical in 2024, and because here is especially a couple articles about an acid reality, I archived a Sidney SN mix what is also about 2024. 

I shares the mix from the link,  The Proximity 2024 (Sidney SN Liquid DNB Mix).

A name for the mix speak about what I said about 2024, that not everything everywhere was a problematic. I think an issues there are from 2019, when there was a change. A truth that a soldiers have probably another view as a things still go, but I had a good times during summer session 2024 for example, and I hope that a good humans had the same. 

The Proximity 2024 is a full liquid drum and bass mix. I said that in a new Sidney SN mixes, I don't want now a deep drum and bass and yes, here is a full liquid drum and bass. I think selection for the mix is an very interesting. I used for the mix more a new tracks from 2024 or a recently time. There is one track what is not a liquid drum and bass. During a end of the mix is a hip hop track by Visionobi and Mitekiss. I think good is that the hip hop track is 87 BPM and that was more simply mixed the hip hop track into a drum and bass. 

I think the full liquid drum and bass mix sound a good, so enjoy the proximity.

Tracklist: Talix - Midnight Lights (onesevenfour) Phloem - Low Tide (Galacy) Halftone - Rendezvous (Celsius Recordings) Rezilient – The Descent (Galacy) Twintone - A Second Life (Liquiddnbftw) Playa & Wez Walker - Night Cruise (C Recordings) T:Base - The Moment Of Clarity (C Recordings) Seba feat. Sapele – Project (Spearhead Records) Shibinu - The Perpetual (Skankandbass) P Money x Whiney – Hyper (Hospital Records) Motiv - Drawn Together (Fokuz Recordings) Monika & Akuratyde – Navigating Dreams (Ledge Sounds) Visionobi feat. Mitekiss - Another Day [Move Like A Lion] (Soulvent Records)

In a wishing for another good days, The Proximity 2024.



 So now there is more EU countries who bring there a temporary border controls. After Italy or Germany, there is also France, for example, and during December 2024 Netherlands will be also among the EU countries with a temporary border controls. 

I see these temporary border controls as a good idea for a issues which there can exist because due to current issues by a war there can be the situation with increasing tensions about a danger people who could trying destabilize Western Europe countries with a attacks in these countries. 

But I see these temporary solutions as not a solutions for a reasons why there are these border controls. For example, there are a inner EU issues and there not exist a official words for it although these issues are in a use for a red plans or these problems were systematically increased for a red plans as is a Central Europe country and a border controls not so official there also exist because these inner EU issues. For example, when a COVID pandemic was in an end, and probably a COVID plans with an economy failed, there was a tryings for more shut down an economy in a Central Europe country. This there was for a months in 2021 before there started a war during a start of 2022. I think everything seems to be as a plans against Western Europe. 

But I think, although there are not any official words about a problems in a more eastern EU countries, there exists a reality that Western Europe people know about it. For example, I can’t help to myself for that I don’t want to say this, that about a inner EU issues in a more eastern EU countries Western Europe people know because they demonstrated it during a reactions on a my problems in a more eastern EU country. And these reactions by the more or proper Western Europe people were for me more interesting because my person itself had little different view how bad are a things against my person. For example, in a reality I saw more sadness by a UK drum and bass artists, a words from a UK girl or another reactions by common people in Germany that I said to myself that a problems are probably more worst than I think. And that even my view was a wrong, this demonstrated 2023. And 2023 said a lot not only to me about my person but everything went more down in Europe because of an oppressive and toxic people. 

I think, when there don’t will be an official words and tryings for shut down inner EU issues, then a temporary solutions are not a solution. I believe that there exist a tryings for it, because EU itself, but something probably still failing. And yeah, an official words there are not. 

For example, although there are a words, that a temporary solutions looks to been as against EU, there are a EU countries where people are an common against EU as is not so common to see in a countries who brought there now a border controls and exist there a inclinations for a socialism or what as Putin and similarly could want bring over all. Someone could estimates that majority of United Kingdom people agree that Brexit very failed for UK. A stats about as United Kingdom people feel economical issues by Brexit are pretty interesting; A feelings about increase prices in shops itself are very interesting. 

And when I don’t will want speak about an inner EU issues, but I will speak about an issues with not EU people, I think that EU probably failing on a EU border controls. And probably there should be a better control system on the EU borders. But yeah, now there is a war and things go more worst everywhere than seems to be a better EU border controls. 

There is now many words that everything looks as a tryings against EU, but I think this is not against EU. But there are the issues what can be temporary more under a control, but these temporary solutions are not a solution for why there are these temporary solutions.


The Slavic Slang

Grass is the slang for marijuana

 I wrote about, why I see the full legalize THC in Czechia as the bad idea. And I have another the thoughts about it. 

One of the argument for THC legalize as is that in the Netherlands: We could use THC as a relaxation after a job.

This argument is the one of the main reason why I don’t want the THC legalize in Czechia. I don’t understand why I could need a joints or the bongos for a mental repose after a job. This is a stupid idea when a man needs a drug as the mental repose after a job. 

There is too much different ways for a relaxation after a job what kill no one mind cell. But the stupid man see nothing as are the activities that is possible to do as the relax after a job and the stupid man want something for a brain draining, brain numbing after a job. The man is already pretty stupid that the man see nothing as are the relax activities after a job and the man want something what kill an)other mind cells. 

I see as impossible to the man could take THC after a job because when the man get the THC, the man will be stupid more than before when the man don’t know about a good activities for their healthy and a organism restoring after a job. Even there is a hope that without wannabe THC relaxation, the man will searching for different better activities or relaxations for their mind and body. That for the man is better when there is THC illegal. 

