
Alternatives for Germany

         Rotterdam Oud-IJseelmonde

 This theme is pretty difficult for me because I have a support in Germany due an issues with a toxic behavior in Czechia. And this support in Germany exists not only because of a toxic behavior against me, but because I said something about a red plans. I think my words looked as when I’m a big supporter of Germany. And this is a truth I support German values. I like a German conservatism to an origins common German values, for example. And because this what I like on Germany amongst others German cultures I feel wants for this piece. 

For example, in Czechia I was witness for more times when a German oldies were angry when something not worked as they see the German values. I have a fear that these German values are a losing. In a way, I think these German values are something common especially for a mature German people or for oldies German people more than for a younger German people. And because this itself I have a fear about these values what made Germany a big nation. 

I have also a support by these German people I could criticize. For example, in 2023 I visited Burn Out Festival in Rechenzentrum in Potsdam. This event was a beautiful for me. From these times I visited only two drum and bass festivals. And before this event I visited many drum and bass events. But Burn Out Festival 2023 was special for me. In a way, I knew about this event that this event will be also about a German alternative community and I tried to been there as the people around. But I like there a cosmopolitanism and LGBTQ+ community and this was also the reason why I wanted to visit this Potsdam event. I know about a Czechia people who especially speak about who they are or they speak for what they stand, but often there are especially a words about but not a reality. In Rechenzentrum I saw that a people around really realizing who are and they take these values for what they stand. I said nothing was stolen from my backpack although I leaved my backpack for most of a time, no hates; people around were a safe environment. And this I saw as an impossible when I see a reality in Czechia. I don’t like a radical leftism, for example, but in Rechenzentrum were many these people. And I don’t like a radical environmentalism but this also I saw on some people in Rechenzentrum. In a way, self-realization is a common for Berlin area. I think many from these people are not a so bad for what they feel, this is something by a their hearths although I can’t agree and often I see their thoughts as a danger that we don’t need. And not only because we don’t need be without a high civilization or we don’t need be without an economy. A economy is a very important. A economy is very important in a world where we life. A big example are a China or Putin tryings for the end of the Western. I think these people about I think they are very vulnerable in these situations and in a way they are the injury for an economy that we need because they rejecting this economy for a reason in their hearts.  

When I have a words to Berlin, I am also criticize to Berlin techno people. When there are a words techno people are a black as a cemetery this is the truth for Berlin techno people. Netherlands techno community as is 909 community or Love Land and Awakenings these communities are very colorful and also with a different values. In a way, in Netherlands techno is common thing and there are not a tryings for not been as is a mainstream society because Netherlands techno community is a mainstream itself among other electronic music as is also Gabba, for example. And also, there are different approaches to drugs. In Netherlands is not common what is common for Berlin techno people. 909 Festival or Love Land make a zero drug tolerance as the main approach. I think, in Prague who brought an opiate into my body this person was probably also a Berlin techno girl. I see as danger these thoughts for myself although I like techno music. 

I don’t know exactly why but in Berlin area is as the election winner, Alternative for Germany. Alternative for Germany is a total contradiction to a leftists. And probably also the reasons are a common Berlin leftist approaches for this winning. And this said many about Germany, I think. I think Germany now often look as a fight among an alternative and radical or radicalized people. In Germany now is a main way a search for an alternative or radical ways for what or what? I don’t want an deep way speak here about what many people can also to see on a many groups of the different people in Germany but this speak something bad for German economy and Germany is an weakened now although an last is that Germany needs is a weakened. This is something that is an good for Putin itself and similarly people and similarly nonsenses when in a country is a big fight among different people as are people in Germany colorful by many ways from leftists, environmentalists, radical rightists to a people with a origin German values or maybe also a refugees. We had there a pandemic, war is there and Germany now is also a distribution because I think an German own issues especially. 

I think a borders closing now is also something for a distribution although there are an arguments by a Germany government that this is something against distribution of Germany. For example, now can been again radicalized more groups in Germany because that including radicalized even these people in Germany who are a reason for a closing borders. In a way, in Germany can been an)other fight against by against by against to other against. By many words by German politic in a medias, among a main reason for a closing borders is a reason for Germany is an unsustainable brought there a new people from different or another countries. In a way, this could be a truth because for many years Germany was opened for a people by different countries who can build a life in Germany. But also there can be a fear by a bad nationalism as in a way everything can look. And in a way, this also can be disruptive for Germany because Germany could losing a supporters. 

For a thinking, there are a German border controls from Eastern for many months. I think these controls could make a connection with I said about a red plans. Or there is a connection to Putin war. This will be a truth that there exists or existed a destabilization for a plans and secondary is another destabilization in Germany because a reason for a radicalized society can be also a war although because a fear. A truth in Czechia are issues also on own and these problems were used for a plans. For example, in June 2023 in Rotterdam streets I saw more people by Eastern Europe how there were as a homeless. In Rotterdam these people is a minimum and in 2023 there was more an Eastern weird people. For more times in 2024 I saw no one by these people. Only a dealers by Eastern Europe there were around Centraal. Maybe in Rotterdam is less people from Eastern Europe now because a German controls itself. I also said at Rotterdam international bus station where are an oddball people or a most weird look people this is a signal that this is a bus station to Central Europe. Or at Munich Hauptbahnhof during 01:35am there are a people with a plastic bags and beers around and I know they are a Czech people. But also I saw a controls of common German people in their good clean white BMV. And I said to myself that probably German police take a distrusting to own citizens that they controls them on a borders from Czechia. Maybe there is a fear someone could bring to Germany something nonadequate from Czechia. In a way, among other things, this looks as a border controls are not only about a refugees or that. I don’t believe that these people could be potential danger for Germany when these people are an common German people with a common German values.

I have only little fear how I see now by Germany, because how I said there was pandemic, there are still tryings for war and now I see pretty much disruptive fights in Germany or what there is?