
Over The Dusk

 A truth why I don’t want visiting a events in Prague is that for every time when I tried about it, I have a feeling that the way itself through Prague and from can be the last way in a my life. 

And a ravers in Prague often also looks as when an event can be the last event in their life. I don’t think that I feel that on a progressive tech-house events for example because the community seem to be more mature, but about a mainstream drum and bass events or during techno events in Prague clubs I have often these feelings and I don’t see the environment as a safe environment. 

For example, when I visited a Prague events during pandemic, the reality was everywhere that a man don’t know that there will be, but this is an common for the way to Prague events, on the events and during a way from. 

When I visiting Netherlands cities I don’t have the feeling that a way itself to an event or from can be the last way in a my life. Yeah, a truth that Netherlands open air events are daylight and sunset (there are not open airs after midnight) that is also more safe, but in night a man don’t have the fear as is that in Prague or not just in Prague.  

And the same I have the feeling about ravers in Netherlands that I don’t feel that they look as when an event can be the last thing in their life. 

I think this is because a common sustainable values in Netherlands and a values in Czechia. 

Netherlands people, including young generations want to be wealthy and healthy people and they also are more empathic beings. And in Czechia I see a raving as an unsustainable way when during few moths the way can be at end because the way is unsustainable. About stolen there can be also a speech. And also another values are an out in Czech reality. 

For example, when I visited a Netherlands Liquicity events, the community is a more younger than a Netherlands techno community. Probably this is also because a modern drum and bass is younger itself than a techno. And maybe the modern drum and bass music itself is for younger generations more than for a more mature people. And I don’t want again a words that now there are a changes in a community because a people who don’t visiting Netherlands Liquicity before 2023. 

And Netherlands techno community seems to be often pretty mature. Western techno has a rich history and a maturity because that it’s a natural. And also young/er people there are. But in Czechia is not like that. I think that for Czech techno or drum and bass events is common that rotating generation by generation, people after people because an unsustainable reality on the events. 

And I saw a lot that the core for a people are free tekno events because a previously unsustainable reality for them or because in Czechia free tekno belong to mainstream ‘culture’. On free tekno need nothing and there are not a borders for a behavior. 

From my generation itself, I know a lot the stories like are that we don’t want visiting (Czech) techno events because there is still a reality or we had a addictions (Czech meth especially) and it destroying us and we don’t want visiting a events because we have a fear that the addictions can take comeback because we were addicted… In Netherlands are an often festivals itself with sustainable policy as is zero drug tolerance.

My person don’t have an interest about a reality that after two Prague events drum and bass (on this event a people applauded Sidney SN when because a mistake Sidney SN went to backstage) and techno in a one night even two days after I had a hallucinations that a walls around me is moved. This was during end of January 2022. And how I said for more times is unknown for me that there was in my body. And during the week I also had Omicron. And I think the Omicron had connection with the unknown drug in my body. A reasons for it are a speculations. But every reasons said me a lot. 

And a mainstream neurofunk music itself at Czech drum and bass events speak about it how looks a Czech drum and bass scene. This music itself is not for a mature people as is that for a younger people as is the unsustainable reality on the events among a young people from 15 to 24 old or that especially.

I think a reality can be sad, for vomiting or for laugh because I think an environment are people especially and a people making the reality for yourself. And a person don’t need be there where don’t want been.