And when there is not legal THC, we can take the alcohol for the same relax after a job. There are the reasons why Czechia are the number one in THC and alcohol using. I now said something why Czechia are number one in THC and alcohol using and in THC it is although THC is now illegal in Czechia. During a THC legalize, the THC numbing will be more worst in Czechia. 

And Czechia are also the number one in a hard drugs using. There is no one the country from Germany to proper Western Europe where is possible find the tools for injection drug applications as is that the common in the Czech cities. In Czech cities are narcotic people everywhere. Probably in Czechia is not intellect enough for the different activities and relaxations than is a drug numbing. 

I spoke about ‘Zapekat’*, what is a numbing itself. And when someone arguing about a THC relax after a job, the man means especially about ‘zapekat’, about a numbing and the killing brain cells activity although the man have pretty less brain cells already now that the man see a drugs as the number one for a ‘relaxation’ for everyday. 

I don’t want again speaking about the COVID predictions in Czechia and that like that I saw the reality because I wrote about this enough and everyone know and who no I don’t want write this again but a ostracize would be more simply and successfully because these predictions. In a way, I said something again in a previously poetic The Red Flash statement in the Moonlight. But also, everyone knows who is for Putin-Russian and that there was a voting for the red frauds. 

Probably better than is a drug using after a job it could be better the learning English because is impossible the different itself between Czechia and Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Netherlands where for the common citizens is common that they speak for English and in Czechia the common people know nothing about that English is common for the common German people. Often also there is no one the reason for a learning English because the man don’t know why they speak for English although the man know nothing about the world around. 

And there can’t be better living conditions or the better jobs and more moneys when the man will be betraying the reality. And there are the reasons why THC is legal in the Netherlands. This is the maturity for it. And otherwise, a recreation THC using is not daily THC using after a job. For example, daily or almost daily alcohol using is alcoholism. And I think, also with an alcoholism there is a problem in Czechia. 

* Zapekat is a Slavic slang for what Slavic's think about a THC effect. The effect is something as is that a man unearthly or weird looks into a wall and this seems to be good activity for the man who used THC. I think this unhealthy activity is a main for these Slavic THC users. Often a main goal of Slavic THC users. (1)

I think, what I wrote here is an enough example what I thought at previously article about Zapekat and because that I erased the article about this Slavic slang. 



 At the article Release Yourself I spoke about that, ‘And what forming my mixes are also a realities. I know about a positive places and countries why I could mixing vibes of these places as I know about a places what forced me for mixing about something what is not exist on an)other better living places. Someday I am confused because I think a vibes someone couldn’t understand because my life exists between different realities what forming my mixing itself.’ 

I have also an another poetic words about it. 

 The Red Flesh

In the moonlight The cells see nothing 

The odd reality In the perfidy As when the sun is not 

In the veins of the self-denying No fate The futility of creation When You are 

Without the days of old And without a time ahead Even in the awakening Find nothing 

 The Blue Glamour 

In the moonlight The cells bright flow 

The yard reality In the towering As when the sun can’t retire from 

In the veins of the earth Coming times The stream of creation When You’re there 

With the days of heritage And with the forward times Even in the awakening Find the gospel truth


The Controversy

Women in Music, Anfisa Letyago
 I don’t know why but I like techno music and I often write about an approaches to techno by proper Western Europe reality. 

In Netherlands exist pretty rich techno community by common Netherlands people. In Europe, almost everyone should know how looks Netherlands and that a mirage of the common Netherlands society is the Western Europe techno community; A beautiful gardens and high(-tech) architecture with an profound and cultural/economical society. 

And in Netherlands, currently is to see often Anfisa Letyago. Probably who write my way to Anfisa Letyago was Nina Kraviz and otherwise there was IG account by Anfisa Letyago. There was a time when I thought that Nina Kraviz is Anfisa Letyago because I saw a IG posts and I didn’t read an account name; For me, they looked similarly on a IG posts. After a time, I saw a new name at these IG posts. And I looked on this IG account and there was Anfisa Letyago. I liked Anfisa Letyago smiles more like her techno and I like also her Italian food, and Anfisa Letyago smiles and food brought me to Anfisa Letyago techno. 

Now to point of the article, because a reality of Czechia, I am often critical to Czech techno scene. What wrote my criticism, this is a Czech reality when there are a massive collaborations* among a (wannabe) techno people and free tekno people although techno culture and free tekno is totally different. In Czech medias itself I can to see that the medias speak about free tekno parties as about a techno events; This nonsense itself made a bad name for techno music. And I think, in Czechia ravers itself did a bad name for techno because their approaches. But not only a Czech ravers approaches are the reason but also is that because Czech society seems to be out of reality around them. 

Anfisa Letyago takes a prestigious award in Women in Music in Italy. This itself speak many about a contrary among not only Western Europe and Czechia but also there is the contrary to other countries as is Italy. In Czechia maybe work a Zlaty (in translation, Golden) Slavik. I can laugh to the name of the award because everyone knows that is Slavik conditions. Probably name for the award is a right word.

Yeah, Central Europe is also piece of Germany but Germany in techno is also totally different reality because everyone in interest knows that in Germany was realized that started in Detroit and Germany is a among main reason for that techno exist in a reality. 

Maybe a problem is also that in a Czechia are not an electronic music 90’s experiences how there was it in Western Europe. A gabba, thunderdom itself totally not existed in Czechia in 90’s. And there are not any experiences with the 90’s. And when I said something about 90’s, I could to say about a drugs. I think, gabba exists especially because 90’s Netherlands and Belgium. Gabba is a mainstream in Western Europe from 90’s. And there was few years in 90’s where - for example - was being a boom in MDMA using and similarly on these events. But I think, mainstream Western Europe people found that this using is an unsustainable and now there is nothing like that. But in Czechia I have often feel that a people trying about an unsustainable drug reality for more like 20 years. And this itself is impossible for reality as is Anfisa Letyago. Someone need an awakening or I don’t know how that don’t work in a minds. 

