
Alternatives for Germany

         Rotterdam Oud-IJseelmonde

 This theme is pretty difficult for me because I have a support in Germany due an issues with a toxic behavior in Czechia. And this support in Germany exists not only because of a toxic behavior against me, but because I said something about a red plans. I think my words looked as when I’m a big supporter of Germany. And this is a truth I support German values. I like a German conservatism to an origins common German values, for example. And because this what I like on Germany amongst others German cultures I feel wants for this piece. 

For example, in Czechia I was witness for more times when a German oldies were angry when something not worked as they see the German values. I have a fear that these German values are a losing. In a way, I think these German values are something common especially for a mature German people or for oldies German people more than for a younger German people. And because this itself I have a fear about these values what made Germany a big nation. 

I have also a support by these German people I could criticize. For example, in 2023 I visited Burn Out Festival in Rechenzentrum in Potsdam. This event was a beautiful for me. From these times I visited only two drum and bass festivals. And before this event I visited many drum and bass events. But Burn Out Festival 2023 was special for me. In a way, I knew about this event that this event will be also about a German alternative community and I tried to been there as the people around. But I like there a cosmopolitanism and LGBTQ+ community and this was also the reason why I wanted to visit this Potsdam event. I know about a Czechia people who especially speak about who they are or they speak for what they stand, but often there are especially a words about but not a reality. In Rechenzentrum I saw that a people around really realizing who are and they take these values for what they stand. I said nothing was stolen from my backpack although I leaved my backpack for most of a time, no hates; people around were a safe environment. And this I saw as an impossible when I see a reality in Czechia. I don’t like a radical leftism, for example, but in Rechenzentrum were many these people. And I don’t like a radical environmentalism but this also I saw on some people in Rechenzentrum. In a way, self-realization is a common for Berlin area. I think many from these people are not a so bad for what they feel, this is something by a their hearths although I can’t agree and often I see their thoughts as a danger that we don’t need. And not only because we don’t need be without a high civilization or we don’t need be without an economy. A economy is a very important. A economy is very important in a world where we life. A big example are a China or Putin tryings for the end of the Western. I think these people about I think they are very vulnerable in these situations and in a way they are the injury for an economy that we need because they rejecting this economy for a reason in their hearts.  

When I have a words to Berlin, I am also criticize to Berlin techno people. When there are a words techno people are a black as a cemetery this is the truth for Berlin techno people. Netherlands techno community as is 909 community or Love Land and Awakenings these communities are very colorful and also with a different values. In a way, in Netherlands techno is common thing and there are not a tryings for not been as is a mainstream society because Netherlands techno community is a mainstream itself among other electronic music as is also Gabba, for example. And also, there are different approaches to drugs. In Netherlands is not common what is common for Berlin techno people. 909 Festival or Love Land make a zero drug tolerance as the main approach. I think, in Prague who brought an opiate into my body this person was probably also a Berlin techno girl. I see as danger these thoughts for myself although I like techno music. 

I don’t know exactly why but in Berlin area is as the election winner, Alternative for Germany. Alternative for Germany is a total contradiction to a leftists. And probably also the reasons are a common Berlin leftist approaches for this winning. And this said many about Germany, I think. I think Germany now often look as a fight among an alternative and radical or radicalized people. In Germany now is a main way a search for an alternative or radical ways for what or what? I don’t want an deep way speak here about what many people can also to see on a many groups of the different people in Germany but this speak something bad for German economy and Germany is an weakened now although an last is that Germany needs is a weakened. This is something that is an good for Putin itself and similarly people and similarly nonsenses when in a country is a big fight among different people as are people in Germany colorful by many ways from leftists, environmentalists, radical rightists to a people with a origin German values or maybe also a refugees. We had there a pandemic, war is there and Germany now is also a distribution because I think an German own issues especially. 

