I have a minute words to a mistakes that probably exist.
Probably everyone know about a my not just a conservative opinion to drum and bass itself or I don’t know how explain my approach. And everyone know about a conflicts which are the reason why I am also an European influencer or that and this belong to the reasons why by the more western side Europe people there is a millions support to my person. And also there was a support by many common Prague people.
The minute words take a connection to a European continent drum and bass festivals. United Kingdom drum and bass scene is different and the words are not about the biggest drum and bass scene.
Everyone know that a wannabe world most biggest Czech drum and bass festival is under an issues. I little laugh that the festival have the issues and I see that the truth why the festival have the issues is on their own.
For example, when there are the tensions about a increasing price of a tickets, this is not just because a business of a crew but everyone can to see that on the festival is about 1/3 less visitors than in a best time of the festival. But stages and lineup should be similarly. And everyone knows that there were the tryings for a shut down of a big stages for the same reasons.
And now there is a new place for the festival. And yeah, the place belong to a most poor or dirty locality, region in Czechia. The reason why the poor region agreed with the festival is because the region probably see the festival as a probability for an own business. And a truth is that the festival agreed with the locality because everything looks like that no one another region wants the festival. Maybe in a near future can be an end or that because there are the reasons of own politic. Probably an end is also for the Prague club that belong to the festival as a farm for a new comers or addictions. And new similar place will not exist. And this is interesting because a main place for inviting a new young people will be gone. And the issues are there because especially the approaches of a crew.
And I think a things are not only about a business also in a way that someone tryings about something biggest although there are the issues with a visitors itself. A tryings about the biggest are also about an ego. During COVID pandemic there also were a tryings with selling tickets. So itself this, a visitors now need pay much more for a big lineup and stages because there is to 1/3 or that less visitors and moneys and biggest don’t work as someone wanted. Probably in a truth, when you want a price for a tickets and that, need shut down a big stages as there was already this trying or different lineup and smaller stages and also need different people who organized this event without a egoism and tryings for just a big business… 97 million ravers on drum and bass
NASA confirmed only at Boomtown 2024, United Kingdom festival.
And a Netherlands wannabe liquid drum and bass festival had also an issues because the approaches from a Central Europe crew itself. And there are still the problems. Probably like me more people don’t understand why the festival tryings help to the Czech festival although the Netherlands festivals had already issues because the Czechia festival itself. For example, a Winter Festival 2023 was planned small because a summer 2023 issues that stream from an approaches of a Czech drum and bass scene itself. There was also a change of a date for this year summer event because someone think that people during a week will visiting the both festival. But liquid people visiting especially or just a liquid events.
And I think this is not an end. For example, a liquid festival now make a communication with neurofunk and similarly what liquid people don’t must understand and there were already a words by many people to a issues during 2023 summer festival that the festival was the most worst ever because a visitors (a one can apologize for that the one didn’t know that there will be the madness because the one, including more people than is a capacity. And I tried stopped it when I ignored it all and I think a things work for it although a reality can’t go back and impacts there will be.) and there exist the don’t understand why there are a tryings for the hard drum and bass music or that on a festival that should be liquid. And itself, the helping trying of the Netherlands crew speak about issues with visitors on the Czech festival.
And for example, a spring festival 2024 in Netherlands was for me pretty terrible. The atmosphere there and a music itself at second stage was odd and the small stage was total horrible with a music that have no one connection to a name of the festival itself. But also what I listened on the summer festival 2024 on a secondary stage was horrible and from another stage an often surrounded 174 bpm not break beats.
This sound pretty critically, but maybe someone now make something why during 2017 there were a words against Sidney SN in a Czech city when a boys said that Sidney SN is now a liquid drum and bass because he is a beginner. But in the times a Sidney know drum and bass for 16 years. And the boys said that after a time Sidney SN will understands it all and Sidney SN also will be a neurofunk. I think when Sidney found a drum and bass the Czech boys were around five years old. And the reason why Sidney SN is a liquid it’s because his experiences itself with a drum and bass scene in a country. Yeah, the boys understand nothing for why someone is a Sidney SN. Sidney SN can’t be a neurofunk not only because what he said about the meaning of the Czech boys but because Sidney SN feel nothing in neurofunk that he want to feel and that he feel something from a worlds which probably non-liquid people can’t understand. In a protection of a liquid drum and bass people and without connection to I think Sidney SN is a strong person, I think that neurofunk people can understand nothing and they can be aggressive for a liquid people and a liquid people can be more vulnerable people to a indifference of some people because this people are indifferent to a values of a liquid people.
I think this everything will continue and I think people in an interest can be angry. But no one need be angry. There are always a ways for what a man wants to feel. And no one need visiting a things which don’t like.
Cross The Line
For a laugh are an organizer words in a medias that the Czech drum and bass festival will be at different place on an own. But there was a problem that a people in a region
wanted nothing like it. This is also the signal that someone need lies for a PR because need hiding a reality. A Netherlands festival itself said it that there is. But maybe a help could be contra-productive because a Netherlands festival is a week before and in a last two years the Netherlands seems to be lucrative for a Central Europe ravers itself, many people spend money for a better place and maybe a music was changed for a new people itself. But yeah, this is not good for a liquid people. A time during a pandemic and after it said that there is a HOAX in a Central Europe.
I can’t help me for a other laugh, that people from not only whole Europe see a things because the assholes made my person famous than I was before because a Sidney SN mixes and because it I can write the words about it. But for me no matter on it all that I wrote here, I just live my life and I don’t need it all for my life and because I am Sidney SN, I have a words for a protection of liquid drum and bass because when I saw in a email Black Sun Empire I was shocked like were shocked other liquid people and I started with writing the article because the message. I understand liquid music as something different than is a mainstream drum and bass scene and a my thoughts were about a liquid culture which don’t have a connection to a drum and bass (scene) which liquid people don’t like and I know that liquid and melodic people have similar feelings.
When I have the words to a Central Europe festival, maybe a truth is that a man can making a senses of an own music on a fake place for an introduction to own thoughts. I believe that this there exists. But the truth is that when someone makes something against, a liquid people don’t understand.
Do you think that a things in Netherlands are there because someone try about an introduction of a non-liquid drum and bass ravers to liquid drum and bass? In a way, an introduction can work and with an approaches there can work an educative potential. But as a liquid person I doubt about it all the my words about possibilities that someone just wants introduce a non-liquid drum and bass ravers to liquid drum and bass through non-liquid music. For a laugh, in a future will be there a Hallucinator as a potential for an introduction of non-liquid drum and bass people to liquid music. Or for the sadness as a potential to an introduction for a new ?policy… And a Liquid will takes a new meaning that a Netherlands laws will stand for a frogs.
Maybe a liquid people can hoping that in a future there doesn’t will be a change to a drum and bass festival as is a Central Europe event. In a way, this is impossible because with Netherlands policy is impossible that there could be this festival.