It’s beautiful when people as is Anfisa Letyago and Italy can destabilizing a reality of unawareness of a significant reality around that I don’t know where my life is write in a reality of a lies that people speak to yourself about the world around. 

For example, Charlotte de Witte had also a collaboration in Italy; New Form IV, when there was a collaboration among F1 Ferrari and Charlotte de Witte because Charlotte de Witte techno is a prestige for F1 (itself). 

And probably, this article I can connect to myself. I think why I have many support from Western Europe people and why people around don’t understand, there is the main reason among other. I often see that people around don’t understand electronic music itself as they don’t understand in what is (not only Western) Europe because… 

And that Czech people don’t understand about is Western culture. In 2023 this also demonstrated Liquicity Festival. That there was from a Central Europe people was the horrible misunderstanding. I think everything was horrible that there was or still exist because Liquicity Winter Festival 2022 and Netherlands reality that someone found because my words about the proper Western Europe country. I want this say again because I don’t understand this an unsocial problematic behavior. I think no one in Netherlands understands it. Really, I have the feeling that my talks about Netherlands was a mistake because from these times somewhere are a problems. On other side, there are also a doubts about a reality of a country because the my words about Netherlands or reality other EU countries.

* A good example, that in Czechia is common that a wannabe techno people make a connection with free tekno and they blessing to anti-social behavior and dehumanization is an article here, Move Over Berlin

Otherwise in the article they write that Western techno scene is an expensive. But everyone who know a Western Europe techno events like are a Netherlands events they know how cultural and safe are the Netherlands events. Even there is often zero drug tolerance that I think this is the one of the reason why someone have a feeling that Western Europe events are an expensive and they blessing to free tekno parties. 

But a truth is that Netherlands techno events are not so expensive as are tickets for a techno events in Prague. I am often shocked that in Prague for a one headliner from the same ten headliners at a Netherlands festival in Prague a man need pay half by price of ticket that in Netherlands a man pay for a ticket on a big festival.

For me is a common that I spend less or the same moneys for a Netherlands festival like is that for an event in Prague with a one headliner from ten the same headliners at a Netherlands festival. 

And atmosphere at a ADE by Netherlands people is on a high level because Netherlands common social behavior itself. I think that the reason why Netherlands events are not so expensive is because in Netherlands exists a good social behavior and a people are not especially an objects for a business (or a drug dealers). 

And also because of it, Netherlands economy looks a good and Netherlands people looks a good and the truth is that Netherlands people are wealthy, rich much more than a Czech people and Netherlands people are also more healthy humans. 

I see as a fake when someone say that a Western Europe events are expensive contrary to a Prague events where is a one headliner from ten the same headliners at a Netherlands festival. 

And otherwise, in Netherlands are a big festivals almost every moth and for many years and this also might to say that Prague is not a big events destination. 

And everyone knows that on a free tekno parties is stealing as a business and the events are nothing for a cultural beings like I see on Netherlands techno events because their wealthy, rich and cultural behavior is a contradiction to total uneconomical and non-culture approaches at a Czech free tekno events. 

And also, that free tekno is for many years a mainstream in Czechia is not a news but this a truth from 2000 or that, when free tekno started been a mainstream in Czechia because itself for free tekno parties needs nothing and it’s possible bring there a dirties and drugs that don’t know a borders because free tekno parties have no borders for a wannabe human behavior. 

A truth is also, there is not a connection among a music on free tekno parties and techno. Free tekno is total different BPM itself than is a techno. And in a free tekno reality, no one Anfisa Letyago could be the queen because in free tekno is nothing from the cultural and civilized behavior. Free tekno is against the cultural and civilized behavior why Anfisa Letyago took the prestigious award. So there is no one connection among free tekno and techno but in Czechia still exist a tryings for a fake realities because I think in Czechia is a sense for a fake realities more as is a sense for a wealthy and healthy lifestyles. 

And in the article are a words about that in 2006 free tekno people got a place from a government. For first, this was a bad idea by the government itself, and main there is the fact that after 2006 free tekno people rejected any collaboration with the government because free tekno people rejecting a Western system itself and there was not the same reality as there was in 2006 because free tekno people rejected everything that have a connection with a system which they try shutdown. 

They rejected it all with a words that free tekno are not a common events but a main idea for free tekno is an anarchy. 

And also, I think with a rules there is possible less drugs and less anti-social behavior. For example, before 2006 there were not toilets itself and a urine (with a Czech meth and MDMA and many different chemical things) from an thousands people and other things were at a one place around a forest and there was a smell everywhere. But for a free tekno is a good idea that on an event is the smell everywhere. 

But this is just a piece of all the bad things with the non-culture that take no connection that is Western techno event or a behavior for a blessing as there is the blessing to a idealization of a fake reality. 

I just know this all for many years and I can write this all when I see the contrary among Western and a toxic reality for a vomiting that there is because a free tekno reality is a one of the mainstream in Czechia. 

And for example, there are a words about a Berlin techno culture. I just think that in Berlin are not a free tekno parties. And in Germany couldn’t be possible it how work free tekno parties in Czechia. 

In Berlin area exist an alternative festival as is Fusion Festival but this pretty free festival is about different reality than is a free tekno party. And for example, how there already were a my words, in 2023 I visited a free event but drum and bass event in Rechenzentrum, Potsdam. And also this free event was about total different reality than is a free tekno party. For example, no one wanted to a visitors used a alcohol itself an hour or hour and half before end of the event and a common no borders for behavior for a free tekno party is impossible for the Berlin community because no one there wanted to see a toxic behavior as is common for a anarchy on a free tekno parties. And yes, nothing was stolen from my person although my backpack was out of my eyes for almost whole the Berlin area event. And I saw no one toxic behavior although there was different Berlin area people on the free event in Potsdam. And also, end of the event was during a midnight and no one started with a horrible sound during a midnight as is that common for a ‘political’ reason on a common free tekno event. 

