
I like the P*rn

Hey in 2025

 On his BassBlog.pro Sidney SN released a new proper liquid drum and bass mix; I like the P*rn.

I think that I like the P*rn are the right words about the liquid drum and bass which I want to feel in my life. The liquid drum and bass is the just like that for me. 

In the previously mix I said that I don’t expect too much plays as is at a previously mix, but I see many plays even at the previously mix here on BassBlog.pro. Maybe I like the P*rn will be the mix where will be less or more plays :D 

In a life I learned that a main person for a care is a man itself and a result you can to see. I care also about other people but for it itself a man need care especial about yourself. 

And maybe one from the tracks in the mix is, among other a reactions, the delayed reaction on the everything.  

Thank you for your support for the all time that you know about Sidney SN. 

The tracklist is a great. And I enjoyed mixing of these tracks. Enjoy the mix like me. 

Tracklist: 1: Zombie Cats & Redemptive - Moon Totem (Liquicity Records) 2: Artsea – Retreat (Ledge Sound) 3: (Pola & Bryson Remix) venbee, Dan Fable – low down (Columbia) (Sony) 4: Rafau Etamski – Some Day (Celsius Recordings) 5: Mitekiss – Bolson (Hospital Records) 6: Qumulus – Sunbeam (Fokuz Recordings) 7: Winslow – Mad Flavours (Soulvent Records) 8: Philth, Visionobi & SOLAH – Weather The Storm (Soulvent Records) 9: Mystific – Natalia Theme (Fokuz Recordings) 10: Alpha Rhythm & Pyxis – Opacity (Goldfat Records) 11: Deviant & Sam Binary – Silk Notes (The Chikara Project) 12: Surreal – Hiatus (Galacy)

A update about this release: In a hope for an end of the madness, when I see California wildfires, I have a doubts that released of the mix right now was the good idea. 

Another update: 01/25/2025 The picture at the mix is from Cool/Rotterdam, Christmas 2024. And I think it’s cool the your plays at the I like the P*rn. I didn’t expected it. I think BassBlog.pro is a secondary platform for a strictly drum and bass mixes, and the plays there at Sidney SN BassBlog profile are a cool. I also didn’t expected the plays at the I like the P*rn because I think the mix is not so good as a my previous 2024 mixes on BassBlog.pro. I just thank you! 


Christmas 2024

MEIR, Antwerp
 I just had a Christmas event without an event because the event was the Christmas days itself in Western Europe. 

During a week I visited Christmas Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Luxembourg city and Strasbourg. So I saw all the Western Europe countries during a Christmas days 2024. 

It’s pretty difficult to say the best Christmas city from the Western Europe cities which I visited. I think that a first place could Luxembourg city take. But how I said it’s difficult to say what was the best Christmas city which I visited during Christmas 2024. 

Ville Haute - Luxembourg 
In the Luxembourg city Christmas night Christmas decorations and lights were an heartbreaking. Especially streets around Ville Haute had an incredible vibes of all the Christmas lights. I had pretty beautiful feeling in my body when I saw how Ville Haute look during a Christmas. I visited a mensa friend in Luxembourg during a spring 2019 and the friend explained me everything about Luxembourg - history, culture - and I saw every the very well know places in Luxembourg from Vianden to Breidweiler. And now when I saw Luxembourg city in a Christmas night and I had the feeling for why Luxembourg is a nation which a man need to love. This is a very cultural nation of a luxury heritage. Luxembourg city is very beautiful city of a heritage and a modern world together. Luxembourg city belong among the best cities in Europe, for me. 

And with my person loved Rotterdam, Rotterdam is a different vibes than is Luxembourg city, Rotterdam is more modern city. In Rotterdam were beautiful decorations on Erasmusbrug or also around Rotterdam center. Erasmusbrug, Wilheminakade and Maasshaven is very majestic and iconic place. I think ‘majestic’ is the right word for an incredible atmosphere when a man is on Erasmusbrug and during a night this feeling is maybe more deep and the man see the world of a big majestic buildings around. Maybe if I visited no place as is Ossuaire de Douaumont in France for example, I could feel that Erasmusbrug and view from the big bridge to Wilheminakade that this is a most majestic place in Western Europe; because the builds are pretty high-tech strong modern architecture for an often strong weather itself of North see. I think Rotterdam is builded on a place where is still North see. I think Nieuwe Maas itself is a North see in a corridor and not a common river. And majestic is also because during strong winter weather, a strong wind and winter times on Erasmusbrug seems to be as climbing on a mountain. For everytime I can enjoy the majestic atmosphere of a human world. And now during Christmas I had again the feeling about that Rotterdam is a majestic place. 