I think a borders closing now is also something for a distribution although there are an arguments by a Germany government that this is something against distribution of Germany. For example, now can been again radicalized more groups in Germany because that including radicalized even these people in Germany who are a reason for a closing borders. In a way, in Germany can been an)other fight against by against by against to other against. By many words by German politic in a medias, among a main reason for a closing borders is a reason for Germany is an unsustainable brought there a new people from different or another countries. In a way, this could be a truth because for many years Germany was opened for a people by different countries who can build a life in Germany. But also there can be a fear by a bad nationalism as in a way everything can look. And in a way, this also can be disruptive for Germany because Germany could losing a supporters. 

For a thinking, there are a German border controls from Eastern for many months. I think these controls could make a connection with I said about a red plans. Or there is a connection to Putin war. This will be a truth that there exists or existed a destabilization for a plans and secondary is another destabilization in Germany because a reason for a radicalized society can be also a war although because a fear. A truth in Czechia are issues also on own and these problems were used for a plans. For example, in June 2023 in Rotterdam streets I saw more people by Eastern Europe how there were as a homeless. In Rotterdam these people is a minimum and in 2023 there was more an Eastern weird people. For more times in 2024 I saw no one by these people. Only a dealers by Eastern Europe there were around Centraal. Maybe in Rotterdam is less people from Eastern Europe now because a German controls itself. I also said at Rotterdam international bus station where are an oddball people or a most weird look people this is a signal that this is a bus station to Central Europe. Or at Munich Hauptbahnhof during 01:35am there are a people with a plastic bags and beers around and I know they are a Czech people. But also I saw a controls of common German people in their good clean white BMV. And I said to myself that probably German police take a distrusting to own citizens that they controls them on a borders from Czechia. Maybe there is a fear someone could bring to Germany something nonadequate from Czechia. In a way, among other things, this looks as a border controls are not only about a refugees or that. I don’t believe that these people could be potential danger for Germany when these people are an common German people with a common German values.

I have only little fear how I see now by Germany, because how I said there was pandemic, there are still tryings for war and now I see pretty much disruptive fights in Germany or what there is?


Stand up for a tear's or/and a environments

 For A Better World

Rotterdam - Charlois
 A truth is a Sidney SN exists because a his experiences with a bad toxic reality around. 

A Sidney SN play a liquid drum and bass because a sweet vibes of a liquid drum and bass Sidney SN brought into a reality due to a dark reality that he saw around him in the Czech Republic; This is a main reason why a Sidney SN, I think.

For a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass is a resist(ance against a dark reality that exists as a Sidney SN had an experiences in the Czech Republic. 

Maybe someone can't understand that I said because you're not from the Czech Republic and you don't have a bad experiences an many years before that you found a modern liquid and bass with that there is on a drum and bass scene itself and also the same that Sidney saw in techno and free tekno in the Czech Republic, and liquid drum and bass is a totally different reality for a Sidney SN. 

As a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass - among others - I used as a resist of a sweet vibes against a dark reality of a Czech mainstream. I think a my natural way was a way when I started doing the opposite to that I saw around for a saving my person itself. And belong there also a modern liquid drum and bass to this a my saving of a my person. It's like when someone takes a different diet because the person feels that a common diet or a mainstream diet is not good for a life of the person.

In a start of a Sidney SN there were a thoughts about that a modern liquid drum and bass is an totally different to Czech mainstream that this liquid drum and bass could work as a culture itself without a connection to a mainstream drum and bass or that and I think a liquid drum and bass is an opportunity to use for a distribution of a bad reality or a bad dark reality.

Liquid drum and bass is an intelligent music style and a values ​​of a liquid drum and bass are not about a narcotic reality of an especially a bass or a hardcore madness. I think, a liquid drum and bass is about a solution for a realities than about an (drug, alcohol) escaping or a using hard drugs or alcohol itself.

The thought about a distributed music style for a dark realities is a very nice thought, I think. 

But I think in a deep drum and bass are also an interesting thoughts although this a music style is a dark drum and bass or in a dancefloor liquid drum and bass the same. 