In a case of German techno scene, Germany brought techno scenes into the world by many German techno producers and by many the colorful techno music genres from minimal, electro, melodic techno to a hard techno, but nothing is a free tekno and nothing have a roots in a free tekno. 

German techno scene is total different than a Czech scene and by many significant producers itself German techno belong to the most biggest techno scene ever with a significant history that is not possible by a piece from it in Czechia because the techno history itself and because in Czechia are not any significant producers and Djs as is that in Germany. 

In Berlin area also exist festival Nation Of Gondwana that is also an example that Berlin techno itself and German techno are not a black but German techno is colorful and can be very melodic. 

Free tekno is a closed sector especially that exist especially in Czechia because there are a conditions for a homeless free and narcotic free free events. 

I think the main reason why in 90’s free tekno was been moved to Czechia from United Kingdom after that free tekno events has been banned in United Kingdom for the anti-social behavior this happened due to a potential of the conditions for the free events in Czechia.


Release Yourself

 Sidney SN released a news, see on the link; A life in the Moments

With a November GHOSTS I started with a mixes with little different themes than I had in a previous (not so official) BassBlog mixes or at Sidney SN SoundCloud mixes.

Although I had a doubts about it, November GHOSTS and Roots Of Everything got many plays that I didn’t expected it.

Now there is A life in the Moments. And I think that this mix is last mix of a series that I started with November GHOSTS because I think I want now a music with a different vibes than are these three mixes.

 Tracklist: 1. Phloem – On The Line (Galacy) 2. The Sauce – Round The Corner (The Sauce Recordings) 3. IYRE – Drifting Sideways (Soulvent Records) 4. Mistrust – Dreamer (Shogun Audio) 5. V Dubz, Y-Zer – Parma Cheese (Biological Beats) 6. Nymfo – Bread And Butter (Computer Integrate) 7. Arpxp feat. Alibi – One Week Before (SUNANDBASS Records) 8. Logistic feat. SOLAH – Dawn Treader (Hospital Records) 9. Data 3 – String Theory (Innerground Records) 10. Seathesky – Take Away The Pain (Offworld Recordings) 11. Edlan – Rewind (Fokuz Recordings) 12. Silence Groove – The Bells (Offworld Recordings) 13. Ekko And Sidetrack feat. Sam M – Release Yourself (Viper Recordings) 14. Loulid – It’s Fine (Liquid Flow) 15. Edlan feat. TZ – Strictly Lone (ATNMY)


Stand up for a tear's or/and a environments

 For A Better World

Rotterdam - Charlois
 A truth is that a Sidney SN exists because a his experiences with a bad toxic reality around. 

A Sidney SN play a liquid drum and bass because a sweet vibes of a liquid drum and bass that Sidney SN brought into a reality due to a dark reality that he saw around him in the Czech Republic; This is a one of the main reason why a Sidney SN, I think.

For a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass is a resist(ance against a dark reality that exists as a Sidney SN had an experiences in the Czech Republic. 

Maybe someone can't understand that I said because you're not from the Czech Republic and you don't have a bad experiences of a many years before that you found a modern liquid and bass with that there is on a drum and bass scene itself and also the same that Sidney saw in techno and free tekno in the Czech Republic, and liquid drum and bass is a totally different reality for a Sidney SN. 

As a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass - among others - I used as a resist of a sweet vibes against a dark reality of a Czech mainstream. I think a my natural way was a way when I started doing the opposite to that I saw around for a saving my person itself. And belong there also a modern liquid drum and bass to this a my saving of a my person. It's like when someone takes a different diet because the person feels that a common diet or a mainstream diet is not good for a life of the person.

In a start of a Sidney SN there were a thoughts about that a modern liquid drum and bass is an totally different to Czech mainstream that this liquid drum and bass could work as a culture itself without a connection to a mainstream drum and bass or that and I think a liquid drum and bass is an opportunity to use for a distribution of a bad reality or a bad dark reality.

Liquid drum and bass is an intelligent music style and a values of a liquid drum and bass are not about a narcotic reality of an especially a bass or a ‘hardcore’ madness. I think, a liquid drum and bass is about a solution for a realities than about an (drug, alcohol) escaping or a using hard drugs or alcohol itself.

The thought about a distributed music style for a dark realities is a very nice thought, I think. 

But I think in a deep drum and bass are also an interesting thoughts although this a music style is a dark drum and bass or in a dancefloor liquid drum and bass the same.   

Say nothing but need it

 Maybe I had no so bad words to Liquicity Spring Festival 2024, but I think this Maassilo was horrible. 

I don’t know how explain it but probably that I have only three videos from this Liquicity, this demonstrate the reality. And these three videos are the best moments that I saw in this Maassilo. I said to myself that I want recording only the best moments and this is sad that there are just three moments. 

Maybe on a main stage atmosphere was good for more times than I have on a one video from the stage, but second stage was weird whole time for me and a small neurofunk stage or what there played was total horrible. The atmosphere in Maassilo spring 2024 was really a weird. 

And also on the second stage was even less people than I expected. A music itself on the second stage was bored. There was a moments when I said to me that now could be better, but even GLXY played similarly as everyone another and my prediction that with GLXY could be better was also gone. 