Strasbourg - Grande Île
Exist some public stats that Netherlands people says that they more like Rotterdam more than Amsterdam. As a one the best place in Netherlands they see Utrecht. Probably I also like Rotterdam more like Amsterdam. But I don’t say that Amsterdam is not a beautiful city. During a my Christmas trip I saw many beautiful Christmas vibes in Amsterdam. Although in Amsterdam is also many modern high-tech buildings, Amsterdam is a historic city more like Rotterdam, for example. And I enjoyed the Christmas atmosphere on the historic places in Amsterdam. Especially center of Amsterdam lived Christmas atmosphere, many people who wanted to see the atmosphere. Amsterdam is also a city to a love. 

Erasmusbrug, Rotterdam
Antwerp was also with an incredible Christmas atmosphere. I see Antwerp as a most beautiful city in Belgium and Christmas atmosphere this also said. A people in Christmas Antwerp was everywhere and together with a glamor shopping they did a right Western Europe. I could to say that also Antwerp could be on the first place of a Western Europe Christmas cites but I can’t to say this because another Western Europe cities looked similarly beautiful. The shopping during Christmas days in Antwerp is an amazing atmosphere. Especially the shops in Antwerpen center. A people there make a great atmosphere. 

In Eindhoven atmosphere a Christmas shopping was also amazing. And also people in the Christmas streets were peaceful. Although seems to be that Eindhoven is not a bigger Christmas place, the atmosphere of a trading in Eindhoven was amazing. 

And Strasbourg. I think that Strasbourg could be also on a first place among the best of Western Europe Christmas city. In Strasbourg is possible everywhere to see a heritage atmosphere and with a Christmas decorations Strasbourg also seems to be an incredible Western Europe city of many beautiful streets. I like the city and I think Strasbourg is a very good France city for a life. A Strasbourg buildings and streets and the heritage is amazing. And also because Strasbourg is near of Germany, a man can feel a piece from Germany in Strasbourg. Strasbourg was also beautiful.

And yeah, no one border control on a Western Europe borders. Only a ID control there was on borders with Czechia and Germany. A ways on roads and with trains were good without a delays everywhere. 


A fear for the fear

 Hello with another words for a main theme in the world

 I think that every the Central Europe smile - which still exist on a more heads by the Central Europe country that a war on Ukraine is a war on Ukraine and no matter on the all because Ukraine is the problem - can be take out because after Ukraine the smile will be the first what will be erased from a map because no one country around the Central Europe country will be lost as this nation. 

Yeah, it’s for a pleasure that in Central Europe itself I see more thinking about it all for what there were the words about a red plans with the Central Europe country but I think this is not a end for everything because I think the Central Europe country issues are pretty big that a solution could be a shutdown of all generations for a one generation (the screenshot is from Magalopolis movie [2024]) which don’t will be in a contact with all the bad things in the reality. This is difficult to say but a truth is also that there exist too many bad things that a generation which don’t will be in the contact with the all bad things the generation could be the solution for erasing of all the bad things.

Now to my thought about I now thinking. Maybe is not so good idea take too the fear by a potential for a war in Europe. A truth is that, COVID pandemic itself maybe was made for an economical shutdown in Europe and for the war itself. And not only in Europe. There were a tryings for an investigation for a virus release but the tryings failed. 

And now there is spread a fear due a war what can be the economical deficit, recession or inflation as a pandemic. Probably I have now fear about a deficits in Europe more than the fear from a war in Europe. And the war can be more simple with the deficits itself. 

There are an indices that during end of a pandemic and a months after the pandemic in a Central Europe country were a tryings for more shutdown economy as a war strategy for a more deep deficit because someone need weakly people especially or someone used a frequent foolish ideas of a minds for a war purposes. And I think in another way by fear and not by a forcing for a more deep deficit, that a tryings for a deficit by a fear because a words about the war also belong to a war strategy. 

I just think the last thing what Europe needs is a deficit by a fear itself. A Central Europe country need started with it all but I think Western Europe need work for a civilization what there already exists without a potentials for a deficit by a fear from a words. 

How I said I have a fear that a fear can be strategical and is better when there don’t will be too a fear what could stop what a people building because I think that a infrastructure in a deficit is among the last thing what Europe needs and the same people without moneys is also the last what Europe needs.