I think for a modern liquid drum and bass is a synonymous: a drum and bass for a mind melting. Liquid can means melting minds by a music vibes. Often this Sidney SN feels by a modern liquid drum and bass tracks and among other reasons I think Sidney SN mixing a liquid drum and bass for this feeling in a minds.

 Also this…

 I also now remember Sidney SN was secondary by a my life I had. Sidney SN was nothing so seriously for me. I think Sidney SN streamed by a my active life I had during 2014 - 2018. I had a thoughts about a life I got these vibes into a music as something secondary to the my life. 

But also is a truth, a modern liquid drum and bass was a my choice because an different values in this liquid drum and bass contrary to a Czech drum and bass events by times before 2015 and now still I feel it about a values in Czech drum and bass. And I still feel these values are nothing for me. 

A truth, during COVID pandemic was many things changed to more worst in Czech, and now I had different senses in Sidney SN because there were a changes… I wrote in 2023 about Czech Republic and anti-values approaches and now also I know about the way to more worst reality in Czech has started during 2016; That a reasons are not a COVID pandemic itself especially but a political manipulations. For example, a vibes of Sidney SN summer mix 2018 it’s an impossible to found there now for Sidney SN. This summer mix has been an energetic mix and I don’t see now the similarly energy for a similar mix. But Netherlands, for example, is an inspiration for a good vibes because Netherlands is Netherlands. 

And a changes are not only about a government, in drum and bass, for example, there are also things more worst because I think someones used also Czech naturally hand by hand as a government used similarly things during 2016 - 2023... In a way, a crew is also a mentality; This speak a their events itself. 

A most worst European economical deficit and a most worst economy said also many things about it and about Czech is a most worst country in Europe. 

(Maybe in Slovakia have similarly problems.)

A truth is, for me, now there is a more worst reality more than there was even before when I started with Sidney SN. 

I also must to say, a liquid drum and bass before 2015 was also a dancefloor drum and bass as is Netsky. There also were a changes how is specific drum and bass after 2015. Maduk before 2015 dancefloor drum and bass was also as a liquid drum and bass. 

But truth is also, when I started released Sidney SN mixes on a Czech mp3 sets platform, I wanted to could to see Sidney SN mixes. And this there was. That a goal been there among a best or a best I had. And also after 2021 was also many things to changed because a applauses in a reality. And after a problems in Czech, I am in Europe. And I am glad for it because I can to say a things for a saving in Europe. And this situation itself said many things about a European reality from Germany to United Kingdom. 



 This article is a little controversial, because is about a marijuana using. And for me is a difficult to explain that I think about a contradictions in a THC using; I hope I will explain this with a good way.

I think there are a reasons why is an legal and an common using THC in Netherlands, and a reasons why for me this I see as an impossible in Czech Republic or I doubt about a similarly legalize in Czech Republic. 

For first, I want an article about THC, because in Czech Republic is also a common using THC among people although THC is still illegal in Czech. A stats say, THC users is so many in Czech that no in another country. But the same is an alcohol for similarly reasons. Or a hard drugs also are a mainstream in Czech. A stats are based on a per citizens. In Netherlands is a THC legal for three decades, but Czech people are the biggest THC users and not a Netherlands people. 

A main reason why I couldn't to wish to THC could be an total legal in Czech are approaches to life and an common (toxic) behavior in Czech that I see as an antisocial behavior (here I don't think free tekno anarchy). In Czech exist a word, Zapekat. This is the reason also why I don't wish to could be THC legal in Czech. Zapekat is something as an nonsensically looking into a walls or a speaking nonsenses after using THC; Czech people see this as a main effect of THC. And this I see as a problem. It's more worst when a people are stupid and after a using THC are more stupid because after THC these people don't must think about a things because even without THC these people have no interest about a good reality. And when is someone a toxic person, THC can do the person more toxic because THC effects on the person when the person don't must think so much about a behavior and even can be more aggressive after a THC using. Free tekno people are very toxic itself. I think Zapekat is a main reason why is a THC using in Czech; A people are an stupid and they want an Zapekat because they are stupid and they don't know with a their life and because that prefer be more stupid after THC using. This I see as common in Czech that a toxic people are an more toxic after a THC using. And when a toxic reality is a mainstream... But with an alcohol in Czech this is the same. And a hard drugs using the same. A stupid man after using THC can be more toxic because THC made the person more egoistic, for example. But an alcohol effects can be the same for a toxic people. 

