
I just like it

A sense for the cultivation and esthetic

 I have here a many examples why I like Netherlands and also this is the reason. 

Kralingen Oost
Among others the all good things in Netherlands, when I see a ducks in a Rotterdam streets at a streams that the ducks have no fear from people around them and exist there a harmony with the animals and almost no one trash around in a profound green environments or the swans in a nests without a fear to moving people or to people who watching them and people are in a harmony with the swans, and the clean streams, this also demonstrate that Netherlands people are very cultural and social beings. 

I think that Netherlands social behavior is on a very good level because Netherlands people have also very good social relationship to a green environment. And the Netherlands profound green environments also demonstrate how Netherlands people are an intelligent and an peaceful civilization and I think that the cultural and social behavior to the green environments itself make Netherlands people more happy because the profound green environments is not a grey reality itself. 

For me, area in Kralingen in Rotterdam is a good example for it. Or there are a full green places as is Zuiderpark area. And in Zuiderpark area - during a summer time - are common almost daily or daily barbecue parties or a sessions and this is a place where many people make a connection and Rotterdam community make there a connection. During a summer times in Zuiderpark is many and many human smiles of an all human skin colors. Or in another side of Rotterdam is possible find a Essenburgpark, what is a special reservation for a green things in Rotterdam.  

Netherlands building and economy is on a high level and also a cultural and social behavior to a green environments is a high as the life of the ducks itself or the swans itself demonstrate in Rotterdam. 

This everything demonstrate that Netherlands social behavior is on a high level. When there are a words that Czech people are probably an toxic or an aggressive people how is that in no one country from Germany to proper Western Europe, I think this demonstrate also that in Czechia is an difficult to find a care about environment like is (even) common in Netherlands big cities as is Rotterdam.


The Proximity 2024

 I think an often on the website I am forced to talk about an issues because I can’t help to me that there are a things about it I have an interest or a problematic people forced me to talk about. 

But I think that not everything everywhere was a problematical in 2024, and because here is especially a couple articles about an acid reality, I archived a Sidney SN mix what is also about 2024. 

I shares the mix from the link,  The Proximity 2024 (Sidney SN Liquid DNB Mix).

A name for the mix speak about what I said about 2024, that not everything everywhere was a problematic. I think an issues there are from 2019, when there was a change. A truth that a soldiers have probably another view as a things still go, but I had a good times during summer session 2024 for example, and I hope that a good humans had the same. 

The Proximity 2024 is a full liquid drum and bass mix. I said that in a new Sidney SN mixes, I don't want now a deep drum and bass and yes, here is a full liquid drum and bass. I think selection for the mix is an very interesting. I used for the mix more a new tracks from 2024 or a recently time. There is one track what is not a liquid drum and bass. During a end of the mix is a hip hop track by Visionobi and Mitekiss. I think good is that the hip hop track is 87 BPM and that was more simply mixed the hip hop track into a drum and bass. 

I think the full liquid drum and bass mix sound a good, so enjoy the proximity.

Tracklist: Talix - Midnight Lights (onesevenfour) Phloem - Low Tide (Galacy) Halftone - Rendezvous (Celsius Recordings) Rezilient – The Descent (Galacy) Twintone - A Second Life (Liquiddnbftw) Playa & Wez Walker - Night Cruise (C Recordings) T:Base - The Moment Of Clarity (C Recordings) Seba feat. Sapele – Project (Spearhead Records) Shibinu - The Perpetual (Skankandbass) P Money x Whiney – Hyper (Hospital Records) Motiv - Drawn Together (Fokuz Recordings) Monika & Akuratyde – Navigating Dreams (Ledge Sounds) Visionobi feat. Mitekiss - Another Day [Move Like A Lion] (Soulvent Records)

In a wishing for another good days, The Proximity 2024.



 So now there is more EU countries who bring there a temporary border controls. After Italy or Germany, there is also France, for example, and during December 2024 Netherlands will be also among the EU countries with a temporary border controls. 

I see these temporary border controls as a good idea for a issues which there can exist because due to current issues by a war there can be the situation with increasing tensions about a danger people who could trying destabilize Western Europe countries with a attacks in these countries. 

But I see these temporary solutions as not a solutions for a reasons why there are these border controls. For example, there are a inner EU issues and there not exist a official words for it although these issues are in a use for a red plans or these problems were systematically increased for a red plans as is a Central Europe country and a border controls not so official there also exist because these inner EU issues. For example, when a COVID pandemic was in an end, and probably a COVID plans with an economy failed, there was a tryings for more shut down an economy in a Central Europe country. This there was for a months in 2021 before there started a war during a start of 2022. I think everything seems to be as a plans against Western Europe. 

But I think, although there are not any official words about a problems in a more eastern EU countries, there exists a reality that Western Europe people know about it. For example, I can’t help to myself for that I don’t want to say this, that about a inner EU issues in a more eastern EU countries Western Europe people know because they demonstrated it during a reactions on a my problems in a more eastern EU country. And these reactions by the more or proper Western Europe people were for me more interesting because my person itself had little different view how bad are a things against my person. For example, in a reality I saw more sadness by a UK drum and bass artists, a words from a UK girl or another reactions by common people in Germany that I said to myself that a problems are probably more worst than I think. And that even my view was a wrong, this demonstrated 2023. And 2023 said a lot not only to me about my person but everything went more down in Europe because of an oppressive and toxic people. 

I think, when there don’t will be an official words and tryings for shut down inner EU issues, then a temporary solutions are not a solution. I believe that there exist a tryings for it, because EU itself, but something probably still failing. And yeah, an official words there are not. 

For example, although there are a words, that a temporary solutions looks to been as against EU, there are a EU countries where people are an common against EU as is not so common to see in a countries who brought there now a border controls and exist there a inclinations for a socialism or what as Putin and similarly could want bring over all. Someone could estimates that majority of United Kingdom people agree that Brexit very failed for UK. A stats about as United Kingdom people feel economical issues by Brexit are pretty interesting; A feelings about increase prices in shops itself are very interesting. 

And when I don’t will want speak about an inner EU issues, but I will speak about an issues with not EU people, I think that EU probably failing on a EU border controls. And probably there should be a better control system on the EU borders. But yeah, now there is a war and things go more worst everywhere than seems to be a better EU border controls. 

There is now many words that everything looks as a tryings against EU, but I think this is not against EU. But there are the issues what can be temporary more under a control, but these temporary solutions are not a solution for why there are these temporary solutions.