
Say nothing but need it

 Maybe I had no so bad words to Liquicity Spring Festival 2024, but I think this Maassilo was horrible. 

I don’t know how explain it but probably that I have only three videos from this Liquicity, this demonstrate the reality. And these three videos are the best moments that I saw in this Maassilo. I said to myself that I want recording only the best moments and this is sad that there are just three moments. 

Maybe on a main stage atmosphere was good for more times than I have on a one video from the stage, but second stage was weird whole time for me and a small neurofunk stage or what there played was total horrible. The atmosphere in Maassilo spring 2024 was really a weird. 

And also on the second stage was even less people than I expected. A music itself on the second stage was bored. There was a moments when I said to me that now could be better, but even GLXY played similarly as everyone another and my prediction that with GLXY could be better was also gone. 

Maassilo spring 2024 was for me total contradiction to Liquicity Winter Festival 2022. I saw nothing from what there was in Maassilo December 2022. For example, second stage itself during Maassilo December 2022 was for me with incredible atmosphere, the atmosphere was so beautiful that is difficult to say how the atmosphere looked on the second stage itself. Whole the Maassilo December 2022 was the best drum and bass event which I knew. Even a small stage was amazing with very good atmosphere. 

And Spring Festival 2024 was the most worst Liquicity what I saw. A music itself on second stage in Maassilo December 2022 was perfect for me. In Maassilo 2022 there was an authenticity for what a producers played. And mixes there were full of liquid, deep or also 174 BPM dancefloor as is Boxplot. Or Skeptical with his deep drum and bass mix. Or Ruth Royall, I don’t need to say who is she. In Maassilo spring 2024 I had a feeling that the mixes are without authenticity itself and in a way especially a mishmash of liquid, deep and dancefloor drum and bass. And I think that everyone played the same mishmash. I don’t want again the same experience because I can’t enjoy an event when there is this atmosphere. 

A people also was not so good in Maassilo spring 2024 as there was the right atmosphere at Liquicity Winter Festival 2022. On Liquicity Spring Festival 2024 I had no one from the feelings that I want stay on the event an hours after an end of the event. Because the feelings I had before midnight (during end of the event) in Maassilo December 2022. 

I think that who destroyed the atmosphere were a Central Europe assholes already during Liquicity Festival 2023 but although I know the reality of Czechia, I had no predictions what there will be because my words about Maassilo December 2022.


Be happy

 Due a my experiences in Czech with a techno communities through the years from 2001, and due a free tekno mainstream from 2003, when a free tekno shutdown even Creamfields in Czech, and a Czech techno people make a collaboration with a free tekno, I am an happy for a my imaginations about how could looks a techno community and that I believed in a vibes of tech-house, progressive and melodic techno and a proper techno, I am an happy because a my imaginations are an realized in Netherlands. I believed in a community of a normal and an inner and inside wealthy and a good looks people and in Netherlands is this a realizing. I think Netherlands techno community looks as were a my imaginations about a society. I can enjoy these events without a fear due a common values there. I have only a fear say this aloud. When I said something about a liquid event in December 2022 something was a not good for. A people are not everywhere the same. World is about a people. Like looks an inner spaces, looks a worlds. As when somewhere is a techno something by a common citizens with a good inner values. For example, in Netherlands is also a mainstream a gabba. I say nothing about because a Netherlands values in a gabba. In 10:45pm when I went from Love Land shuttle bus to Sloterdijk, there sounds everywhere around me a tech-house, techno, progressive and a gabba. I thought that a techno is from Love Land, but this didn’t sound as from Love Land because when I went few steps I listened another music. And I found that a music is to listening from everywhere around. And gabba was to listening also from a cars around. A truth is also, Netherlands open air events have an end during midnight. So when I went to Sloterdijk in Amsterdam was an edge of all events around in the Amsterdam area. Somewhere a man is on a balcony and provocative in 11:00pm started a weird bass that a man think that on a balcony is at a sound system. This is also a political truth. Or now is ten days after that is a date of this article and I am in a bed and during 1:30am started a free tekno party. When this I see, this is when a assholes say, Look on us We are the stupidest in Europe. In 30 or less old even without teeth’s that even a indigenous people don’t see. And when a decibel scale is also put out a norms, a free tekno continues. On ADE’s is no one who could want be a days without a body washing as somewhere is a common smell for a ?people when they are on a wannabe event. In a way, someone can be happy that somewhere exists a real civilized society and a weirdos are especially a weirdos by an own dirty that an sound their desperate by their reality made on own. And I believe no one by these weirdos know as looks a Western society because they believe)d a own nonsenses because they are not educated people even about a reality out of Czechia where is a their end station or destination for all times that I know about who are. This is also the truth about a Czech reality. For every times, when I arrived from Germany to Czech I have a feeling that this country is out a reality. It’s a change there when a man is everywhere in Western Europe and when arrived to Czech where a Western is not exist. I don’t want a uncivilized or antisocial behavior also during a daylights but I like a daylights events. It’s a beautiful when everyone can to see like looks a people around. I think when I go back from these daylight and sunset events I don’t doubt about how looks a day events. That is good on a daylight-sunset events that an event take a more hours for enjoying, and I can sleep during a night and in morning I am happy. Or a man can enjoy a night after on own in a private room. And in morning can be also happy. It’s as in a night trains and an ways when I see around a people that I don’t have a fear. 