I think in Netherlands is a small group of a people who using THC for Zapekat life because common Netherlands people are not so stupid as is common for THC users in Czech. This say environment of Netherlands itself how looks Netherlands people. And because Netherlands people are not so stupid, Netherlands people have legal THC. 

For example, now is in Netherlands ban a selling tabac products in a common shops and stores. And even a tabac products must be hidden before human eyes in these special shops. A truth is, in Netherlands Coffee Shops now is much more than a tabac shops. In Netherlands now, THC is a legal more than a tabac products. In a way this is a provocative because Netherlands say in a way, THC is safety more than a tabac products. In a way cancer or addiction itself is something common for a nicotine and not for THC. Or a common studies this speak. And Netherlands people are more educated about THC effects. The Netherlands knowledge about THC effects also made THC more legal and THC using is a less problematic. 

A problem is itself, Zapekat is an uneconomical itself and much more in a wannabe culture as is free tekno anarchy where THC using is common much more than in another culture as is using of hard drugs in the anarchy free tekno reality. And a desire for the total drug anarchy is also a mainstream in Czech Republic. And I really believe that a my take action 2023 have results, good feedbacks when I wrote about a red plans during COVID pandemic and after pandemic when a people know the same as I know about Czech people and these people had a predictions about alcohol and drug using itself during COVID pandemic, about a brain draining among others problems with a people.

Netherlands people are an economical beings and because that itself, THC using is different in Netherlands than is THC using in Czech. Maybe also a THC products in Netherlands have different effects than in Czech because Czech people wants Zapekat especially, a braindrain effects. I think for the same reasons that I doubt about a full legalize THC in Czech, in Czech is now HHC full ban, because a braindrain effects of a hard HHC. Probably in France was also a problems with the HHC and similarly wannabe marijuana herbs, but in Czech was a problems most bigger from whole Europe as is that with alcohol using in Czech or with hard drugs using because there is not any country from Germany to UK where are these problems with a hard drugs using itself or with a free tekno anarchy. In France is also free tekno, but not so mainstream as in Czech. And I think a French free tekno people also used stupidity of Czech people when the French free tekno people took a moneys from a poor free tekno Czech people by a drugs. And I think there are a reasons why France is a most worst country from Germany to United Kingdom. For example, how looks common ghetto rap in France this also speak many things about a reality of many places in France. This aggressive rap with a weapons in a hands is something specific for France. And yeah, often there are also drugs in this rap. But France have also a good majestic places for visiting and many good cultures. 

I think I want a world without THC using itself, but also I think I understand that a intelligent people using THC for a reasons who are a stupid and toxic people itself who also using THC but they are more stupid and toxic after a THC using. But I think an intelligent people have also another reasons for THC using, as is better thinking about a things. And a toxic people are especially the toxic people and THC have negative effects on them when they are a more toxic after a THC using. 

I think when Luxembourg is a country where could be also legal THC as is in Netherlands because Luxembourg this planning probably, I think this is expectable because about Luxembourg speak economy itself when Luxembourg is a most rich country not only in Europe. 

And I don't know why there was a Snoop Dogg provocation. I think this gesture speak something about THC in Europe, that a people do that not directly but everyone know about. 

Now is also a little legal THC in Germany for Germany people. I don't know so exactly how Germany people believe in their system and how this will be work but I think in Berlin area, for example, is a THC users more than will be possible a clubs for a registration in Berlin. In a way I am also skeptical that everyone want be in a registration. I think German people today don't believe in system as there was in 90's, for example. But this a German economic issue or recession itself that is in Germany now, I think I don't want now to speak here.