Maassilo spring 2024 was for me total contradiction to Liquicity Winter Festival 2022. I saw nothing from what there was in Maassilo December 2022. For example, second stage itself during Maassilo December 2022 was for me with incredible atmosphere, the atmosphere was so beautiful that is difficult to say how the atmosphere looked on the second stage itself. Whole the Maassilo December 2022 was the best drum and bass event which I knew. Even a small stage was amazing with very good atmosphere. 

And Spring Festival 2024 was the most worst Liquicity what I saw. A music itself on second stage in Maassilo December 2022 was perfect for me. In Maassilo 2022 there was an authenticity for what a producers played. And mixes there were full of liquid, deep or also 174 BPM dancefloor as is Boxplot. Or Skeptical with his deep drum and bass mix. Or Ruth Royall, I don’t need to say who is she. In Maassilo spring 2024 I had a feeling that the mixes are without authenticity itself and in a way especially a mishmash of liquid, deep and dancefloor drum and bass. And I think that everyone played the same mishmash. I don’t want again the same experience because I can’t enjoy an event when there is this atmosphere. 

A people also was not so good in Maassilo spring 2024 as there was the right atmosphere at Liquicity Winter Festival 2022. On Liquicity Spring Festival 2024 I had no one from the feelings that I want stay on the event an hours after an end of the event. Because the feelings I had before midnight (during end of the event) in Maassilo December 2022. 

I think that who destroyed the atmosphere were a Central Europe assholes already during Liquicity Festival 2023 but although I know the reality of Czechia, I had no predictions what there will be because my words about Maassilo December 2022.


Be happy

 Due a my experiences in Czech with a techno communities through the years from 2001, and due a free tekno mainstream from 2003, when a free tekno shutdown even Creamfields in Czech, and a Czech techno people make a collaboration with a free tekno, I am an happy for a my imaginations about how could looks a techno community and that I believed in a vibes of tech-house, progressive and melodic techno and a proper techno, I am an happy because a my imaginations are an realized in Netherlands. I believed in a community of a normal and an inner and inside wealthy and a good looks people and in Netherlands is this a realizing. I think Netherlands techno community looks as were a my imaginations about a society. I can enjoy these events without a fear due a common values there. I have only a fear say this aloud. When I said something about a liquid event in December 2022 something was a not good for. A people are not everywhere the same. World is about a people. Like looks an inner spaces, looks a worlds. As when somewhere is a techno something by a common citizens with a good inner values. For example, in Netherlands is also a mainstream a gabba. I say nothing about because a Netherlands values in a gabba. In 10:45pm when I went from Love Land shuttle bus to Sloterdijk, there sounds everywhere around me a tech-house, techno, progressive and a gabba. I thought that a techno is from Love Land, but this didn’t sound as from Love Land because when I went few steps I listened another music. And I found that a music is to listening from everywhere around. And gabba was to listening also from a cars around. A truth is also, Netherlands open air events have an end during midnight. So when I went to Sloterdijk in Amsterdam was an edge of all events around in the Amsterdam area. Somewhere a man is on a balcony and provocative in 11:00pm started a weird bass that a man think that on a balcony is at a sound system. This is also a political truth. Or now is ten days after that is a date of this article and I am in a bed and during 1:30am started a free tekno party. When this I see, this is when a assholes say, Look on us We are the stupidest in Europe. In 30 or less old even without teeth’s that even a indigenous people don’t see. And when a decibel scale is also put out a norms, a free tekno continues. On ADE’s is no one who could want be a days without a body washing as somewhere is a common smell for a ?people when they are on a wannabe event. In a way, someone can be happy that somewhere exists a real civilized society and a weirdos are especially a weirdos by an own dirty that an sound their desperate by their reality made on own. And I believe no one by these weirdos know as looks a Western society because they believe)d a own nonsenses because they are not educated people even about a reality out of Czechia where is a their end station or destination for all times that I know about who are. This is also the truth about a Czech reality. For every times, when I arrived from Germany to Czech I have a feeling that this country is out a reality. It’s a change there when a man is everywhere in Western Europe and when arrived to Czech where a Western is not exist. I don’t want a uncivilized or antisocial behavior also during a daylights but I like a daylights events. It’s a beautiful when everyone can to see like looks a people around. I think when I go back from these daylight and sunset events I don’t doubt about how looks a day events. That is good on a daylight-sunset events that an event take a more hours for enjoying, and I can sleep during a night and in morning I am happy. Or a man can enjoy a night after on own in a private room. And in morning can be also happy. It’s as in a night trains and an ways when I see around a people that I don’t have a fear. 


Everything Is Possible

 I think good at Liquicity Festival 2024 was that a madness as there was in 2023 was gone or that.

I think good thing was that I had a ‘protest’ in 2023 and I didn’t wanted visit Liquicity Festival 2023. I ignored everything by Liquicity 2023 in Netherlands.

I think that madness 2023 there not was been also said that Liquicity Festival 2024 not was been sold out. In 2023 there was words not only to bad behaviors by new ravers but also because there was - accord many Liquicity people - more people than is sustainable for a festival area. I can apologize for that there was but is not my fault a behavior of a people from a Central Europe country. And the madness around said a lot about how things go.

Another good thing at Liquicity Festival 2024 was weather. Weather was a nice. During Friday when I visited Liquicity Festival was total summer weather. 

Only at Lunar that I liked more than other Liquicity Festival stage there was in Friday pretty warm air, that was almost impossible to dancing there. But at some places was good air. Probably due warm air at Lunar there was during Friday less people more than in 2022, for example. But I think this also was because a madness 2023 was gone. 

