
Release Yourself

 Sidney SN released a news, see on the link; A life in the Moments

With a November GHOSTS I started with a mixes with little different themes than I had in a previous (not so official) BassBlog mixes or at Sidney SN SoundCloud mixes.

Although I had a doubts about it, November GHOSTS and Roots Of Everything got many plays that I didn’t expected it.

Now there is A life in the Moments. And I think that this mix is last mix of a series that I started with November GHOSTS because I think I want now a music with a different vibes than are these three mixes.

 Tracklist: 1. Phloem – On The Line (Galacy) 2. The Sauce – Round The Corner (The Sauce Recordings) 3. IYRE – Drifting Sideways (Soulvent Records) 4. Mistrust – Dreamer (Shogun Audio) 5. V Dubz, Y-Zer – Parma Cheese (Biological Beats) 6. Nymfo – Bread And Butter (Computer Integrate) 7. Arpxp feat. Alibi – One Week Before (SUNANDBASS Records) 8. Logistic feat. SOLAH – Dawn Treader (Hospital Records) 9. Data 3 – String Theory (Innerground Records) 10. Seathesky – Take Away The Pain (Offworld Recordings) 11. Edlan – Rewind (Fokuz Recordings) 12. Silence Groove – The Bells (Offworld Recordings) 13. Ekko And Sidetrack feat. Sam M – Release Yourself (Viper Recordings) 14. Loulid – It’s Fine (Liquid Flow) 15. Edlan feat. TZ – Strictly Lone (ATNMY)


Stand up for a tear's or/and a environments

 For A Better World

Rotterdam - Charlois
 A truth is that a Sidney SN exists because a his experiences with a bad toxic reality around. 

A Sidney SN play a liquid drum and bass because a sweet vibes of a liquid drum and bass that Sidney SN brought into a reality due to a dark reality that he saw around him in the Czech Republic; This is a one of the main reason why a Sidney SN, I think.

For a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass is a resist(ance against a dark reality that exists as a Sidney SN had an experiences in the Czech Republic. 

Maybe someone can't understand that I said because you're not from the Czech Republic and you don't have a bad experiences of a many years before that you found a modern liquid and bass with that there is on a drum and bass scene itself and also the same that Sidney saw in techno and free tekno in the Czech Republic, and liquid drum and bass is a totally different reality for a Sidney SN. 

As a Sidney SN, liquid drum and bass - among others - I used as a resist of a sweet vibes against a dark reality of a Czech mainstream. I think a my natural way was a way when I started doing the opposite to that I saw around for a saving my person itself. And belong there also a modern liquid drum and bass to this a my saving of a my person. It's like when someone takes a different diet because the person feels that a common diet or a mainstream diet is not good for a life of the person.

In a start of a Sidney SN there were a thoughts about that a modern liquid drum and bass is an totally different to Czech mainstream that this liquid drum and bass could work as a culture itself without a connection to a mainstream drum and bass or that and I think a liquid drum and bass is an opportunity to use for a distribution of a bad reality or a bad dark reality.

Liquid drum and bass is an intelligent music style and a values of a liquid drum and bass are not about a narcotic reality of an especially a bass or a ‘hardcore’ madness. I think, a liquid drum and bass is about a solution for a realities than about an (drug, alcohol) escaping or a using hard drugs or alcohol itself.

The thought about a distributed music style for a dark realities is a very nice thought, I think. 

But I think in a deep drum and bass are also an interesting thoughts although this a music style is a dark drum and bass or in a dancefloor liquid drum and bass the same.   

Say nothing but need it

 Maybe I had no so bad words to Liquicity Spring Festival 2024, but I think this Maassilo was horrible. 

I don’t know how explain it but probably that I have only three videos from this Liquicity, this demonstrate the reality. And these three videos are the best moments that I saw in this Maassilo. I said to myself that I want recording only the best moments and this is sad that there are just three moments. 

Maybe on a main stage atmosphere was good for more times than I have on a one video from the stage, but second stage was weird whole time for me and a small neurofunk stage or what there played was total horrible. The atmosphere in Maassilo spring 2024 was really a weird. 

And also on the second stage was even less people than I expected. A music itself on the second stage was bored. There was a moments when I said to me that now could be better, but even GLXY played similarly as everyone another and my prediction that with GLXY could be better was also gone. 

Maassilo spring 2024 was for me total contradiction to Liquicity Winter Festival 2022. I saw nothing from what there was in Maassilo December 2022. For example, second stage itself during Maassilo December 2022 was for me with incredible atmosphere, the atmosphere was so beautiful that is difficult to say how the atmosphere looked on the second stage itself. Whole the Maassilo December 2022 was the best drum and bass event which I knew. Even a small stage was amazing with very good atmosphere. 

And Spring Festival 2024 was the most worst Liquicity what I saw. A music itself on second stage in Maassilo December 2022 was perfect for me. In Maassilo 2022 there was an authenticity for what a producers played. And mixes there were full of liquid, deep or also 174 BPM dancefloor as is Boxplot. Or Skeptical with his deep drum and bass mix. Or Ruth Royall, I don’t need to say who is she. In Maassilo spring 2024 I had a feeling that the mixes are without authenticity itself and in a way especially a mishmash of liquid, deep and dancefloor drum and bass. And I think that everyone played the same mishmash. I don’t want again the same experience because I can’t enjoy an event when there is this atmosphere. 

A people also was not so good in Maassilo spring 2024 as there was the right atmosphere at Liquicity Winter Festival 2022. On Liquicity Spring Festival 2024 I had no one from the feelings that I want stay on the event an hours after an end of the event. Because the feelings I had before midnight (during end of the event) in Maassilo December 2022. 

I think that who destroyed the atmosphere were a Central Europe assholes already during Liquicity Festival 2023 but although I know the reality of Czechia, I had no predictions what there will be because my words about Maassilo December 2022.