
Too many truth

 I read an article about a possibility for manipulating of Czech medias with a informations about a current situation in Germany. 

In an article were a words that Czech people living in Germany can’t believe what Czech medias writing about a current situation in Germany. And there were a words that the Czech people living in Germany have a feeling that a Czech medias ‘informations’ making an imaginations about Germany that current Germany is a place where is impossible a life. 

I don’t want again a words about Czechia because I think German people know about a situation in Czechia that my person itself wrote especially during 2023 and a most worst economy in Europe speak also many about Czechia, but I want a words to a murders. 

Almost everyday in a Czech medias I reading as is horrible current situation in Germany because there is too much a murders by a hand of an immigrants. But I also watching a police crime website about Pilsen region. And I had a feeling that in Pilsen region or in Pilsen (a scale of Pilsen is similarly to Luxembourg city, although Pilsen is an very poor city contrary to the capital city of the richest country.) itself exist a murders more than I see how looks current situation in Germany because an immigrants. 

German medias say, End is near: Czechia surviving the own end [1]

Because a my feeling about Pilsen itself I made a research about murders in Pilsen region. And a result is that from October 2024 to now* I found around 15 or more murders in Pilsen region; the 15 is a number a case by a case but in some cases there were murdered more people with hand of one person. Most from the murders is happened in Pilsen itself. And a Czech white citizens configured in most from these murders, not an Ukraine people or Gypsies for example. In a Czechia otherwise exist a disinformations that Ukraine people, immigrants are the problematic people. I don’t want to know the number murders in Czechia. 

I think that this my research confirmed my feeling about a Germany and Pilsen. And this my research probably confirmed a words about a massage of Czech medias about a current situation in Germany.

Maybe similarly as there are a words or articles that Germany now looks as a most danger environment for life in Europe, there is a lot articles about a current German economy. When a Czech man doesn’t see an articles about a murders, the man can read about German economy. But German economy is the third-largest economy in the world. And where is a Czech economy and the reasons why Czechia is among the most worst economy in Europe (from a 2021 in Czechia for a more years is economy even worst more than after global economic crisis in 2008) [2] and in the connections with the reasons how looks the reality when a man arrived from a Western Europe side. When there are a border controls from Czechia as not is that at other German borders, I think Germany can feel fear for what there is. 

*And among this all, there exists a cases when someone faced attacks by knife for example, but survived it. Probably now there is every week an incident. And from October 2024 to now more people were found dead in a streams or rivers, although is not so clear their death or explain for it is suicide. 

When I watching Batman movies for example, I have a feeling about a Gotham city. There are some stories which are similarly to a stories of Gotham city. 

[1] Probably Czechia still surviving own end because something failing but like it sound an articles in Czech medias about Germany. And this is a provocation, German medias said nothing like that. But in Czech medias a man can see about Germany something as is that. 

[2] I think that from winter 2023 is situation better in Czechia. Probably because a new government that is not so red ?and my words had a awakening potential... But when there are a words about deficits, a nation can be in a deficit mode when is billionaires or when is poor. For example, now there are a words about a deficit in Belgium but a living conditions in Belgium are different than in Czechia and Belgium is 15 richest country in the world and a deficit is not so to see as are common living conditions in Czechia. More worst economy than Belgium have even Germany, France or United Kingdom.