At Lunar was a change at Liquicity lineup. I don’t know exactly what everything was changed but during 09:00pm or between 08:00pm and 09:00pm at Lunar stage played Etherwood. This change in lineup was good for me. Etherwood was in lineup at Saturday. When I saw lineup for every days I said to me that it could be nice when Etherwood could play during Friday in lineup for Friday. And this change there was on Liquicity Festival 2024 at Lunar stage. Etherwood at Lunar or Riya at Solar or Gyrofield at Lunar were for me the best among others especially from Lunar stage. 

Riya also was been a special change in a program when she was as a vocalist at Lunar to Etherwood mix. 

I said among others because I didn’t know who played between 06:00pm-07:00pm. But the person was Gyrofield. Although maybe you think that Sidney SN know all about a drum and bass producers or DJs that he like, he often know nothing who are these people when see a people in reality. There was already situations when I didn’t know who is this person in a reality although I like them in a virtual world. Or they like's in virtual reality a my things or they like Sidney SN but I didn’t know who are in a reality when they are around or speak to me. 

I could to say Liquicity Festival 2024 was good festival. I saw there something by atmosphere that I like. But also this makes Netherlands itself. 

But also I can’t to say that I felt a total good that there is in atmosphere due a 2023. This is possible to see still that there was an injury. And this will continue. 

And I just I don’t like a speedbass or that there often was at Solar when Djs there mixed it to a dancefloor drum and bass. I don’t like this boom in drum and bass. I like 174 BPM for break beats. 174 BPM is like a tekno. I just think when Djs don’t will play it that people don’t will looking for this music. A four years ago no one knows about this new 174 BPM music genre or that there is the way. I think before there existed only real dancefloor drum and bass and his positive vibes. As a liquid man I could say that to liquid vibes have connection melodic progressive tech-house for example, more than a speedbass which sound as a tekno. 

And I think I was little shocked when near Enter to festival during 10:30pm or 11:00pm at Friday I saw an ‘alternative’ man with LSD or that. I don’t know that there did this psycho man. Or why someone using LSD for a psychosis. Someone who has psychosis like this man there can feel nothing from music vibes. I don’t know why these people visited a festival when LSD can using at a meadow without a festival. Maybe set and settings is not so truth because this man had also psychosis although Liquicity seems to be safety environment. I think he had a time for crisis intervention because of the intoxication. 

I am opened to many color people but also I think when somewhere is someone more tolerant there can be weird people because they see a tolerance as their a shelter. I think this man was about that I think. 

Already now I know that I don’t want to visit Liquicity Festival 2025. And in a current time I don’t know where will be the time when there will be the time for a Liquicity event. 


A Controversial Policy

 I don’t know where was it, but I read a words by Monika Kruse that now people in techno don’t want be political. 

I think that this is a truth that Monika Kruse said, that a man need be political. I think that in techno music are a contradictions but much more I think that a contradictions are in drum and bass music. 

Techno is a music that is not a EDM, for example. But in drum and bass a man can find total different music and everything is a drum and bass.

For example neurofunk is something total different than is a liquid drum and bass. Hallucinator is total different than is liquid drum and bass music but everything is a drum and bass. 

The differences in drum and bass are a controversy. A liquid drum and bass people don’t like neurofunk as some techno people don’t like a trance. But techno is a techno music genre and trance is a trance music. And drum and bass is not a drum and bass for all it that can be a drum and bass. And when someone talk about drum and bass, the man don’t must agree that I am drum and bass because there is a controversy among many drum and bass music genres. 

In drum and bass are a differences as are a differences at EDM and techno music. At techno music are also other music genres as is hard techno or minimal and in drum and bass are music genres as is liquid, soulful, neurofunk, dancefloor but even the differences don’t say the same as when someone say techno, because in drum and bass are a contradictions as are a contradictions at progressive tech-house and schranz. 


My teacher

 Who was Your teacher 👍 👍 

There was recently a Netherlands festival where I got a like from a men. 

I said, Yeah. And I got a smile to him. But (haha) I don't know that he thought. 

There was questions in my mind about liquid drum and bass. And a truth is that I was inspired Chilloutbear YouTube platform, for example. But Sidney SN mixes have own fundamentals. 

Especially that I wanted were mixes with especially liquid drum and bass tracks that I listened on YouTube platforms as was Chilloutbear. A senses of Sidney SN is something that I want in the World or that I feel in the world. There could be Australia or Netherlands that inspired me or they are my teacher, for example. 

Or there was someone who brought my person to deep drum and bass. But Sidney SN using deep drum and bass for liquid drum and bass especially. Somedays I mixing deep drum and bass mixes but it are an experiments especially. 

But also, there could be Universe that he though. But I don't know who brought Universe to a life. I think the person who brought Universe to my life is my person, because I think existence of everything it's something to unbelievable. But someday life is as the movie Clash of the Titans, I think. There are a God's who manipulate with a reality when you get a reality for that don't know so clear why to a times when you aware the truth. 

I think especially my teacher is especially environment around. There was many situations in my life that are the reason when I said to myself this is not right, this I don't want. And I think these situations when I said No that I see, these situations are the teacher. 

But also good environments are the teacher.

Maybe the men thought something total different but it was interesting because that he thought. 

And there is something another about my mixing. From a start I mixing by the same principles. In 2005 when during autumn I started with tryings for a MP3 mixing I had the same imaginations about mixing. Only in these times there not existed modern liquid drum and bass and I tried making something that melodic and with stories with techno and non-techno tracks mixing together. 

Probably I can't say everything about that I think, because this is something that makes my mixing. And probably this is the reason for your likes or applaus that there exist. On other side everyone know that I like remixing tracks as a mixing that I can bring there another liquid drum and bass mix. 


Stay creeper in daylight

 I don't know how it happened, but during 2023 I realized that I am as an influencer. I wanted only mixing sweet music what I like or I love, but my person is probably very well known at public by... This know people across Europe more like me.