But also I think when the similarly German registration could work for alcohol in Czech Republic, this could be an interesting and positive. 


A truth?

 A example model of a proper Western Europe economy  

 Because I think in Czech Republic still dominate a agriculture business model of a Bolshevism I think this a piece of my feeling will be a example that is an possible take as a example for why - among others issues - a Czech economy it’s not so good because a people need take economy more into a own hands and they don’t need been pretty especially institutional as is not so common in a Western Europe society economy. Be a more institutional being still is still a post-bolshevist itself. A more freedom being is a Western Europe business reality. 

That an economy are a people especially, a many people can to see in Western Europe and in Central Europe, I think. I believe that this a many people feel also that I see in Western Europe as a contrary to Czech Republic where a business men’s are probably especially not a Central Europe common people but Who?

A big agricultural agglomerations vs. a farming 

 For a many years are in Czech Republic used a Moldavian, Romanian and a similarly refugees for a jobs as is a Czech agriculture, for example. For example, a livestock breeding is a special job in Czech Republic where are use Moldavian, Romanian people and by a similarly nations. I think this is because a Czech people rejecting an agriculture dirty jobs and as a better Czech Republic using Moldavian or that people for a this dirty jobs. The same in Czech Republic for another dirty jobs are using Ukrainians refugees. But I don’t say that in another jobs in Netherlands don’t work a Spanish people, for example, as a work in a same jobs an Eastern Europe people in Czech. Netherlands economy is a big even for a Spanish people. This is also a truth. 

But a common Czech people don’t like a Eastern refugees, although these Eastern refugees are in Czech not only for a using for a dirty jobs but a Eastern refugees are economically and a their living hoods more as a Central Europe people on their own naturalization and not only because there is a war on Ukraine for example and Eastern Europe people don’t have moneys because they are a refugees. But also I don’t say that in a many levels Eastern Europe refugees don’t take a similar approach’s to life as is common in a Central Europe. Czech drugs and alcohol work also a good for a many these people. But maybe because a their situation also. Eastern Europe refugees are a more as a Central Europe and not as an economy and a lifestyles in the Western Europe. That a Muslims itself are a much more economic beings and they have a living place in Western Europe because they are economic beings more as Eastern or Central Europe people. I think a Muslims don’t want a life in Czech because they are more as a Western Europe economy and they are the Western Europe economy. Probably when Czech rejecting Muslims I think when I could be Muslim I rejected existence in Czech because in Czech I couldn’t be so economical being as I am. And Netherlands people are a Muslims with all that is be there a citizen. Czech need as a home half by half a ruin and this is a common as a Czech economy and a lifestyles. In Netherlands are not any half by half ruins as a common Czech living hood, and is not common take as a lifestyle a tryings to could be a my dirty good for a people around. A free tekno people did the same. A one of the reason why a free tekno is a mainstream in Czech as their for a free drug reality. Common Netherlands people want a their clean and rich and cultural lifestyles. It’s a truth that this business do Netherlands more rich and clean country of a many culture and a best events. I don’t know that Czech take as an idiom, that someone is bored as Netherlands or Netherlands man. Netherlands is much more cultural country than is a Czech with an enjoy that is a unreal in Czech. And an alcohol and drugs are not the one or especially for a enjoy. That looks also a civilization where a main enjoying is an alcohol and drugs. A alcohol and drugs are not a culture but a drugs especially. A boredom I feel in a Czech and not in Netherlands where is a beautiful civilization of a many enjoy. That whole Western Europe is more civilized or often full civilized world with a civilized and a cultural social behavior. A social status by a naturally of a beings is a business itself. In Netherlands are not common a big agricultural agglomerations and fields but in Netherlands are a small fields more as a big. Among a small fields is a systematic made green environment for a saving water, for example. For Netherlands people is a common using a permacultural principles for a green environments. In Central Europe this don’t work everywhere and that looks an poor and toxic green environment in Czech. In Czech is used so much chemicals in an agriculture not only because Czech still believe in an institutional agriculture but because a more big fields especially without a permacultural water and a natural feed for a fields by a nature principles itself these fields need more chemicals. A Babis use this agriculture model for his business also, including a chemical business. That a permacultural principles work, Netherlands demonstrated everywhere. A Netherlands farming itself is not so permacultural but a green environment around work on a permacultural principles as a feed for the fields itself. It everything also work because Netherlands people are an esthetic nation. Netherlands people have an esthetic high(-tech) civilization. 

