
Sidney SN now on BASS BLOG

 Sidney SN is now on BassBlog.pro drum and bass mix platform. 

I have there the profile although I don't expecting so much plays as well as on Sidney SN SoundCloud. 


Private Mix: Roots of Liquid (Sidney SN Liquid DNB Mix) summer 2021

 Roots of Liquid (Sidney SN Liquid DNB Mix) is as special thanks for previously mix; Liquid Flawor Madness. 

The mix is little as a private mix, because a liquid community is still something what is as community more than a mainstream music genre.

The vibes of the mix raised as something what there was been in reality with a Sidney SN, because an impossible situation in Prague on a Street. 

Sidney SN thanks to everyone who support him in the weird situation. 

There is positive feedback to my person because the situation which Sidney SN don't expected. 



Liquid Flawor Madness

 We have a time, when there is an end of COVID pandemic, and Sidney SN released a new liquid drum and bass mix. 

Liquid Flawor Madness is a full liquid drum and bass madness. 

In a way, the mix was been created for many months. I had two basic tracks what I wanted get into a mix. One of the tracks is Endless Haze by Koherent and second is Everything Will Be by Nymfo. After a months when there not existed tracks for a madness how I wanted, there was released another tracks as Radioparts by Artsea or Took My By by In:Most and No Compromise by Hugh Hardie and other tracks what I used into Liquid Flawor Madness. 

I am little glad, that the mix is released during end of COVID pandemic.