Perhaps I don't understand how it is possible that quite a few people know what I write on a blog.

Maybe much more someday I don't understand what there was everything during the last three years by many people to my person.

I didn't have any predictions for being probably pretty very well known person at European public. Often I don't have any words when I see a smile to my person or interest about my person through Europe.

In a way, liquid drum and bass messenger is also a truth? I think liquid drum and bass is nothing mainstream, but now this music genre could know much more people.

Maybe someday when you take an energy from a world these worlds get the energy to you. Or places, smiles, sadness, pain, experiences, adventures, approaches... get to you vibes for being in the world with something for be a very well known person. 


Somewhere in Western Europe

 I think everyday can be the last day because a man don't know future, but I think this is something by a present about the Western Europe continent. Maybe a maps speak something different than how I see who are Western Europe countries but a maps don’t know a political language. 

Belgium - A heart of European Union. By lifestyles Belgium is Western Europe. In Belgium you can feel how looks Western Europe. And place where was born people as is in techno culture revolutionarist Charlotte de Witte. I think Charlotte de Witte is pretty presentation of Belgium itself. But also place where we can found people as is Amelie Lens. And Belgium has a good economy. After richest country in the world that is Luxembourg and after Netherlands is Belgium the most rich country in Western Europe. Belgium has better economy than Germany, France or United Kingdom. 

Netherlands - Amazing culture. Feel that somewhere exist little America 2 with Western Europe and Europe together. Beautiful and more profound architecture and economy, pretty profound water streams using, interesting solutions for local energy supply of homes, cities and industry. Pretty high-tech civilization. Good and maybe most faster public transport infrastructure in Europe for cars, buses, train and the best place for bikers (In Netherlands is more bikes than citizens). Somedays I have feeling that cars in Netherlands are the most clean (clean as clean not as clean energy, although this second is also to see with power stations around homes) or preserved cars that I don’t see in Central Europe. And nice and pretty directly people of many colors. Beautiful cities, events and places across whole country. Good infrastructure. Nice seas. I think when modern liquid drum and bass have rich fundamentals in Netherlands, this is something by Netherlands vibes itself. That Netherlanders are most active people in Europe, it's something that is possible to find in the reality. I think environment it's everything. And I think because Netherlands is Netherlands Netherlands people have more active life's. Netherlands is good environment. During sun summer times for example, often Netherlands looks as a 'Hawaii'. Especially South Holland, Rotterdam area itself or Amsterdam area also looks like that. And in Netherlands is common a hollyday vibes as a evergreen, I think. People are more peaceful people because their environment that speak about common soul of Netherlands. Netherlands people are pretty profound esthetic people and their environment looks wealthy like that. Environment in cities or green areas around villages, including not so more agglomerative not just a factory agriculture is often pretty idealistic and clean how look Netherlands environment. Netherlands people are an first European country where is adopted English language. More like 90 percent Netherlands people speak for English that this look as when also English in the Netherlands is a native language. And Netherlands is second richest country in Western Europe. 

France - Very colorful country. In France are areas or provinces that are total different. There are places that looks as is common architecture for Central Europe (around Nancy for example), or places that are as San Tropez or Monaco or cities that looks as a Germany cities or cities where architecture looks similarly to Eastern Germany (Strasbourg, for example). And there are places where is more dangerous reality or peaceble places. There are Alps or there are places as are summer holiday destinations. Many beautiful places, architectures and culture. 

Luxembourg - I think that Luxembourg city is UNESCO, that a man can see across whole Luxembourg. The same, when Luxembourg is the richest country in the world, this can be to see in Luxembourg. Beautiful country of a great heritage and modern world together. 

Germany - That Germany is the one of the most powerful economy in the world, this can be to see across the big country. Beautiful cities where you can see somewhere history of Germany or modern high-tech civilization. Cities are colorful and people there are more colorful, especially locality as is Berlin area. Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt or Western Germany as is area around Düsseldorf or Dortmund are different cities. In Berlin area are very colorful people that probably you can't to see everywhere in Europe. Munich is more modern city and without Munchen Hauptbanhof, Munich is pretty clean city. Frankfurt is as a city between Eastern Europe and Western Europe and Frankfurt is city with difficult architecture. Frankfurt Airport itself that looks. When a man arrived to Cologne the man can see that here is Western Europe. And Dortmund or Düsseldorf is Western Europe. I think more clean green environment around Cologne say that I am on different place than is a Central Europe. And around Dortmund or Düsseldorf the architecture or green environment itself is like the Netherlands more than an Eastern Europe. 


New Sidney SN Session: Roots Of Everything

 Probably 10 hours ago I released a new Sidney SN story on bassblog.pro/sidneysn1404/. Check it there. 

I just especially searched for a new sweet tracks for a sweet full liquid tune into my headphones. Result is Roots Of Everything

I think someday music can say it all. And liquid drum and bass is for me still something where I can found sweet what I want in my headphones. 

 “As melting wonder in the world”


01: flowanastasia & Nymfo – River Flows (Deviant Audio)

02: Keeno ft. Vio.let – Frenzy (Keeno Music)

03: Nymfo & Waeys – OSD (Love For Low Frequencies)

04: Leniz & Perspective Shift - Hazy (Ft. Matt Freeman) (Differential Recordings)

05: Flava D – Mesmerise (Hospital Records)

06: Edlan & Dustkey - Melting Hearts (feat. Ella Noël) (Liquicity Records)

07: HumaNature, Alpha Rhythm, Natus - Lost River (Fokuz Recordings)

08: SOLAH - Everything Is Possible (Hospital Records)

09: Miss Redflower – Conundrum (Hospital Records)

10: Riya, Loz Contreras, Aperio – Keep You With Me (Galacy)

11: Alix Perez - I'm Free (Shogun Audio)

12: Edlan - Go Back Home (Instrumental (Liquicity Records)

13: Phloem – Low Tide (Galacy)

14: Monty & Alix Perez – Cursive (1985 Music)

15: Low:r – Bubbles (Galacy)

and 16: Landmarks by Edlan (Liquicity Records)


Too many

 I have a questions to me about what I did when there was been many a positive vibes to me from a my Czech fans. 

