Liquid Flawor Madness
Something about Sidney SN

What is Liquid Drum And Bass
Liquid Drum And Bass is a one drum and bass music genre from a lot drum and bass music genres.
Drum and bass have the roots in a 80’s black culture of North America. In a past of 90's drum and bass was been called Jungle music and expanded from USA to Europe.
Drum and bass is very colorful music genre where is possible to find almost every effects and sounds from another different music genres.
Liquid drum and bass was in a roots as an Intelligent drum and bass. There were specific persons in the 90's roots of Liquid drum and bass as is LTJ Bukem. In the times, Liquid drum and bass not was been called as a Liquid drum and bass, but Liquid drum and bass was called as an Intelligent Jungle or Intelligence Drum And Bass.Liquid Drum And Bass is a specific drum and bass music genre where are an instruments itself, vocalist's or many sweet or sadness melodies and means. Because Liquid drum and bass is often with an instruments itself, Liquid drum and bass don't must be a full electronic music genre. Because there is many instruments, symphonies and vocalist's in Liquid drum and bass, this music genre can be called as an Intelligent drum and bass.
Although Liquid drum and bass exist from 90's, there has been time after 2010 when Liquid drum and bass got listeners more than before, because Liquid drum and bass platforms on YouTube spread the music genre, I think. There was person as is Netsky itself, who did the change in Liquid drum and bass to more listeners after 2010. Especially YouTube platforms as were Chilloutbear or Liquiddnbftw has been the significant YouTube channels for Liquid drum and bass after 2010. In a times on YouTube emerged also Liquicity Records.
Liquicity Records is a specifically, because Liquicity Records realized Liquid drum and bass events out of platform as is YouTube. Liquicity events are now the biggest Liquid drum and bass events in Europe. But not in United Kingdom.
In United Kingdom exists Hospital Record, for example. Hospital Record exits from 90's. And Hospital Records belong to the most significant record company in UK or in the world.
In UK are another or other records who take their sense for Liquid drum and bass. Soulvent Record, for example, is a records which have sense in Liquid drum and bass from start of this record. Or Spearhead Records is also very significant UK records for Liquid drum and bass.
In Germany is possible to find C Recordings. The label is also record which take Liquid drum and bass as own sense.
Liquicity Records have a roots in Netherlands. In Netherlands is possible to find also other Liquid drum and bass records as is a High Tea.
In history of Liquid drum and bass are also significant another records; V Recordings, for example. Or at Metalheadz is possible to find many Liquid drum and bass senses.
In Netherlands is significant also Fokuz Recordings. To Fokuz Recordings belong also Celsius Recordings. In Germany is now also Yummy Recordings, for example. In UK a man can find also Goldfat Recordings or Offworldrecordings, for example.
Among very significant persons of Liquid drum and bass belong LTJ Bukem, London Electricity, Pola & Bryson, Maduk, Nymfo, Riya, Hybrid Minds, Charlotte Haining, Ruth Royal, Changing Faces, DJ Marky, Aperio, Seba, Commix, Keeno, Fred V, Polaris, Makoto, Nu:Logic, Nutone, Technimatics, Bcee, Etherwood, Humanature, LSB, Leniz, for example. There is many a good Liquid drum and bass producers now who is a significant person for Liquid drum and bass.
I think that Liquid drum and bass can be a music genre which exists on an own without a connection to other drum and bass music genres. Even I think that in a start there were the thoughts for making something different than is current drum and bass scene. From many Liquid drum and bass producers there was a doubting about current drum and bass scene, many people wanted making something total different or they had no one interest about a current drum and bass scene and just they made something that they want to see in the world.
When I think about liquid drum and bass there are tracks why I love the drum and bass, for example:
Nymfo & Riya - Something Tells Me
London Elektricity - Dub My Dreams
Bcee, Charlotte Haining & LSB - Endlessly Unlimited
LSB & Charlotte Haining - Day Dreamer
Pola & Bryson, Charlotte Haining - Find Your Way
Technimatic & Riya - When the Dawn Breaks
SOLAH - Elevate
Koherent - Mirrors
Flava D - What I've Always Waited For
In:Most & Ruth Royall - Back to The Sun
DJ Marky & SOLAH - Poetry
Polaris, Ritual & Vio.let - Lullaby
imo:lu - Circle
Winslow - Lost In Black Lodge
Keeno - Nocturne
Emba - Mirrors
IYRE - Drifting Sideways
Boxplot - We Lost It All
Visionobi - Weather The Storm
Fred V - Skyscraping
Aperio - All Night All Summer
Metrik - Life/Thrills