
High caliber

 Haha, I thought that a first Sidney mixes (without SN) already don’t exist but I found the Sidney mixes in an archive. 

Sidney SN was without SN during time when emerged a Sidney thoughts about liquid drum and bass ‘mixing’ to a time when Sidney said to myself that Sidney is not enough and Sidney SN changed a way of his mixing itself to more profound. 

And maybe also an inspiration for a change to SN there was a L.A. person who changed own name to .. during a time when Sidney changed a name to Sidney SN. But a basic for change were a thoughts about Sidney SN way of a mixing. Probably there was an inspiration for a name but not for a mixing that is basic for Sidney SN.

In a start Sidney mixed a liquid drum and bass songs which he loved with a way inspired by Chilloutbear YouTube platform. 

I don’t think that a ‘mixes’ at Chilloutbear were a mixes. And because of it Sidney said to myself that no matter when a mix is not mix, but matter on a liquid drum and bass songs that Sidney love and that he wants in a set. 

For more times, I said that in a start I mixed liquid drum and bass for myself and because of it I wanted a set with my liked liquid drum and bass songs in a wannabe mix. 

I found Sidney - Memories of the Future and Sidney - Summer Dreaming and Small Liquid (Sidney Mix). I think that Small Liquid was on an old Sidney SN SoundCloud. And maybe someone knows about it.  

When I mixed during an end of 2022 Future Memories I thought about a thoughts that there were in a first Sidney mix Memories of the Future and in way the mix was mixed with a sense of Sidney mixing. 

And in a way, the Memories of the Future work that I had no idea that the memories of the future will work like it there.


Over The Dusk

 A truth why I don’t want visiting a events in Prague is that for every time when I tried about it, I have a feeling that the way itself through Prague and from can be the last way in a my life. 

And a ravers in Prague often also looks as when an event can be the last event in their life. I don’t think that I feel that on a progressive tech-house events for example because the community seem to be more mature, but about a mainstream drum and bass events or during techno events in Prague clubs I have often these feelings and I don’t see the environment as a safe environment. 

For example, when I visited a Prague events during pandemic, the reality was everywhere that a man don’t know that there will be, but this is an common for the way to Prague events, on the events and during a way from. 

When I visiting Netherlands cities I don’t have the feeling that a way itself to an event or from can be the last way in a my life. Yeah, a truth that Netherlands open air events are daylight and sunset (there are not open airs after midnight) that is also more safe, but in night a man don’t have the fear as is that in Prague or not just in Prague.  

And the same I have the feeling about ravers in Netherlands that I don’t feel that they look as when an event can be the last thing in their life. 

I think this is because a common sustainable values in Netherlands and a values in Czechia. 

Netherlands people, including young generations want to be wealthy and healthy people and they also are more empathic beings. And in Czechia I see a raving as an unsustainable way when during few moths the way can be at end because the way is unsustainable. About stolen there can be also a speech. And also another values are an out in Czech reality. 

For example, when I visited a Netherlands Liquicity events, the community is a more younger than a Netherlands techno community. Probably this is also because a modern drum and bass is younger itself than a techno. And maybe the modern drum and bass music itself is for younger generations more than for a more mature people. And I don’t want again a words that now there are a changes in a community because a people who don’t visiting Netherlands Liquicity before 2023. 

And Netherlands techno community seems to be often pretty mature. Western techno has a rich history and a maturity because that it’s a natural. And also young/er people there are. But in Czechia is not like that. I think that for Czech techno or drum and bass events is common that rotating generation by generation, people after people because an unsustainable reality on the events. 

And I saw a lot that the core for a people are free tekno events because a previously unsustainable reality for them or because in Czechia free tekno belong to mainstream ‘culture’. On free tekno need nothing and there are not a borders for a behavior. 

From my generation itself, I know a lot the stories like are that we don’t want visiting (Czech) techno events because there is still a reality or we had a addictions (Czech meth especially) and it destroying us and we don’t want visiting a events because we have a fear that the addictions can take comeback because we were addicted… In Netherlands are an often festivals itself with sustainable policy as is zero drug tolerance.

My person don’t have an interest about a reality that after two Prague events drum and bass (on this event a people applauded Sidney SN when because a mistake Sidney SN went to backstage) and techno in a one night even two days after I had a hallucinations that a walls around me is moved. This was during end of January 2022. And how I said for more times is unknown for me that there was in my body. And during the week I also had Omicron. And I think the Omicron had connection with the unknown drug in my body. A reasons for it are a speculations. But every reasons said me a lot. 

And a mainstream neurofunk music itself at Czech drum and bass events speak about it how looks a Czech drum and bass scene. This music itself is not for a mature people as is that for a younger people as is the unsustainable reality on the events among a young people from 15 to 24 old or that especially.

I think a reality can be sad, for vomiting or for laugh because I think an environment are people especially and a people making the reality for yourself. And a person don’t need be there where don’t want been. 


No fate

 I don’t know so exactly if a reports are a fake or my eyes are injured or I have a bad informations but when I see a news with a big boy, I have a doubt that this is a truth or the big boy is just a narcissist or I don’t know if a informations are informations because I don’t know.  

In a way, I had a feeling that the big boy is embodiment of a Nation dream as in a past this a Nation dream was presented like it and because of it I thought that in a way he is possible. But I doubt that this my feeling was a right. 

