
Stand up for a tear's or/and a environments

 For A Better World

Rotterdam - Charlois
 A truth is a Sidney SN exists because a his experiences with a bad toxic reality around. 

A Sidney SN play a liquid drum and bass because a sweet vibes of a liquid drum and bass Sidney SN brought into a reality due to a dark reality that he saw around him in the Czech Republic; This is a main reason why a Sidney SN, I think.

For a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass is a resist(ance against a dark reality that exists as a Sidney SN had an experiences in the Czech Republic. 

Maybe someone can't understand that I said because you're not from the Czech Republic and you don't have a bad experiences an many years before that you found a modern liquid and bass with that there is on a drum and bass scene itself and also the same that Sidney saw in techno and free tekno in the Czech Republic, and liquid drum and bass is a totally different reality for a Sidney SN. 

As a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass - among others - I used as a resist of a sweet vibes against a dark reality of a Czech mainstream. I think a my natural way was a way when I started doing the opposite to that I saw around for a saving my person itself. And belong there also a modern liquid drum and bass to this a my saving of a my person. It's like when someone takes a different diet because the person feels that a common diet or a mainstream diet is not good for a life of the person.

In a start of a Sidney SN there were a thoughts about that a modern liquid drum and bass is an totally different to Czech mainstream that this liquid drum and bass could work as a culture itself without a connection to a mainstream drum and bass or that and I think a liquid drum and bass is an opportunity to use for a distribution of a bad reality or a bad dark reality.

Liquid drum and bass is an intelligent music style and a values ​​of a liquid drum and bass are not about a narcotic reality of an especially a bass or a hardcore madness. I think, a liquid drum and bass is about a solution for a realities than about an (drug, alcohol) escaping or a using hard drugs or alcohol itself.

The thought about a distributed music style for a dark realities is a very nice thought, I think. 

But I think in a deep drum and bass are also an interesting thoughts although this a music style is a dark drum and bass or in a dancefloor liquid drum and bass the same. 

I think for a modern liquid drum and bass is a synonymous: a drum and bass for a mind melting. Liquid can means melting minds by a music vibes. Often this Sidney SN feels by a modern liquid drum and bass tracks and among other reasons I think Sidney SN mixing a liquid drum and bass for this feeling in a minds.

 Also this…

 I also now remember Sidney SN was secondary by a my life I had. Sidney SN was nothing so seriously for me. I think Sidney SN streamed by a my active life I had during 2014 - 2018. I had a thoughts about a life I got these vibes into a music as something secondary to the my life. 

But also is a truth, a modern liquid drum and bass was a my choice because an different values in this liquid drum and bass contrary to a Czech drum and bass events by times before 2015 and now still I feel it about a values in Czech drum and bass. And I still feel these values are nothing for me. 

A truth, during COVID pandemic was many things changed to more worst in Czech, and now I had different senses in Sidney SN because there were a changes… I wrote in 2023 about Czech Republic and anti-values approaches and now also I know about the way to more worst reality in Czech has started during 2016; That a reasons are not a COVID pandemic itself especially but a political manipulations. For example, a vibes of Sidney SN summer mix 2018 it’s an impossible to found there now for Sidney SN. This summer mix has been an energetic mix and I don’t see now the similarly energy for a similar mix. But Netherlands, for example, is an inspiration for a good vibes because Netherlands is Netherlands. 

And a changes are not only about a government, in drum and bass, for example, there are also things more worst because I think someones used also Czech naturally hand by hand as a government used similarly things during 2016 - 2023... In a way, a crew is also a mentality; This speak a their events itself. 

A most worst European economical deficit and a most worst economy said also many things about it and about Czech is a most worst country in Europe. 

(Maybe in Slovakia have similarly problems.)

A truth is, for me, now there is a more worst reality more than there was even before when I started with Sidney SN. 

I also must to say, a liquid drum and bass before 2015 was also a dancefloor drum and bass as is Netsky. There also were a changes how is specific drum and bass after 2015. Maduk before 2015 dancefloor drum and bass was also as a liquid drum and bass. 

But truth is also, when I started released Sidney SN mixes on a Czech mp3 sets platform, I wanted to could to see Sidney SN mixes. And this there was. That a goal been there among a best or a best I had. And also after 2021 was also many things to changed because a applauses in a reality. And after a problems in Czech, I am in Europe. And I am glad for it because I can to say a things for a saving in Europe. And this situation itself said many things about a European reality from Germany to United Kingdom.