When I faced the violence against my person in a very well know situation, I don't believe why there was it. 

Maybe someone tryings about doubting my person what there was been but I don't know how could be possible to someone could speak untruth about the reasons what there was against my person. Probably everyone knows.

I don't believe my person was being as an influencer for people around how it was that I faced the violence against my person. And what is very sad for me is a truth, drum and bass as a culture take a non-violence as a political goal (the same as is common be against racism or be for LGBTQ, for example). There could be a doubts about if is someone drum and bass when take a physical violence as the solution against drum and bass artists. I really doubt about who is someone or about a values what someone tryings get to drum and bass.

I don't want more speaking here about this violence and differences among drum and bass in Central Europe and in Western Europe, but I want to say I think I probably took good way when I said stop to myself what I found to Sidney SN by Czech Sidney SN fans. For example, I don't see before that someone applauded name of drum and bass artists on a stages. 

I liked what there was on a stages, but I though if are sustainable for myself this very good situations by Sidney SN fans and I said to myself I probably must say stop. I little apologize for this a Sidney SN behavior but I see now as an unsustainable to I could visit any Prague events. For example, when I visited USK Prague Women during their match in European Women’s Basketball League I said to myself better would be a way to Western Europe than what I see everywhere around. And an events I understand as more worst reality for me than was there a reality when I went from the train to the stadium. I have no interest about a Czech events. There was been also a situation in the train from Munich to Prague when a United Kingdom boy said, ‘Czech are a human flash!’. Maybe I can visit a match by USK (although I have little a fear about I don’t want be again a nervousness for that you’re nervous because me and a match don’t work better) but for me I see as an unsustainable an events reality in Prague. In a way, due a red plans this UK boy has been a total right about a reality in Czechia in these times. And not only because of it, but in the context of this his thought. 


Back To Skyward


 Sidney SN is there with a new Drum And Bass mix. 

Back To Skyward is not only a full liquid drum and bass, but the mix is a more colorful. 

As Back To Skyward specialty is the vibes of the tracks what I mixed together.

Back To Skyward is little an energetic drum and bass mix by a my energy I don’t want prisoned in my mind.

When I listened When We Were Cool by Boxplot, I wanted to mixing a set with a similarly vibes across whole a drum and bass mix. And a result of the my trying is the Back To Skyward. 

Wen We Were Cool sound as an America vibes (often what in Europe we listening in American movies) as is Boxplot an American men itself.

The mix was been little difficult to mixing for me, but a result is there as Back To Sky. In the mix are often changing a melodies when in Back To Sky I mixing liquid drum and bass tracks with a deep drum and bass tracks and with more vocal and instrumental and energetic tracks as is When We Were Cool, Release Yourself, Human Again or RIENK in New Horizon.

I tried also to in Back To Sky could be a tracks with similarly men vocals as is vocal by James Burki in When We Were Cool and Sam M in Release Yourself or vocal in New Horizon completed what I wanted for a Back To Skyward.

As an American movie, life itself is like a movie someday. And in Back To Skyward mix is also a story of a real life's. Human Again by Boxplot is a life story itself.

Listening and download: Back To Skyward


IYRE – Drifting Sideways (Soulvent Records)

Silence Grow – The Bells (Offworld Recordings)

Ekko and Sidetrack feat. Sam M – Release Yourself (Viper Recordings)

Kuttin Edge – Say Again (Bop Remix) (Locked Concept)

Kyrist – Underfall (Sofa Sound)

Boxplot feat. Sam M – When We Were Cool (Pilot.)

Arpx feat. Alibi – One Weeks Before (SUNANDBASS Records)

Scuro and Katon – Pursuit (Ascension Audio)

Boxplot – Human Again (Liquicity Records)

CELO – Summer Blues (Interstellar Audio)

Solsan – Moon Child (Drum Army)

NCT feat. RIENK – New Horizon (Liquicity Records)


When my mind fails

Potsdam, Germany
 I think often there are a words about support Sidney SN by United Kingdom drum and bass artists, but no words about C Recordings, for example. C Recordings it's a best German drum and bass records.

I think eyes can be opened the same way to C Recordings as is that to many United Kingdom drum and bass records or UK people. But a truth is, when Soulvent Records started liking my Instagram, it was something what I didn't expected. Or another examples as is an interest by Shogun Audio. I think, Soulvent Records or Shogun Audio is an edge of drum and bass records. 

What was been pretty unexpected for me, was something what I started watching in reality. When Sidney SN name was applauded in Prague clubs is a one example, because during 2022 or 2023 I didn't believed for many times about Sidney SN know people from whole Europe. And not only people from drum and bass but also people from different scenes as are Netherlands techno events, progressive scene or Western Europe public itself. And almost for every time these reactions on my person was positive. 

When I found about me know whole Western Europe, this was something what took off my mind because I didn't expected something as this popularity across Western Europe. Often I had a questions to me as is possible the popularity. I though people from drum and bass are not popular at public itself, but me is popular at public itself as is Germany public itself. And even these reactions on my person was positive especially for every time. Or a meetings in France or the events in Netherlands, the same. 

And what I see as a positive is a situation or things around me what is especially the reason why about me know whole Western Europe; It's something what said me many good things about Western Europe society.