A doubting is also because a genders that is a freedom how I see a freedom which belong to the Nation dream and a words against looks as a man from 70’s. Maybe a big boy is an old for a world which is possible because now is the future. 

There are a words that someone is a dictator. I don’t know so exactly who is the man who is presented as a head of the protection of a nation and how a things would work when at the power would be someone else, but when someone see a words by a big boy there can exist a words against. 

A man can have a feeling that just no matter who is at power because someone is in a defense and the defense would exist no matter who is at power. 

A truth is that I little laughed when I saw the reason why someone is a dictator. 

When there are the words about a dictator, for example in a United Kingdom mainstream media is an argument, that ‘In Britain, there were also no elections during World War 2. A national government was set up by Winston Churchill in 1940 to see the country through to the end of the war on May 23, 1945.’. 

I think that someone wouldn’t leave his trying because there are a disruptive nonsenses. In a way, the nonsenses were already shutdown with possibilities for a leaving when this will helping for an end.

A man can take a feeling that this can look as a nonsense game with a feeling by a paranoia. Maybe a boy don’t know what there go as in a way a European people don’t understand why there is the war when no one need it all for a better world. 

Or when a man see a articles about that a big boy allowing a ‘aid’ just as a trade with rare earths or metals, the man can see this as a trying for a exploitation and a trade with human life’s who protect not just own nation but who protect Europe itself from a war and dystopian reality. 

A trade with a human life’s seems to be as non-human behavior. 

On other side, a big boy said that a man don’t need an aid. A man can see the controversy in a behavior. A man don’t know why there are tryings for a trade as a ‘aid’ when a man don’t need an aid. 

Or a words in the world, that a war started the side under an attack. This sound as when a war started Western Europe and Germany and Northern Europe. Everyone knows about a submarine in Netherlands waters or about a war or colonized words against Berlin and Germany or a tryings about an air protection in Europe. 

And who doubt that when an asshole stop it all right now that a people in defense stop all their defense and will be an end of an age when the asshole wanted making the world more worst place with a power over.

No one doubt that a man get a support when he will be the aggressor.

I don’t know if this all is a seriously or someone is under disinformations or a big boy think that he is a social worker and he see as a crisis intervention a tryings about friendly approaches to an aggressor when a aggressor is someone else. 

And after it all there will be a time when a man found that the aggressor just used a big boy for other aggression because this can be a truth because a ill person try about it all for all time when he started with his nonsenses. When there were a words that someone wants back a Berlin area or that a tryings about Europe itself, this can make a imagination that among other the someone thought that is possible pretty fast bring down a country for a invasion from Eastern through a Central. And a man think that pretty many people know that there were the tryings for a weakening in a Central Europe country because of it. Probably nothing work like these plans and many people now know about it.

A European man can be shocked that a red man make collaboration with a one of the most oppressive dictator system that their soldiers are as a Kamikaze because the one of the most oppressive system forcing them to no way back because a step back can be die for their family itself.

A man would be glad when an intervention would work but who is in the hope that a way into a red ass is the right way to stop it. 

Or everything is a fake because an inter-dimension reality that is around me but I live in a peace because I know that a reality can work for a concrete human and a reality can be just a fake especially working for a my existence. 

Or there is a message why an aggressor continuing.

Or everything can’t be under a power of a goddess, hope, beauty in the dark times that are upon us.

In a way, some things can seem to be similar to a previous head of a Central Europe country because he also was famous for a disinformations or showing. But there is a contrary that the head had almost no secret about a red flag. And a man know that the country was economically and also non-economically injured for it that in a best don’t work as were the plans. 

And there can be a theory about a man that due a words it could be possible bring down a country that is under an aggression. But nothing like it will enough for another man. And the man will want other and other countries, how the man said it for more times and tried about Europe itself. This sound as when is possible make step back by step back for an idiot when nothing will be enough. Maybe someone has a bad medication or I don’t know why this unreal pain when this could be possible. No one doctor could say that is better suicide for the world than a facing to an issue because the issue have a solution. 

And maybe all is there because someone is betraying own unsustainable reality of a own existence and risking that an end of a own desires for a ‘progress’ which is impossible without a war for it that is impossible winning because someone don’t will leave it for it that there is the reason for a betraying of a reality and because of it there is a betraying of a reality and risking our and own reality. And maybe now whole world can know the hole why someone can be pretty vulnerable. And because of it someone betrayed own reality because whole world now know about the hole. The plan had a hole that about the truth now know whole world. This also sounds as a betraying of own reality because no one would know about it for a winning.

In a past probably a boy was rejected for a reasons that now looks more worst more than before. 

I think that Chloe could be a new candidate because with a current gay woman visage looks as someone who can be in a house. And I think that glamour women of the year in 2023 was right as a now this would be like it in a house. 

But who know a truth of all the news which there are everyday in a many versions than that a truth that see in a mirage when look there on yourself. 

A positive is that I read that most of citizens from a country with a narcissistic head know that a red aggressor is the aggressor and no else is like it. 

Maybe can be better read nothing and that because nothing from a insane make the days better and the days are better without an insane; I think these days how the days can looks for everyone who is out of a soldier reality and don’t read all the confusing insane.