I think in Netherlands, Netherlands farmers take an agriculture into an own hands as a common. They don’t want exploited for this an Eastern Europe people. When a Czech people don’t like Eastern Europe refugees I don’t know why there is still used a Bolshevist model of a agriculture when there were 35 years when Czech people could do a agriculture better for a own by a take this into a own hands with a farms and farming especially as do that in Netherlands. A farming is a better than a more less institutional models of a big agricultural agglomerations as in Czech still from a Bolshevik era. When don’t like a Slavik conditions of agriculture you can do a better agriculture without a beers on a fields for a your country, economy and environment. In Czech a people can take much more colorful food by this Netherlands agriculture model. But a truth is there are an owners of a fields. But I don’t see any tryings for be that Czech often also speak, they want be an economical more decentralized. A own farming is this own decentralized business. A farmers have an own business and they do an own economy in Netherlands and also they did an environment. And when take that need do a things on an own and don’t need exploitation of Eastern Europe refugees for it that a man do an own business and economy of an own nation. It’s a clear when don’t want do a dirty jobs as is a Czech agriculture a Czech man can do that with a more clean and efficient economic principles on an a own. 

But I don’t say that in USA are not a big agricultural agglomerations on similarly principles as is a farming in Netherlands. But Netherlands green environments are a most beautiful and a most intelligent and esthetic in Europe because a Netherlands principles. The same is a high-tech Netherlands civilization itself because Netherlands people do a things on an own and for yourselves more than in a Central Europe society work for. That a food by these farmers that do a better things for Netherlands is a better than a food that Czech people criticize because this is a Czech economy itself.  

But Czech people can take a better economy and a food and goodness by an own farms, I think. But also a Czech economy is more a toxic bestie than economy of Western Europe, that an economy are a people. As in an economical way of a Netherlands farming, a things there more works for a people because a people have this approaches and a business. A Babis use a Czech agglomerations business or an approaches also. A fields can take a farmers and not a Babis. A one of the reason why a Babis couldn’t work in a Western Europe, because in Netherlands a farmers control a their business. Babis want be owner of that all re)public. That a State as a Babis firm is a stupid red idea. Why a people are not the own business and an own economy and an own environment and wanted a Babis fake reality? Western Europe are a more intelligent and an educated people that a looks their business and economy itself. 

I think also in Czech was before Bolshevism and during 1920 more farms also. But during Bolshevism farms was stoled by a state from a these farmers and after Bolshevism there was almost no one who want back this farming or a realized that was been stoled during a Bolshevism. And a Bolshevism agriculture model there still work. 

I feel that Netherlands girls are a more fertile beings than in Czech, for example. And this my feeling made a Netherlands economy and a food itself. In Netherlands is a much more quality food than in Czech and this is the fertilizer itself. Yeah, but I can say this again, a free tekno mainstream itself is a total contradiction to that want a young Netherlands people and for a fertilizer. It’s for a laugh when a free tekno could be a real civilized society of a rich intelligent life’s. A tryings for a normalizing dirties is the economic, environmental, cultural and civilized problem itself for Czech as that need do things a better on an own. 

And not only a fertile of Netherlands girls, but also a Netherlands men’s have something most biggest from Europe. And Netherlands men’s are also a most tallest men’s in the world. 

