

 This article is a little controversial, because is about a marijuana using. And for me is a difficult to explain that I think about a contradictions in a THC using; I hope I will explain this with a good way.

I think there are a reasons why is an legal and an common using THC in Netherlands, and a reasons why for me this I see as an impossible in Czech Republic or I doubt about a similarly legalize in Czech Republic. 

For first, I want an article about THC, because in Czech Republic is also a common using THC among people although THC is still illegal in Czech. A stats say, THC users is so many in Czech that no in another country. But the same is an alcohol for similarly reasons. Or a hard drugs also are a mainstream in Czech. A stats are based on a per citizens. In Netherlands is a THC legal for three decades, but Czech people are the biggest THC users and not a Netherlands people. 

A main reason why I couldn't to wish to THC could be an total legal in Czech are approaches to life and an common (toxic) behavior in Czech that I see as an antisocial behavior (here I don't think free tekno anarchy). In Czech exist a word, Zapekat. This is the reason also why I don't wish to could be THC legal in Czech. Zapekat is something as an nonsensically looking into a walls or a speaking nonsenses after using THC; Czech people see this as a main effect of THC. And this I see as a problem. It's more worst when a people are stupid and after a using THC are more stupid because after THC these people don't must think about a things because even without THC these people have no interest about a good reality. And when is someone a toxic person, THC can do the person more toxic because THC effects on the person when the person don't must think so much about a behavior and even can be more aggressive after a THC using. Free tekno people are very toxic itself. I think Zapekat is a main reason why is a THC using in Czech; A people are an stupid and they want an Zapekat because they are stupid and they don't know with a their life and because that prefer be more stupid after THC using. This I see as common in Czech that a toxic people are an more toxic after a THC using. And when a toxic reality is a mainstream... But with an alcohol in Czech this is the same. And a hard drugs using the same. A stupid man after using THC can be more toxic because THC made the person more egoistic, for example. But an alcohol effects can be the same for a toxic people. 

I think in Netherlands is a small group of a people who using THC for Zapekat life because common Netherlands people are not so stupid as is common for THC users in Czech. This say environment of Netherlands itself how looks Netherlands people. And because Netherlands people are not so stupid, Netherlands people have legal THC. 

For example, now is in Netherlands ban a selling tabac products in a common shops and stores. And even a tabac products must be hidden before human eyes in these special shops. A truth is, in Netherlands Coffee Shops now is much more than a tabac shops. In Netherlands now, THC is a legal more than a tabac products. In a way this is a provocative because Netherlands say in a way, THC is safety more than a tabac products. In a way cancer or addiction itself is something common for a nicotine and not for THC. Or a common studies this speak. And Netherlands people are more educated about THC effects. The Netherlands knowledge about THC effects also made THC more legal and THC using is a less problematic. 

A problem is itself, Zapekat is an uneconomical itself and much more in a wannabe culture as is free tekno anarchy where THC using is common much more than in another culture as is using of hard drugs in the anarchy free tekno reality. And a desire for the total drug anarchy is also a mainstream in Czech Republic. And I really believe that a my take action 2023 have results, good feedbacks when I wrote about a red plans during COVID pandemic and after pandemic when a people know the same as I know about Czech people and these people had a predictions about alcohol and drug using itself during COVID pandemic, about a brain draining among others problems with a people.

Netherlands people are an economical beings and because that itself, THC using is different in Netherlands than is THC using in Czech. Maybe also a THC products in Netherlands have different effects than in Czech because Czech people wants Zapekat especially, a braindrain effects. I think for the same reasons that I doubt about a full legalize THC in Czech, in Czech is now HHC full ban, because a braindrain effects of a hard HHC. Probably in France was also a problems with the HHC and similarly wannabe marijuana herbs, but in Czech was a problems most bigger from whole Europe as is that with alcohol using in Czech or with hard drugs using because there is not any country from Germany to UK where are these problems with a hard drugs using itself or with a free tekno anarchy. In France is also free tekno, but not so mainstream as in Czech. And I think a French free tekno people also used stupidity of Czech people when the French free tekno people took a moneys from a poor free tekno Czech people by a drugs. And I think there are a reasons why France is a most worst country from Germany to United Kingdom. For example, how looks common ghetto rap in France this also speak many things about a reality of many places in France. This aggressive rap with a weapons in a hands is something specific for France. And yeah, often there are also drugs in this rap. But France have also a good majestic places for visiting and many good cultures. 

I think I want a world without THC using itself, but also I think I understand that a intelligent people using THC for a reasons who are a stupid and toxic people itself who also using THC but they are more stupid and toxic after a THC using. But I think an intelligent people have also another reasons for THC using, as is better thinking about a things. And a toxic people are especially the toxic people and THC have negative effects on them when they are a more toxic after a THC using. 

I think when Luxembourg is a country where could be also legal THC as is in Netherlands because Luxembourg this planning probably, I think this is expectable because about Luxembourg speak economy itself when Luxembourg is a most rich country not only in Europe. 

And I don't know why there was a Snoop Dogg provocation. I think this gesture speak something about THC in Europe, that a people do that not directly but everyone know about. 

Now is also a little legal THC in Germany for Germany people. I don't know so exactly how Germany people believe in their system and how this will be work but I think in Berlin area, for example, is a THC users more than will be possible a clubs for a registration in Berlin. In a way I am also skeptical that everyone want be in a registration. I think German people today don't believe in system as there was in 90's, for example. But this a German economic issue or recession itself that is in Germany now, I think I don't want now to speak here.

But also I think when the similarly German registration could work for alcohol in Czech Republic, this could be an interesting and positive.