Everything Is Possible

 I think good at Liquicity Festival 2024 was that a madness as there was in 2023 was gone or that.

I think good thing was that I had a ‘protest’ in 2023 and I didn’t wanted visit Liquicity Festival 2023. I ignored everything by Liquicity 2023 in Netherlands.

I think that madness 2023 there not was been also said that Liquicity Festival 2024 not was been sold out. In 2023 there was words not only to bad behaviors by new ravers but also because there was - accord many Liquicity people - more people than is sustainable for a festival area. I can apologize for that there was but is not my fault a behavior of a people from a Central Europe country. And the madness around said a lot about how things go.

Another good thing at Liquicity Festival 2024 was weather. Weather was a nice. During Friday when I visited Liquicity Festival was total summer weather. 

Only at Lunar that I liked more than other Liquicity Festival stage there was in Friday pretty warm air, that was almost impossible to dancing there. But at some places was good air. Probably due warm air at Lunar there was during Friday less people more than in 2022, for example. But I think this also was because a madness 2023 was gone. 

At Lunar was a change at Liquicity lineup. I don’t know exactly what everything was changed but during 09:00pm or between 08:00pm and 09:00pm at Lunar stage played Etherwood. This change in lineup was good for me. Etherwood was in lineup at Saturday. When I saw lineup for every days I said to me that it could be nice when Etherwood could play during Friday in lineup for Friday. And this change there was on Liquicity Festival 2024 at Lunar stage. Etherwood at Lunar or Riya at Solar or Gyrofield at Lunar were for me the best among others especially from Lunar stage. 

Riya also was been a special change in a program when she was as a vocalist at Lunar to Etherwood mix. 

I said among others because I didn’t know who played between 06:00pm-07:00pm. But the person was Gyrofield. Although maybe you think that Sidney SN know all about a drum and bass producers or DJs that he like, he often know nothing who are these people when see a people in reality. There was already situations when I didn’t know who is this person in a reality although I like them in a virtual world. Or they like's in virtual reality a my things or they like Sidney SN but I didn’t know who are in a reality when they are around or speak to me. 

I could to say Liquicity Festival 2024 was good festival. I saw there something by atmosphere that I like. But also this makes Netherlands itself. 

But also I can’t to say that I felt a total good that there is in atmosphere due a 2023. This is possible to see still that there was an injury. And this will continue. 

And I just I don’t like a speedbass or that there often was at Solar when Djs there mixed it to a dancefloor drum and bass. I don’t like this boom in drum and bass. I like 174 BPM for break beats. 174 BPM is like a tekno. I just think when Djs don’t will play it that people don’t will looking for this music. A four years ago no one knows about this new 174 BPM music genre or that there is the way. I think before there existed only real dancefloor drum and bass and his positive vibes. As a liquid man I could say that to liquid vibes have connection melodic progressive tech-house for example, more than a speedbass which sound as a tekno. 

And I think I was little shocked when near Enter to festival during 10:30pm or 11:00pm at Friday I saw an ‘alternative’ man with LSD or that. I don’t know that there did this psycho man. Or why someone using LSD for a psychosis. Someone who has psychosis like this man there can feel nothing from music vibes. I don’t know why these people visited a festival when LSD can using at a meadow without a festival. Maybe set and settings is not so truth because this man had also psychosis although Liquicity seems to be safety environment. I think he had a time for crisis intervention because of the intoxication. 

I am opened to many color people but also I think when somewhere is someone more tolerant there can be weird people because they see a tolerance as their a shelter. I think this man was about that I think. 

Already now I know that I don’t want to visit Liquicity Festival 2025. And in a current time I don’t know where will be the time when there will be the time for a Liquicity event.