* When I have as an example these Netherlands economic approaches to agriculture itself, maybe many people by Central Europe now think Netherlands is an ecology nation because Czech people often hating a ecology and Netherlands for their a green approaches and Czech have a problems with a care about. For me ecology means that a man trying for an understanding of a nature systems and how a man can work with a nature systems, ecology is an about understanding of all existence itself. A nature system is a green environment as is that Universe itself. This is a very significant for a colonization for human inhabit environments (for example there still exists a trying about a Mars colonization by creating a green nature systems). Ecology is a science, a science about how work Universe, existence itself. A truth is, in a nature systems are an answers about existence itself. I think I can to say about myself I am an ecologist because I trying about an understanding of existence and how work with it. I think for Netherlands an ecology means that I think. And because this a science itself Netherlands know how work with their environments for be good habitable and a sustainable. Netherlands have also a great high-tech buildings as a care about an habitable and productive green environments. 

Also is a truth Netherlands common people are a consumer people. A consumerism is a total common in Netherlands. And Netherlands have more good goodness for a consumption by their economy that is their agriculture itself, that Netherlands people are a wealthy and riches people more than is a common in Central Europe because Netherlands economy and approach to life and to strong and high-tech civilization.

Be happy

 Due a my experiences in Czech with a techno communities through the years from 2001, and due a free tekno mainstream from 2003, when a free tekno shutdown even Creamfields in Czech, and a Czech techno people do a collaboration with a free tekno, I am an happy for a my imaginations about how could looks a techno community and that I believed in a vibes of tech-house, progressive and melodic techno and a proper techno, I am an happy because a my imaginations are an realized in Netherlands. Really I believed in a community of a normal and an inner and inside wealthy and a good looks people and in Netherlands is this a realizing. I think Netherlands techno community a looks as a were a my imaginations about a society. I can enjoy these event without a fear due a common values there. I have only a fear say this aloud. When I said something about a liquid event in December 2022 something was a not good for. A people are not everywhere the same. World is about a people. Like a looks an inner spaces, a looks a worlds. As when somewhere is a techno something by a common citizens with a good inner values. For example, in Netherlands is also a mainstream a gabba. I say nothing about because a Netherlands values in a gabba. In 10:45pm when I went from Love Land shuttle bus to Sloterdijk, there sounds everywhere around me a tech-house, techno, progressive and a gabba. I thought that a techno is from Love Land, but this didn’t sound as from Love Land because when I went few steps I listened another music. And I found that a music is to listening from everywhere around. And gabba was to listening also from a cars around. A truth is also, Netherlands open air events have an end during midnight. So when I went to Sloterdijk in Amsterdam was an edge of all events around in the Amsterdam area. Somewhere a man is on a balcony and provocative in 11:00pm started a weird bass that a man think that on a balcony is at a sound system. This is also a political truth. Or now is ten days after that is a date of this article and I am in a bed and during 1:30am started a free tekno party. When this I see, this is when a assholes say, Look on us We are the stupidest in Europe. In 30 or less old even without teeth’s that even a indigenous people don’t see. And when a decibel scale is also put out a norms, a free tekno continues. On ADE’s is no one who could want be a days without a body washing as somewhere is a common smell for a ?people when they are on a wannabe event. In a way, someone can be happy that somewhere exists a real civilized society and a weirdos are especially a weirdos by an own dirty that an sound their desperate by their reality made on own. And I believe no one by these weirdos know as looks a Western society because they believe)d a own nonsenses because they are not educated people even about a reality out of Czech where is a their end station or destination for all times that I know about who are. This is also the truth about a Czech reality. For every times, when I arrived from Germany to Czech I have a feeling that this country is out a reality. It’s a change there when a man is everywhere in Western Europe and when arrived to Czech where a Western is not exist. I don’t want a uncivilized or antisocial behavior also during a daylights but I like a daylights events. It’s a beautiful when everyone can to see like looks a people around. I think when I go back from these daylight and sunset events I don’t doubt about how looks a day events. That is good on a daylight-sunset events that an event take a more hours for enjoying, and I can sleep during a night and in morning I am happy. Or a man can enjoy a night after on own in a private room. And in morning can be also happy. It’s as in a night trains and an ways when I see around a people that I don’t have a fear.