Sidney SN was little angry that especially in Czechia is more people from a drum and bass who thought something about Sidney SN that is not a truth; probably that because Sidney SN is not they and someone had a false imaginations because they are like it. And there was the situation when Sidney SN faced violence in a Prague club because he pretty well influenced a people in the club itself. And because there was envy from some or a Czech (drum and bass) people that Sidney SN is an international with a support from a best drum and bass people. And an applauding of Sidney SN in a Prague clubs or another situations in Prague. Or an envy in a country and a tryings against because my visage itself and a Western values. Or for me unknown drug in my body after a Prague events because I don’t know the reason; maybe because someone tried about that my person could be as they are. That I needed get a thanks to a people who don’t understand like me don’t understand the behavior in a country.
And the most important and amazing for me was that I got a support without a my words about it. I had a words about it after when I found that Europe public from Germany to United Kingdom drum and bass artists stay for me. This situation was for me incredible and this situation said to me a lot about the public and UK drum and bass artists. And the best also is that most from the support I found when I visited a countries for first time after a situation and during other views. But I also had pretty good support at Prague public and from other people who seem to be that they knew about it all almost in a just second.
During 2023 were a things changed when I started using blogs for a not just speculations about an issues because it that started after COVID pandemic as a new tryings like is possible shutdown Western Europe with it that started with a war on Ukraine and COVID pandemic. I like Western Europe or Germany and I needed say something about a situation because I felt the obligation to a countries that I like or to the people who supporting my person or who like my person.
I don’t like when I am forced to writing about a things that I know from a Czechia, for example, but a things forced me to writing about it. Probably if I would live in another country as is Australia or countries as is Western Europe, a reality would be total different. But I see as a good idea that I know about a reality as is that in a Central Europe country because I can see it everything that work and don’t work in Europe. And maybe I could ignored it all because a Sidney SN idea itself but I don’t know if is possible ignore it all.
A idea of Sidney SN is different than are a my words about it all and for example for me no matter on a Czech drum and bass scene because Sidney SN take a different ideas and I don’t need it for a my existence.
But a things I see as a danger and this forced me to a writing about it.
And otherwise the blog I using for an articles about a things that I want writing.
sidneysndnb is little live blog and a things can be changed or erased when I will feel that I have no interest about a articles on the blog or when I will want adding an/other words to a articles.
And also the blog can be a support for a Sidney SN music.