
Step by step

 Since 2022, Sidney SN use BassBlog.pro for his mixes and Sidney SN think that BassBlog.pro is an interest idea. 

Maybe is a truth that BassBlog.pro is a secondary platform where a man can expecting less plays, but Sidney SN BassBlog.pro see as a good idea. 

Although there are a Sidney SN thoughts about a Sidney SN SoundCloud, for Sidney SN is difficult a comeback to his SoundCloud. There were a reasons why Sidney SN leaved his SoundCloud to BassBlog.pro and Sidney SN have a doubts about a comeback to his SoundCloud. 

That a last mix on SoundCloud is Roots of Liquid have a reasons… 

Among other things, Sidney SN think that something don’t work in the world than before and because of it there are a reasons why Sidney SN doubt about a comeback to his SoundCloud. 

Maybe there will be a time when BassBlog.pro will don’t work and a Sidney SN mixes from 2022 to … will be lost. This is possible. But Sidney SN can archiving everything and nothing from this will be lost.  

Maybe Sidney SN could be glad for a SoundCloud mix but ?is the right time for it. Sidney SN could be glad for mixing of a music which don’t have a connection to a reasons why he leaved SoundCloud. And Sidney SN has a feel for these mixes. 

On an other side, Sidney SN see a good things at BassBlog.pro. 

It’s speculative for Sidney SN what Sidney SN will make with his SoundCloud. And maybe for now is not significant that Sidney SN have no one new mix at SoundCloud. 

In a way, who knew that Sidney SN will be a popular person because his SoundCloud mixes. It’s a truth that all the people know about Sidney SN because of his mixes on SoundCloud.


Pretty all people are a environmentalists

 I am not an environmentalist but I have interest about an ecology. I don’t think here a recycling or that but interest about an ecosystems; green or Universe. 

I am in interest how an ecosystems, biotopes work, because otherwise there is an answer to existence itself.  

But when I thinking about Netherlands that pretty many people think that Netherlands is pretty green, sustainable, renewable country, I have a question about a hot summer days. 

I don’t think that a lot people see as a better when during a hot summer days they staying among steel and a concrete. But during a hot summer days people like an ecosystems and biotopes. So a most from people are an environmentalists or what? 

No one wants shutdown a green environments and biotopes because of it and they stand for protect of the green things. 

And I have an experiences from ways to Netherlands or from Netherlands when a people speak about a green environments in Netherlands and they like it. Even there are a words that this is missing in Central Europe or that in Czechia these green things that make it there better world would be destroy during a few days. 

Or I saw a words for a Netherlands farming that in a Central Europe ‘we also could have the farms with a vegetables’ … and that. But again is a question that is possible in a country have the similarly farming not just because a political reason which is a chemical industry itself but because a social behavior. 

I don’t think that I am only one person who see a contraries at social behavior at different countries.

Often I also listened what I think that in Germany when a man leave Frankfurt to Cologne to Netherlands that everything is a more green. And more fresh air itself there is which a man can feel. And a weather there is more rainy. 

But not at Zuid :D At Zuid is often a sun weather although from Cologne through Netherlands is rainy weather; maybe that because a wind of Northern see.

And when I see as a good idea daylight open air events, I think a main reason for it in Netherlands is an ecology. There are a words for daylight events by Netherlands government that in a night wild animals itself want a peace and it’s impossible take down the peace in Netherlands ecosystems. 

And when there are a words about a sustainable energy, as a first city, Rotterdam planning feeding homes by energy from a Rotterdam public transport. 


High caliber

 Haha, I thought that a first Sidney mixes (without SN) already don’t exist but I found the Sidney mixes in an archive. 

Sidney SN was without SN during time when emerged a Sidney thoughts about liquid drum and bass ‘mixing’ to a time when Sidney said to myself that Sidney is not enough and Sidney SN changed a way of his mixing itself to more profound. 

And maybe also an inspiration for a change to SN there was a L.A. person who changed own name to .. during a time when Sidney changed a name to Sidney SN. But a basic for change were a thoughts about Sidney SN way of a mixing. Probably there was an inspiration for a name but not for a mixing that is basic for Sidney SN.

In a start Sidney mixed a liquid drum and bass songs which he loved with a way inspired by Chilloutbear YouTube platform. 

I don’t think that a ‘mixes’ at Chilloutbear were a mixes. And because of it Sidney said to myself that no matter when a mix is not mix, but matter on a liquid drum and bass songs that Sidney love and that he wants in a set. 

For more times, I said that in a start I mixed liquid drum and bass for myself and because of it I wanted a set with my liked liquid drum and bass songs in a wannabe mix. 

I found Sidney - Memories of the Future and Sidney - Summer Dreaming and Small Liquid (Sidney Mix). I think that Small Liquid was on an old Sidney SN SoundCloud. And maybe someone knows about it.  

When I mixed during an end of 2022 Future Memories I thought about a thoughts that there were in a first Sidney mix Memories of the Future and in way the mix was mixed with a sense of Sidney mixing. 

And in a way, the Memories of the Future work that I had no idea that the memories of the future will work like it there.